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Tai Chi,good self-defense art or not?

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  • Originally posted by Drunken Munky
    hmmmm.... Japanese terminology..... Interesting
    Does it really matter, dude? Chances are, YOU are miss pronouncing the Chinese anyway

    Originally posted by BoarSpear
    'cmon now, knifethrower is screwing with you guys...
    I know and I guess I’ll quit

    And about jubaji…

    Originally posted by treelizard
    If only you would write in this amazing, eloquent prose more often!!!
    NO!!! DON’T WRITE LIKE THAT!!! I like it better when you call people “assjocky”


    • Dim mak is for dim wits....

      Tai Chi is over-rated for defense


      • Originally posted by 47MartialMan
        Tai Chi is over-rated for defense

        Over-rated? By whom?


        • Originally posted by jubaji
          Over-rated? By whom?
          by non ta chi artists and ultimate fighters


          • Originally posted by 47MartialMan
            by non ta chi artists and ultimate fighters

            They over-rate taijiquan?


            • Originally posted by 47MartialMan
              by non ta chi artists and ultimate fighters
              What??? I have not heard of a single ultimate fighter that praises Tai Chi.


              • People Today as opposed to say 1400A.D.

                I watched a show on the history channel where 5 of the top world, builders and designers got together to recreate a Roman aquaduct. They failed miserably.

                The Roman aquaduct only sloped at a 5 degrees drop overall or some crazy low number. The modern built one was at like 20 degrees and the modern equipment gauges and instruments, as well as building machines, couldn't replicate what a bunch of people with shovels and spades could do.

                My point is I don't think people are the same anymore. Structurally or mentally.
                So we don't move or think the same. People lived diffrent back then too. There were no cars or Wal-Mart so you had to "survive" then, not just exist. I think some people have a hard time with Tai Chi because it is more natural movements and people aren't used to moving that way that's where they have the most difficulty.

                Tai Chi means "supreme ultimate fist" ...Old Yang was called Yang the unbeatable. The chinese tend not to overexagerrate to much.

                But just for my own education..How may people here have actually put time in and studied Tai Chi as seriously as anything else you have studied. If you have studied Tai Chi for at least 2 years then by all means form an opinion post it here, I can respect that thought if you have tried this art.

                If you haven't studied Tai Chi please keep the opinions you garner from magazines you friends, T.V. and other forum members to yourself. I respect anyone who can look at something and try it then form an opinion...but if you're the types that "knows" something taste bad before you eat it then i can't respect an opinion grounded on "just because". If somebody else said so.

                There are some very useful and significant posters on this forum. they don't all agree with each other and thats great because then we get to see all sides of an argument and some funny verbal jabs and smilies as well.

                By the way I have studied for 5 almost 6 years now.


                • Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                  My point is I don't think people are the same anymore. Structurally or mentally. So we don't move or think the same. People lived diffrent back then too. There were no cars or Wal-Mart so you had to "survive" then, not just exist. I think some people have a hard time with Tai Chi because it is more natural movements and people aren't used to moving that way that's where they have the most difficulty.
                  Oh, fer cryin' out loud...
                  The history channel should have a control key on it to prevent numbskulls who draw sweeping, asinine conclusions from brief TV programs from watching.

                  Originally posted by boarspear
                  Tai Chi means "supreme ultimate fist" ...Old Yang was called Yang the unbeatable. The chinese tend not to overexagerrate too much.
                  Oh really? In which alternate universe do you live?

                  Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                  If you have studied Tai Chi for at least 2 years then by all means form an opinion post it here
                  How big of you to allow it!


                  • ????

                    Geez sorry for trying to talk about something besides rolling on the ground with a sweaty guy or MMA crap.

                    I would just like to have a discussion between people who want to talk about the same thing not a friggin rolly eyes smartass comment.

                    It's good to know i have a critic picking apart every single one of my posts and analogies. It's good to know where I go wrong in explaining things to people who know everything about everything but still seem to know nothing at all.

                    I am sorry you don't agree with me but unless you want to back up you smartass comments with something a little more substanial than your own personal insults at my intelligence, and maybe something intelligent yourself, maybe one of those elligant posts Treelizard loves so much that's still the exact same thing as your trade mark


                    I'm not here to ARGUE or FIGHT with anyone. i just want a discussion, so if all you're gonna do is pick at me I can always add you to my ignore list. I am sure you couldn't care less, good thing we're on the same page.


                    • Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                      Geez sorry for trying to talk about something besides rolling on the ground with a sweaty guy or MMA crap.:
                      Has there been a lot of such talk on this thread? Maybe I missed it.

                      Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                      I would just like to have a discussion between people who want to talk about the same thing:
                      No, you want to have your stupid-ass 'theories' validated. Get used to disappointment on that score, champ.

                      Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                      It's good to know i have a critic picking apart every single one of my posts and analogies.:
                      Don't write stupid things and you won't have anything to bitch about.

                      Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                      I am sorry you don't agree with me but unless you want to back up you smartass comments with something a little more substanial

                      You make it sound as if we are debating something serious and you are being abused for an opposing, but reasonable, view. You are claiming that human beings as little as a few hundred years ago are an alien species that we cannot comprehend and (I like this one!) that the Chinese do not exaggerrate in their history. Do not expect to be taken seriously when you vomit up nonsense like this.


                      • Originally posted by jubaji

                        You make it sound as if we are debating something serious and you are being abused for an opposing, but reasonable, view. You are claiming that human beings as little as a few hundred years ago are an alien species that we cannot comprehend and (I like this one!) that the Chinese do not exaggerrate in their history. Do not expect to be taken seriously when you vomit up nonsense like this.

                        I thought we were debating something serious? Tai Chi as self defense. If SD isn't serious to you why are you poke people, if so then by all means poke away and I'll ignore you.

                        Thank you for clairifying what "you thought' I said. i didn't say people from a few hundreds years ago were alien. i said they moved diffrent. You can't tell me if you look at a video from the 50's of people fighting say I don't know boxing, or even doing something as mudane as dancing, they move the same as people today.

                        The world didn't even look the same 100 years ago. It is built diffrent people have to move diffrent to function in it. As for the vomiting up nonsense thats your opinion thanks for sharing it.

                        I don't need my "therois validated" by anyone on an internet forum thanks. I have real life expierences to rate my ability and art on just like everyone else.

                        I want a discussion like your last post. It picked me apart but it was awsome and not just a smartass remark.

                        Jubaji i read this forum awhile befroe I posted and you seem highly intelligent. I'd love to have conversations with you. your input is actually very valuable when you want it to be. Thats all i was trying to get from you was why you thought what i said was crap.

                        Do you really feel Tai Chi sucks as an SD form?


                        • Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                          Do you really feel Tai Chi sucks as an SD form?

                          You said you read the forum before posting. Where have you ever seen me say that? Have you even read all of this thread?


                          • I have to know...

                            Originally posted by kingoftheforest
                            You can't tell me if you look at a video from the 50's of people fighting say I don't know boxing, or even doing something as mudane as dancing, they move the same as people today. The world didn't even look the same 100 years ago. It is built diffrent people have to move diffrent to function in it.
                            *oh, brother*

                            Does that really seem like a rational point of view to you?


                            • Originally posted by jubaji
                              *oh, brother*

                              Does that really seem like a rational point of view to you?



                              • Couter point

                                So jubs you seem to be the only person still being an intelligent couterpoint to this subject.

                                Just waht is it about Tai Chi you didn't like when you were learning it?

                                Give me some examples of what didn't work for you when you practiced it.

