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Tai Chi,good self-defense art or not?

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  • Originally posted by jubaji View Post
    This is disgusting. I've never read anything so offensive.
    I guess I'm burning out already. Don't worry jubs, I ain't trying to steal your fire.


    • Originally posted by kingoftheforest View Post
      I think just about everybody on this forum latley has forgotten this so at the risk of being booted for wanting to read good discussion on the ENTIRE forum.............

      Default Forum Rules
      The Rules of this forum are as followed.

      2. Inappropriate content will not be tolerated.
      3. Off Topic Posts will be moved or deleted.
      4. Spammers will be BAN without warning
      5. Stupidity, Idiocy, or hostility to towards any moderator or administrator will
      result in that member being BAN without warning!!!!
      6. Threats made to any member of the forum will result in that member being

      I will do this on my own, and will not even bother to consult Mr. Brewer or Mr. Mousel on this. I refuse to read childish nonsense spread throughout the forum.

      These rules maybe amended and applied retroactively at anytime by, any and all moderators or Mr. Mousel.

      If you must use force, make it excessive.
      Garland, jubajizz, you wanna continue attacking, that's ok man. hahaha, it's just becoming a funny daily joke man, you two.

      LOL. and you two jokes, read the above by kingoftheforest. we certainly didn't start any of that till you two "GREAT" people came in here. in any event, hostility, personal attacks and insults were never called for. to achieve what? to prove you are tough guys? great. you proved that. you're so "tough" on this forum. and ooh, but calling names and hurling vulgarities and insults the moment you step in definitely put you up there in the "knowledge" department. and definitely, you're in no position to judge whose post made no sense. but of yeah, you're the high and mighty who come in here to put people "in check". i forgot, i forgot. the forum police! you're doing a great job, copper!

      there is a reason why in any forum, rules like "no personal attacks" or "no insults" are laid. but you're just too much of a joke to understand why.

      and jubajizzabel, thanks for the attention just over one post, i'm sorry i have to reject you girl but i'm straight. you're barking up the wrong tree.

      thanks for the entertainment, clowns! this HAS been fun!


      • Originally posted by lucidmist View Post
        Garland, jubajizz, you wanna continue attacking, that's ok man. hahaha, it's just becoming a funny daily joke man, you two.

        LOL. and you two jokes, read the above by kingoftheforest. we certainly didn't start any of that till you two "GREAT" people came in here. in any event, hostility, personal attacks and insults were never called for. to achieve what? to prove you are tough guys? great. you proved that. you're so "tough" on this forum. and ooh, but calling names and hurling vulgarities and insults the moment you step in definitely put you up there in the "knowledge" department. and definitely, you're in no position to judge whose post made no sense. but of yeah, you're the high and mighty who come in here to put people "in check". i forgot, i forgot. the forum police! you're doing a great job, copper!

        there is a reason why in any forum, rules like "no personal attacks" or "no insults" are laid. but you're just too much of a joke to understand why.
        this is NOT a personal attack, this is me posing a question to you, and laying down my arms...I am now being CIVIL with you. I have decided to cease and desist...There is NOTHING in this post that is vulgar or coarse, and nothing intended to be an assault on your character. You HAVE no rights saying you deserve to be above reproach for any comments you made, I decided to jump on you for them, perhaps that was a little over zealous, but...I did. I will NOT apologize for my opinion...
        There is NOTHING in this post that would get me banned. You're certainly in no position to be judging...
        Note this- if you are going to attempt to take the highroad...stay on it. By calling jubaji names, you've certainly matched whatever so-called "insults" we've tossed your way.
        You are not special...if the rules you're trying to call down on us are sufficient to get US banned...they certainly apply to YOU as well.
        Perhaps the best bet for both of our respective camps to disengage before this escalates and somebody DOES do something that would warrant being banned. So far that line hasn't been crossed.
        BY THE WAY...note that I haven't engaged in any name calling...I simply stated that you didn't know what you were talking about. If that's so insulting to you, you want to ring the mods...maybe you should ring a shrink instead...that kind of egoisim can't be healthy.
        Um...yeah, I'm certainly not a very intelligent person...that's why I have to resort to sarcasm and bemoaning everyone else's behavior instead of defending my own diatribes, rants, and thinly constructed arguements.

        I have been using the language I use for a long time on this forum. We have a tendency to do a great deal of linguistic horseplay, and bust each other's've been here for a month, and already you are the one telling everyone else that they are out of line?

        Consider your position. If you are an educated person, you will climb on down from that faux ivory tower and tell me, directly, why my position is wrong and yours is right, before you come stumbling and slip from it.

        If you want to come to a forum to learn, ask questions. If you're coming to this forum with another intent- to inflate your own ego by spewing garbage- expect somebody to say something to put you in check. That's all I did.
        If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, certainly don't presuppose yourself to be the head chef.

        I am taking this opportunity to lay down my arms and ask you directly-
        WHY do YOU think I chose your post to respond to? What about it could have offended me?

        Perhaps then, we can come to an antithesis, and understand each other's positions a little bit better. I want you to know where I am coming from...perhaps you'd like to clue me in as well.

        Maybe this dialectic approach would suit you better than my usual coarse koine and casual style.

        At this point, I'm trying...I'm being cool...let's see if you can do the same, or just respond with some lame personal attack.


        • Originally posted by lucidmist View Post
          Garland, jubajizz, you wanna continue attacking, that's ok man. hahaha, it's just becoming a funny daily joke man, you two.

          LOL. and you two jokes, read the above by kingoftheforest. we certainly didn't start any of that till you two "GREAT" people came in here. in any event, hostility, personal attacks and insults were never called for. to achieve what? to prove you are tough guys? great. you proved that. you're so "tough" on this forum. and ooh, but calling names and hurling vulgarities and insults the moment you step in definitely put you up there in the "knowledge" department. and definitely, you're in no position to judge whose post made no sense. but of yeah, you're the high and mighty who come in here to put people "in check". i forgot, i forgot. the forum police! you're doing a great job, copper!

          there is a reason why in any forum, rules like "no personal attacks" or "no insults" are laid. but you're just too much of a joke to understand why.

          and jubajizzabel, thanks for the attention just over one post, i'm sorry i have to reject you girl but i'm straight. you're barking up the wrong tree.

          thanks for the entertainment, clowns! this HAS been fun!

          LOL! Thus exposed, the headcase is really coming unhinged!

          Too easy.


          • and you talking about heat in the kitchen, about me making personal attacks, speak for yourself cos that was all you guys did right from the onset. you only know how to blame others, how to say i did this or that, whining about me calling you guys names. look at yourselves and at what you started. you did it all to me for no good reason. i did nothing like that at the beginning, and if you wanna trigger something then YOU end up being unable to take the heat, too bad. anyway, this is not a cooking class, no need to have heat. you wanna start a fire, go join the boy scouts.

            if my opinions or my posts were wrong, or misguided, everytime i posted, i did add something like "i'm not very experienced, so just some thoughts". for little things like that, you started saying we sucked in life, calling me names and saying i sound like this and so and so. what was that for? i claimed nothing! i always did say that i wasn't an expert, and always did say i could be wrong, so advice me. if you're so knowledgeable and great, go hold an exhibition. don't waste your time over my trivial posts here. over-zealous? you were talking like a thug from the beginning, and there was no need for that, least of all in a supposed "mature discussion". if you truly wanted to share knowledge or help something, going all out by saying people "suck" and that people think they're masters of this or that, when I never even once claimed i was a master of anything. by doing that, you're the ones claiming to be the know-it-all's! so what was all that assumption for? in all my posts, even when i mentioned how i got out of my fights, i NEVER once said it was cos i was good. i attributed it to my luck, and how i don't even wanna pick a fight because i really am not a fighter. i've been to the police station one too many times, i have been locked away for awhile for violence and near killing someone, I REALLY DON'T WANT THAT. I've NEVER said i was good at fighting!

            ah. you guys are just those who wanna kickstart trouble the moment you see an opportunity just to assert your positions to try and get attention to yourselves that you know plenty. guess what, if you know nothing, i'm not interested, and if you know something but can't add constructively except insult people the moment you see something you don't like, i truly don't give a damn about you. and if you're so "holier than thou" and high and mighty, then my trivial posts shouldn't be of any importance to your esteemed selves.

            you dislike my posts, you can tear my posts down, part by part. i don't care. but insulting my character right from the start was unnecessary because even from my very first post, i was assertive, but i did not insult anyone. unlike you.


            • first off, my opinions on taichi were not assumptions. i'm no expert, but i did use it in combat! i fought many fights to know that although i could defend myself and get home alive, it didn't toughen me that much, and as such, i said in my previous posts that no way a taichi guy can hold up against a good muay thai guy, because MOST (not all) taichi training are missing the combat element. i don't know about a well-trained combat taichi guy though, because like i said, i certainly am not one. i did see my teacher spar with muay thai guys and boxers who came to join our class, and brought them down very easily. that's why i spoke about stability, footwork and balance, because he knew how to use those to his advantange. he didn't even have to move around much from his original position! but i also did add that maybe those muay thai and boxing guys weren't really that good, that was why he could beat them. but maybe he could have beaten the good ones too, i don't know. and man, if you need me to outline that in our previous posts we were not talking about a bedridden muay thai guy or boxers, then you're missing a sound common sense.

              secondly, i near killed my officer during my army days when he outweighed me by about a hundred pounds. i don't know how i did it, i'm not saying i'm good at fighting even. a group of my army buddies tried to hold me back, they were all bigger than i was, but i dragged them along and swept them away before grabbing my bayonet and near plunging it into my officer. that was when they arrested me and locked me up. i don't know where i got my strength from because although i did lift weights, it was nothing near the bodybuilding type or conditioning that boxers go through. my only consistent form of physical training was the seemingly "weak" taichi, and i'm no fighter! i was freaking lucky my army buddies were witnesses to the whole thing and testified against the officer, got him demoted and got me a light one.

              thirdly, no matter how many times i went through fights in the streets, somehow i knew where punches and kicks were coming from, and i could either dodge or deflect them in time. OF COURSE I GET HIT. i'm saying most times i could save myself and avert the vital ones aimed for my head and groin/leg areas. i don't know how because i really don't know how to even start a fight! i just stand there, wait, and when they attack me i just naturally know where to turn, where and when and how to defend and return hits. but i know my striking power is not enough because i never trained much in consistent punching! that's why i said i was lucky nobody was persistent enough to keep pushing the fight or bring out knives! and i did say, had those guys continued, i would've lucked out because my strength and stamina wouldn't have lasted! i never once said i was a good fighter, all my opinions were based on what i went through! and i kept emphasizing i wasn't good at fighting, just lucky i never met the really tough opponents!!!

              and about analyzing the video techniques, man i was just talking about it being farfetched and if you read what i wrote completely, i was talking about the specific bits and saying the techniques were BS because it wasn't practical at all! that i know from experience, but i also did say maybe i just didn't experience enough fights and i don't want to! but technique talk is far from rubbish because i have used my palm many many times to catch and block punches instinctively. i know logically many people will say it shouldn't work and that it should hurt, but i don't know why or how i always managed to block the punch and get away with it without any pain. but i never tried it on a knee attack! I DON'T KNOW HOW I DID IT AND I'M SAYING CLEARLY, I'M NOT A GOOD FIGHTER OR MASTER OF ANYTHING. If i was lucky, i want to be even luckier in that i wouldn't have to go through another fight or see another cop cos of another scrape that i was cornered into.

              my family's so worried that before i step out of the house, they have to consistently remind me and call me after to check and ask me not to get into fights. i don't start fights but somehow people see me as weak and try to start something. i'm learning to walk away because i really don't want to hurt my family anymore.

              i just used to have a very bad addiction to participating in illegal fights that a group of us held. we don't taunt or challenge people into it but request, invite or ask strangers and friends if they wanna participate. we had no clue how to referee or judge, so we let the fight go free-for-all. we didn't know that in a match, if someone fell, the person standing was supposed to back off, so we always let the fights continue. i've never trained in anything other than taichi and briefly in something called "khong chang" (cma) but i always could hold my own. i LOVED the adrenalin rush too much and i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVED the feeling of my fists connecting on someone and slamming my full body into him. the elbow connecting, watching them flail helplessly trying to grab on to anything they can, like my shirt and tearing it and digging their nails into my arms when they can't hit me. but up till this very minute, i am saying it very clearly that i am NOT NOT NOT a good fighter. i'm not strong, my stamina is bad. but i need to say these because what i posted was based on everything i had went through. and since i was a kid, i had a very high threshold for pain. before i understood what martial arts was about, i always made my brother and cousin hit me with metal bars. they'd pummel me with fists and strike my shins and forearms with metal bars while i blocked, but i'd always feel little pain. my mother (before she went missing) used to strangle me as a boy and drag me down flights of stairs by my hair and hit me with rods and belts but i never felt much pain. i had a 2-inch wide knife stab, a few gashes, before and a head stitch from a metal gate but even that didn't hurt. not during, not after. plenty of blood but no pain. so i can say alot depends on willpower too. but now i'm scared of all these things. SCARED. with family depending on me, kids around, i really really don't want to go through anything else cos of fighting outside!

              as of today, martial arts remains interesting to me because i've always been fascinated with it. in the variety of styles and techniques and training systems. but i am not one made for fighting, and i am sick of the police hauling me away and having to see my family sad/hurt/angry. my grandma passed away worried about me, i'm already old, i am not interested in trouble. the funny thing is, i NEVER was interested in trouble.


              • i was nearly a crazy person back then. before i went to bed every night, i thought about various ways to block or attack. i'd stay up till way past 4am - 5am just trying out different ways to avert attacks and launch attacks. throughout the day, over and over in my head i would see different ways and methods of fights from start and finish, not practical but just obssessed with all these thoughts. once i'm home, i'd pick up various sized rods i have in my room and start striking my own shins and forearms. that was all before i even knew about muay thai or how people trained to fight. and i had a habit of tossing a 15-pound dumbbell and catching the handle with the base (near the wrist) of my open palm when it landed, without closing my hand into a grip, cos i realized that worked my forearm even more than gripping exercises or tossing and catching it with a closed grip. somehow catching the dumbbell with the open palm added a little more strain to my arm, and forced my concentration. yes, 15-pound dumbbell tossing is weak and you can probably do much better, but i never said i was strong. but i never lost a handshake battle although i can't win in most arm wrestling matches. there are more obssessed people than me, that's why i don't want to meet someone crazier. he'll kill me.

                i never wanted to share all these things i did before because they were stupid, inconsequential, unimportant and foolish. and i know you'd be quick to comment "yes spare us the boring details" or that "it's rubbish and unimportant trash" or heck, you might even just say "you're right, it's rubbish". nothing useful or practical for anyone but at least whatever little knowledge i had from those experiences, were what i posted up. the reason why i've never mentioned anything was because millions of people went through worse hell than i ever did, so no one's gonna be interested in my life. heck, even i'm not interested in my life! if you wanna say "you're right, no one's interested", go ahead. i know no one is. i'm not either! i just wanna have a simple life without trouble!

                you can drown in my boring life events, scorn them and whatever, but my posts were based on what i went through. taichi calmed me down alot to the extent that i knew when to stop hitting instead of my usual non-stop crazy pounding even when the man stopped fighting. but man, i never said i wasn't afraid. the moment i see cops arrive, i always felt my world crumbling down. i was never a tough guy. many people are tough enough to handle such things. i never could. not when i could see the faces on my family members. the look of despair that there was nothing they could do to save me, and the look of disappointment they had in me afterwards. i wish i was a tough guy to handle all these things, but i wasn't born a "tough guy". i still am not.

                i'm not a good fighter, i'm a hypocrite, not strong, not tough, weak for fearing trouble, i suck in life, my posts are moronic and a waste of time, i'm egoistic, call it what you will. heck, i can foresee you quoting this paragraph just to get a kick. do it. you guys are that predictable. and i'm sure you're predictable enough to definitely launch another insulting and sarcastic reply. that's what you do only.

                i just want a simple life. one can try to be the toughest person around, but ultimately, we have to answer to the law, to our own conscience, and to God.


                • and don't worry, if you want me to leave this forum, i get the message. you can rejoice that you "won" this little internet fight. three cheers for you two internet forum "champs".

                  and add another wiseguy crack or sarcastic remark or insult to this. you're that predictable.

                  i've unsubscribed to this thread, put you both on ignore. i won't be able to read your posts and receive any notification emails. you're definitely ecstatic, so glad i made your day.


                  • talk about out of touch with reality...

                    Whoa...this nut has gone further off the deep end than I expected...


                    • Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                      Whoa...this nut has gone further off the deep end than I expected...

             be honest, this dude's got me a little freaked out. I don't have time to read this right now, I skimmed it...I'll come back to it tomorow...but- jesus...somebody flipped the **** out.

                      Martial arts may not be this guys answer, maybe anger management and some serious psychotherapy. I'm kind of concerned for the people around this guy- timebomb.

            , if you're still around...if your FAMILY is worried about you getting into fights at the drop of the hat- if you've HAD this much trouble in the past, even to the point where law enforcement has been involved...maybe there is something drastically wrong with the way you communicate with people, or perhaps the way you respond to people.

                      Take a deep breath and relax, ok...nobody here is calling you out, or looking to hurt you. There is no need to be so anxious.

                      It's the fucking internet. Ok. Chill. Maybe you should listen to my advice...take it should do something about your temper, and your reasoning.

                      I don't know you- this ISN'T an assault on your character- it's well intended advice. Take it for what it's worth.


                      • Come on guys lets all chill out....

                        Lucidimist - don't get too deep man. It's a fun forum that I don't take too seriously. People have their opinions and most of the people on here have posted nonsense (including me).

                        Garland and jubajii - chill dudes. If we all keep on like this, this website won't have any members left

                        Now let's go get a beer


                        • Red Rum, exactly, it was all small technique talk - for fun. and for that, i was criticized as sucking in life, egoistic, called a moron and many other names, when they don't even know me at all. those weren't opinions. they didn't have opinions on what was talked about in martial arts. they immediately launched personal and insulting attacks. was all that necessary?

                          looks like they were the ones taking it all a little too seriously to have reacted the way they did upon seeing my posts.

                          and i apologize to you and the other members for my last few extremely long posts (i'll ask the administrator to delete them). and for retaliating the way i did, degrading myself to their level. my mistake there. i don't say i've experienced more than many people in martial arts or fighting, but for what i did go through, my initial posts were valid, according to my experiences, but i never once said it was based on everyone. that is why forums are created - to share your own experiences. not for insulting people just cos you see something you don't like or don't agree with. you can debate on the posts, that's fine. but starting by insulting the people posting are downright unnecessary. a happy tag-team too. and most of the other sections i went to, they were attacking people and causing such rifes unnecessarily.

                          i can't see whatever they've posted this time round, and i don't intend to. they can spew whatever they want.

                          and note to jubaji and garland - there is NO insult nor sarcasm nor personal attack in this post of mine. the only way i could stop myself launching yet another attack back on you two was to put you on ignore so that i wouldn't be able to read your posts. i've already done my part to maturely end this. see if you can do the same. if you can't even stand this, then i tell you, attempting another insult on a forum proves nothing. if you want to prove you're better, or give yourselves the right to tell people to shut the "F" up, to keep people "in check" (like you said), or that you know more than others since you've dismissed many posts as rubbish and many members as morons, then go to the streets, challenge a few guys bigger sized than you every day, no rules, no referee, life and death, and write back when you're done. and even having done that all a million times, no one still has a right to make personal attacks and insults at anyone, cos you'll never know what that individual has really gone through, and that what you think you know, may be wrong.

                          if my very first post was that harsh for you, man, you should see all your own posts. i was replying to those posts that gave remarks like "bruce lee is shit he's a fake he's crap" and "taiji is trash it's shit it's crap". plain mindless dismissals with no constructively backing comments. my response may have been too forward, but i sure didn't start by "you f**king morons, get the f**k out you suck in life" and blah blah blah while adding nothing constructive. and i've already relented first already, by toning down the way i posted after that, that means i already gave in. but still, that was not enough for you. you just wanted to push it to the extreme. you can go on doing it, but like i said, i've done my part in making your posts non-readable to me. up to you if you wanna kick something up again.


                          • Originally posted by Red Rum View Post
                            The only difference is that I might take a few evil b*stards whilst I'm doing it
                            Would you take yourself out? y'a know since you're an evil bastard and all


                            • Originally posted by lucidmist View Post
                              Red Rum, exactly, it was all small technique talk - for fun. and for that, i was criticized as sucking in life, egoistic, called a moron and many other names, when they don't even know me at all. those weren't opinions. they didn't have opinions on what was talked about in martial arts. they immediately launched personal and insulting attacks. was all that necessary?

                              looks like they were the ones taking it all a little too seriously to have reacted the way they did upon seeing my posts.

                              and i apologize to you and the other members for my last few extremely long posts (i'll ask the administrator to delete them). and for retaliating the way i did, degrading myself to their level. my mistake there. i don't say i've experienced more than many people in martial arts or fighting, but for what i did go through, my initial posts were valid, according to my experiences, but i never once said it was based on everyone. that is why forums are created - to share your own experiences. not for insulting people just cos you see something you don't like or don't agree with. you can debate on the posts, that's fine. but starting by insulting the people posting are downright unnecessary. a happy tag-team too. and most of the other sections i went to, they were attacking people and causing such rifes unnecessarily.

                              i can't see whatever they've posted this time round, and i don't intend to. they can spew whatever they want.

                              and note to jubaji and garland - there is NO insult nor sarcasm nor personal attack in this post of mine. the only way i could stop myself launching yet another attack back on you two was to put you on ignore so that i wouldn't be able to read your posts. i've already done my part to maturely end this. see if you can do the same. if you can't even stand this, then i tell you, attempting another insult on a forum proves nothing. if you want to prove you're better, or give yourselves the right to tell people to shut the "F" up, to keep people "in check" (like you said), or that you know more than others since you've dismissed many posts as rubbish and many members as morons, then go to the streets, challenge a few guys bigger sized than you every day, no rules, no referee, life and death, and write back when you're done. and even having done that all a million times, no one still has a right to make personal attacks and insults at anyone, cos you'll never know what that individual has really gone through, and that what you think you know, may be wrong.

                              if my very first post was that harsh for you, man, you should see all your own posts. i was replying to those posts that gave remarks like "bruce lee is shit he's a fake he's crap" and "taiji is trash it's shit it's crap". plain mindless dismissals with no constructively backing comments. my response may have been too forward, but i sure didn't start by "you f**king morons, get the f**k out you suck in life" and blah blah blah while adding nothing constructive. and i've already relented first already, by toning down the way i posted after that, that means i already gave in. but still, that was not enough for you. you just wanted to push it to the extreme. you can go on doing it, but like i said, i've done my part in making your posts non-readable to me. up to you if you wanna kick something up again.



                              • Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                                Would you take yourself out? y'a know since you're an evil bastard and all
                                Did Spawn kill himself?

                                I aim to take the other evil guys out and then someone will finish me I am sure
                                Hopefully a busty brunette..

