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Fear Factor

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  • #16
    HandtoHand you seem to be missing the point of these discussion forums.. We are not here to get criticised by others but to try and further our martial art eductaion! Instead of being so full of yourself why don't you show some humility and respect to the other martial artists on this forum. To say that you do not feel fear when entering a confrontational circumstance shows a severe lack or appreciation for your own life and the life of others. As you have intimated that you are "very" good, then at the very least you should be aware of the damage that you can apply or inflict on another and if you are a decent human being the taking of life (which you must be capable of doing seeing as you are so good) should be something that you fear!

    I think the famous line is what is the difference between a Coward and a Hero?

    The Coward gives in to fear
    The Hero deals with it!


    • #17
      Originally posted by HandtoHand

      Okay as far as the decent human being part goes; I think I'm going to cry, thats so poignant. Anyways some people are born being mean and others are shaped into being mean by circumstances and events, and typically those who've been shaped are far better at it. I'm usually a nice guy, and i am careful (depends huge ammount on circumstances) not to seariously hurt my opponent; mainly because or legal reporcussions. Although i must concede that it does give me pleasure to see other humans in pain.

      "As I walk through the valley of death I shall fear no evil, because I'm the meanest SOB in the valley" USMC

      I've started to ramble so I'll stop while i'm still ahead.
      Non-Christian? Slight misanthropy?

      Considering you are 16 and really into guns and blowin' stuff up, I'd say you should talk to a Marine/Army recruiter as soon as you get the chance unless your goal is to go postal Columbine style.

      You need a healthy outlet or serious help amigo.

      Take care,


      • #18
        H2H I would hate to say it but you are exactly the type of person who I would refuse to teach Martial Arts to.


        • #19
          Originally posted by johnzag
          H2H I would hate to say it but you are exactly the type of person who I would refuse to teach Martial Arts to.

          Its good to know there is still some QC in MA.


          • #20

            If I had to use what I have learnt to save my life or that of someone I loved then so be it. But let me say in no way would I glorify or enjoy the fact that i could and would inflict a great deal of pain onto a person in that situation. It would be a regretable situation induced by my would be opponents personal circumstances or stupidity.

            Unfortunately when you have spent some serious time in the martial arts and have achieved a high ranking e.g. a black belt and have people beneath you who look upto and respect you and your opinion. You have a social obligation to insure that what you are teaching is utilisied only in the correct situation.

            Remember all good Martial Artists will preach that the skills that they have learnt are for SELF DEFENSE only. Anyway lets hope that we all are never placed in a situation where we need to use what we have learnt.



            • #21
              Well if you can preempt that things may turn nasty how about extracting yourself from the situation instead of striking first. However I will conceed the point if you have no where to go striking first may be your only real option however this should only be as a LAST RESORT.

