He's not ready, dammit! The kid'll burn up, I tell ya!
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Tai Chi,good self-defense art or not?
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If you must use force, make it excessive.
Originally posted by jubajizz View PostThis from "watch your mouth" boy himself? Interesting.
anyway, like i said, people make mistakes, i made mine, i apologized, and no one else seems to be as bugged by my stuff as you, jubajizz. i'm sorry you're not man enough to handle it, or even handle an apology when someone's big enough to admit his mistakes. that and plus the fact that whatever i said never even amounted to half the meanness or crude and rude stuff that someone "great" like you have said throughout the entire forum. someone's made a mistake, said sorry to everyone, what more do you want? a fight? a battle to the death? you wanna pick a fight, go fight someone who's a real master then, because you and garland just love to show everyone you know everything.
grow up.
unlike you and garland, using classless vulgarities and mindless insults, that's just a whole lot better than me. yup. definitely you've both accomplished much more than anybody else.
Originally posted by Garland View PostNope...once again, you assume too much, ass. There are functional systems, and there are garbage systems. If somebody trains for their whole life in a garbage system...they'd be better off curling up in a ball, and will be worse for wear than if they hadn't ingrained all those bad habits into their muscle memory.
Functional, combative systems teach people how to fight, and moreover, how to survive and overcome physical situations. It's reflexive.
It IS the person and their tool kit.
If a person is a well conditioned athlete, has all of the physical attributes that make a good fighter, has good mental acuity, can adapt to a situation, and most of all- is extremely aggressive...they've got the deck stacked in their favor. SKILL will not always save your ass. Sometimes it comes down to who's the more malicious, underhanded, and quickest off the gun.
The easiest way to win a fight is to hit first and continue to hit without giving somebody breathing room. Even someone bigger. It's that simple...get there first, don't let up. Skill helps. But some people get caught up in the whole analytical track- the game plan goes away when you get hit, just like the old maxim says.
Originally posted by lucidmissed View Post
anyway, like i said, people make mistakes, i made mine, i apologized, and no one else seems to be as bugged by my stuff as you, jubajizz. i'm sorry you're not man enough to handle it, or even handle an apology when someone's big enough to admit his mistakes. .
Originally posted by jubajizz View PostIts great that you apologized, but that doesn't give you a free pass to be a hypocrite.
Originally posted by lucidmist View Posti think garland and jubajizz are a couple.
i'm sorry you're not man enough to handle it
unlike you and garland, using classless vulgarities and mindless insults, that's just a whole lot better than me. yup. definitely you've both accomplished much more than anybody else.
Originally posted by jubaji View PostYou must agree with me if its bothering you so much.
Oh, btw...
Originally posted by Garland View PostSeems like you're getting the hang of it just fine. Time to step off that high horse.
Originally posted by lucidmist View Postwow. such intelligent remarks. such an accomplished person who knows everything except to read properly. please. be your juvenile self or we won't recognize it's you. yes yes, that's what a forum is for. swearing, cussing, etc etc. glad we have you to show what class and knowledge is truly about!
I have been using the language I use for a long time on this forum. We have a tendency to do a great deal of linguistic horseplay, and bust each other's balls...you've been here for a month, and already you are the one telling everyone else that they are out of line?
Consider your position. If you are an educated person, you will climb on down from that faux ivory tower and tell me, directly, why my position is wrong and yours is right, before you come stumbling and slip from it.
And who is this "we" you refer to? Redrum, polecat, and yourself?
Why woud I value your opinions? So far you have contributed NOTHING except for a great deal of inane and round-about B.S. and bitching.
If you want to come to a forum to learn, ask questions. If you're coming to this forum with another intent- to inflate your own ego by spewing garbage- expect somebody to say something to put you in check. That's all I did.
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, certainly don't presuppose yourself to be the head chef.
I am taking this opportunity to lay down my arms and ask you directly-
WHY do YOU think I chose your post to respond to? What about it could have offended me?
Perhaps then, we can come to an antithesis, and understand each other's positions a little bit better. I want you to know where I am coming from...perhaps you'd like to clue me in as well.
Maybe this dialectic approach would suit you better than my usual coarse koine and casual style.
At this point, I'm trying...I'm being cool...let's see if you can do the same, or just respond with some lame personal attack.