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Tai Chi,good self-defense art or not?

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  • Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post

    You might also be interested in knowing it's just YOU who has problems with paper bags. Since all your "wrestling" to get to your lunch makes your fingers too sore to type maybe you could ask your mommy not to roll the tops down so tight on the bags.

    That was pretty damn weak. I'm sure you had a nice theory about what you wanted to say, but again you can't actually do it.

    Btw, good job putting me on ignore. Was that just another theory too?


    • Originally posted by jubaji View Post
      That was pretty damn weak. I'm sure you had a nice theory about what you wanted to say, but again you can't actually do it.

      Btw, good job putting me on ignore. Was that just another theory too?
      Weak? Sorry but passing insults isn't my specialty, it's yours. I commented several times that when I wanted to laugh at you, I'd take you off ignore, actually I don't I just click "read the class clowns post", and what do you know, there it is.

      Plenty to say as usual just nothing on subject, c'mon hotshot slam Boar again, you know the guy who served his country with distinction in the Navy and has been vetted and recommended by Police officers, SWAT members and their trainers,the PMC's who guard the American Embassy in Iraq as well as any number of soldiers from various services, what do you do again? Oh yeah, you claim you wrestled in college and studied Tai Chi in a park.


      • Originally posted by TTExcrement
        Weak? Sorry but passing insults isn't my specialty

        Ok, what is your specialty?


        • Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
          I commented several times that when I wanted to laugh at you, I'd take you off ignore

          In other words, you're full of shit.


          • Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
            c'mon hotshot slam Boar again

            Ok, he's a shameless, self-obsessed egomaniac whose greatest ability is attracting weak-minded cult sheep like you to feed his comic book fantasies about himself.

            How's that?


            • Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
              you claim you wrestled in college and studied Tai Chi in a park.

              Yeah, I guess so. How 'bout you? What sports were you involved in when you were in college?

              As for the park, if you had ever been to China you might realize just how many people train, exercise, etc. in parks all over the country everyday. Not so unusual, really. Why don't you go see for yourself? No, you probably won't will you?

              Do you want to know more things you haven't done, Theory Boy?


              • look at jubaji the school teacher, still talking about his idol boarspear. he obviously cant stop thinking or talking about boarspear. i dont know who the "school teacher" loves more, me or boarspear as he has grown obsessive about the both of us.


                • Let's break it up.

                  Jubs - Boar is a very reputable instructor in the TCMAs and in tactical skills as well. Calling him theory boy is hardly the truth; he comes from a family rooted in the above things and has been involved in both for a long time.

                  TCMAs are taught differently than wrestling and this is evident by comparing two students from both arts within say one years training - but with the kind of focus that Boar emphasizes, I believe that his students probably catch up quick and are well balanced, in alot of different areas.


                  • You may be right, I can only go by what I've seen of him (and his simpering acolytes) here.

                    And so far...

                    ...shit and arrogance

                    Gotta call 'em as I see 'em.


                    • Originally posted by jubaji View Post

                      Gotta call 'em as I see 'em.
                      Well that certainly explains everything.


                      • ...................................



                        • Originally posted by jubaji View Post

                          Yup, I've read your posts in the CMA forum and you're the equivalent of the chick who yells "Touchdown!!" at a baseball game when it comes to the CMA's.

                          Chen Tai Chi class for waigouren

                          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                          • Another great theory, Theory Boy.


                            • Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                              Another great theory, Theory Boy.
                              Thats rich from someone who hides from the world and avoided military service, you're the definition of a theory boy. I've got 20 plus years dealing with real world violence up close and personal as a Navy Master At Arms, Boar has even more experience, the only one here full of untested theory is you college boy, sack up and join the military and put your theories to the test JR.


                              • LOL! I knew it was coming, I just knew it! Leaving aside how inappropriate it is to use reference to military service on this day of all days to make up for the fact that you can't win an argument or justify your shitty attitude:

                                does military service make one a CMA master? If it does, there ought to be a lot of 'em around.

                                If it doesn't, then your empty rhetoric is offensive and nothing else.

                                does military service mean you can then sit on your ass and theorize for the rest of your life and do nothing and still demand to be considered a MA master?

                                If it doesn't, then your empty rhetoric is offensive and nothing else.

                                does service in the Navy, as important as it is, have any inherent connection to mastery of CMA such that the one proves the other?

                                If it doesn't, then your empty rhetoric is offensive and nothing else.

                                Trying to use military service to cover for the fact that your 'MA' has never seen the light of day outside of Boring's basement only cheapens what you would try to hide behind.

