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Tai Chi,good self-defense art or not?

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  • What about putting each other on IGNORE?

    I mean this is all well and good (fun and entertaining) but it's looking more and more like I should start locking threads?

    Back to your respective corners gentlemen...

    The topic was WHAT again???


    • Taiji: good self-defense or not?

      Here's a few clips from the Master Wong Series -

      Tai Chi Chuan Master using taiji CombatSubscribe for more videos, click here: the full playlist, click here: https://w...


      • Originally posted by jubaji View Post
        You may be right, I can only go by what I've seen of him (and his simpering acolytes) here. And so far......shit and arrogance
        Gotta call 'em as I see 'em.
        The thing about some TMAs is that alot of what you don't see is what keeps the art alive.

        The original WW2 style combatives were influenced by Traditional Chinese and Japanese martial arts.

        During the Vietnam era, nobody except a handful of people (US Marines and SOF operators) actually witnessed Taekwondo/Hwarangdo used in combat back in the 60's and 70's. The only tangible evidence we have today are reports written by officers and operators who witnessed the exchanges first hand, whom have had no gain in writing the report, except following their orders.

        I'd wager that alot of what some stylists here have done is unseen and still the real deal. Sure there are occasional trolls on here who make claims - but Boar is not one of em.

        Jubs, your wrasslin' background and experience is public and definitely proven, but different than the kind of work Boar does.

        We're talkin' yin and yang.


        • Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
          Taiji: good self-defense or not?

          Here's a few clips from the Master Wong Series -

          YouTube - Tai Chi Self-Defence

          YouTube - Grand Ultimate Fist Tai Chi Combat
          Well it's a major improvement over Yellow Bamboo but he's using too much external force and striking poses. Tai Chi needs more people teaching the fighting applications but I'm not sure people propping their Tai Chi up with Shaolin applications is the answer.

          TY, I like your sigline, have they hit you will all of it yet? Fast is slow, slow is smooth, smooth is fast, sounds like Tai Chi.


          • Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post

            Jubs, your wrasslin' background and experience is public and definitely proven, but different than the kind of work Boar does.

            We're talkin' yin and yang.

            I've never said there weren't different arts and different types of training. But things like "Pfff! I laugh at those professionals on TV. They wouldn't last a minute on da street!" or "I can move so fast the human eye cannot follow me!" or "Too deadly for the ring/street/any practical use except killing someone who crosses me even though I've never actually done that" or "You just wouldn't understand it man!" are all bullshit that I will not hesitate to call every time.

            That's all.


            • Martial Edge Meets Chris Crudelli - Tai Chi Fighting

              YouTube - Martial Edge Meets Chris Crudelli - Tai Chi Fighting


              • Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                I've never said there weren't different arts and different types of training. But things like "Pfff! I laugh at those professionals on TV. They wouldn't last a minute on da street!" or "I can move so fast the human eye cannot follow me!" or "Too deadly for the ring/street/any practical use except killing someone who crosses me even though I've never actually done that" or "You just wouldn't understand it man!" are all bullshit that I will not hesitate to call every time.
                you are wrong again professor, as some of those statements can actually be said by some and still be completely true. like for example, i really can move fast enough to were the human eye just cannot keep up. im just that good.


                • I heard him refer to MOVING YOUR BODY out of the way...

                  Reminds me of taisabaki... The turning and redirecing s4et up for the throw...

                  Good judo.


                  • Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                    But things like "Pfff! I laugh at those professionals on TV. They wouldn't last a minute on da street!"
                    Show me where Boar said that, sure he pointed out all the famous dead MMA guys who died trying their skills on the street to make a point about ring vs reality but show me anything like your claim. You're making shit up to distract from the fact you're a poser who got exposed.

                    Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                    or "I can move so fast the human eye cannot follow me!"
                    Show me that claim from Boar as well. I was there when a guy who runs a boxing/MMA gym come out, Boar put his hands behind his back told the Boxer to put his hands up and defend himself, Boar asked him if he was ready then boar hit him, The boxers wife was like WTF!!?? "do that again!" So Boar did, later the same guy tried to surprise Boar by shooting to clinch while Boar was just hanging out talking and Boar spearhanded him in the throat and dude stopped in midair like he had air brakes LOL. Members of this board who came to check Boar out said this about his speed
                    Originally posted by knifethrower View Post

                    I went to his house and I saw this…this…this evil magic.

                    Okay, I don’t like to brag…I use to but, I grew out of it. Let me just go back to being a cocky kid for just a moment. I’m fuking fast, quicker that lighting and I’ll fight a man in a phone both and he still won’t touch me. In all honesty I have seen people faster then me ( while playing basket ball games) and I had to back off a bit and play back so I didn’t get burned. However, for the most part NOBODY IS FASTER THAN ME!!! I went to Florida and met Nobody…I didn’t meet Boar because NOBODY MOVES THAT FAST!!!! BURN THE WITCH!!! BURN THE WITCH!!!

                    All jokes aside, this shit can really fuk with your head. If you have a chance, you should play with some of this. I’m not as quick as the cocky kid in me would like to think but I’m pretty fast…but I’ve NEVER been burned that bad before and I’ve been up against REALLY quick guys. The cool thing is, given a little time, I‘ll be doing this too

                    Thanks dude you cleared some things up
                    A very well respected member of several other boards who is/trains SWAT and SF came out to check out Boar and had this to say "Boar has some serious skills and I would put him in the top five most dangerous men I have ever met no matter what the discipline. His hands are sticky like a tree frog."

                    Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                    or "Too deadly for the ring/street/any practical use except killing someone who crosses me even though I've never actually done that" or "You just wouldn't understand it man!" are all bullshit that I will not hesitate to call every time.

                    That's all.
                    More total BS and lies from you, Boar has survived several knife assaults and been shot and has the scars and records to prove it, just because he didn't post those experiences on a board where people like you claim to use suplex's during knife assaults doesn't mean he doesn't have the experience it just meant he saw the BS on this board and didn't waste his time swapping stories with the likes of you. Just so you know JR people who actually have taken a life have more respect than to blather about it on a forum, especially in order to validate a discussion with someone who thinks a suplex is a viable defense during a knife assault.

                    C'mon poser back up your fucking lies.


                    • Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
                      Show me where Boar said that, sure he pointed out all the famous dead MMA guys who died trying their skills on the street to make a point about ring vs reality but show me anything like your claim. You're making shit up to distract from the fact you're a poser who got exposed.

                      Show me that claim from Boar as well. I was there when a guy who runs a boxing/MMA gym come out, Boar put his hands behind his back told the Boxer to put his hands up and defend himself, Boar asked him if he was ready then boar hit him, The boxers wife was like WTF!!?? "do that again!" So Boar did, later the same guy tried to surprise Boar by shooting to clinch while Boar was just hanging out talking and Boar spearhanded him in the throat and dude stopped in midair like he had air brakes LOL. Members of this board who came to check Boar out said this about his speed

                      A very well respected member of several other boards who is/trains SWAT and SF came out to check out Boar and had this to say "Boar has some serious skills and I would put him in the top five most dangerous men I have ever met no matter what the discipline. His hands are sticky like a tree frog."

                      More total BS and lies from you, Boar has survived several knife assaults and been shot and has the scars and records to prove it, just because he didn't post those experiences on a board where people like like you claim to use suplex's during knife assaults doesn't mean he doesn't have the experience it just meant he saw the BS on this board and didn't waste his time swapping stories with the likes of you. Just so you know JR people who actually have taken a life have more respect than to blather about it on a forum, especially in order to validate a discussion with someone who thinks a suplex is a viable defense during a knife assault.
                      hahaha, people say things like that about boar, and then jubaji here is only known for being the guy most likely to be m**t b***e. thats so great. i cant get over it.


                      • Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
                        I heard him refer to MOVING YOUR BODY out of the way...

                        Reminds me of taisabaki... The turning and redirecing s4et up for the throw...

                        Good judo.

                        Tai Chi is full of wrestling and throws, Tim Cartmell says Tai Chi is 90% wrestling, Boar sticks to the classics distinction that there are 3 types of attacks so he teaches its two thirds grappling one third striking.

                        YouTube - Tim Cartmell Standing Grappling DVD (sample)


                        • Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                          hahaha, people say things like that about boar, and then jubaji here is only known for being the guy most likely to be m**t b***e. thats so great. i cant get over it.
                          Neither can Jubaji hence his resurrection of Boars old threads and his constant attacks on his students.


                          • Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
                            Tai Chi is full of wrestling and throws, Tim Cartmell says Tai Chi is 90% wrestling, Boar sticks to the classics distinction that there are 3 types of attacks so he teaches its two thirds grappling one third striking.

                            YouTube - Tim Cartmell Standing Grappling DVD (sample)
                            is that tai chi standup techniques and jiu jitsu newaza combined??


                            • Originally posted by DickHardman View Post
                              is that tai chi standup techniques and jiu jitsu newaza combined??
                              Among things, Tims a Shuai Chaio stylist as well a BB in BJJ.


                              • convenient

                                Originally posted by TTEscrima View Post
                                Boar has survived several knife assaults and been shot and has the scars and records to prove it, just because he didn't post those experiences on a board ...

                                Yeah, there we go...

                                "Oh by the way..."

                                Not that I'm surprised people would want to stab or shoot such a prince of a fellow...

                                How 'bout you?

