Well I just want to hear experiences in the street.
Luckily there are only few robbery I encounter and never been victimized but I seen it in action. In this country there is always a chance you get to fight people. Rich or poor, fat or thin, foreigners, squaters, and gangsters. The thing here always is scaring one another most of the time. Through weapons, influences, and groups.
And many fight in groups especially if there is a revenge from a recent quarrel. Any of you encountered the following? The knowledge of an arnisador is crucial in defending oneself along these streets.
Luckily there are only few arnisadors that bully people around so most that I encounter are just tough ass people without knowledge in the art who just want to feel like kings in the town. Most tough people are the squaters. They feel that they are the ones getting oppress. Rich people are the most influence and mostly knows martial arts. Foreigners usually feel like Filipinos are not good at fighting and that are coward which they are totally wrong especially if there is an icepick pointing in the neck. Gangsters are a tough crowd some are a mix of different social status of people some are into fraternity. Fraternity people in the philippines are the most difficult crowd to deal but only few among them looks for trouble which is usually led to frat war.
Here in Manila most common weapon you will found in the streets are icepicks. A very difficult weapon to deal with. I consider this weapon even more hard to deal with knives. Why? Because you can use a wood to stuck a knife but an icepick you can't it will slipped to you.
Gunfights are not so common but if you got a gun point at you, you have done something really wrong. Most guns related incidents are usually due to just pointing and scaring and usually not intended by the suspect to use. However best defense is a gun.
Luckily there are only few robbery I encounter and never been victimized but I seen it in action. In this country there is always a chance you get to fight people. Rich or poor, fat or thin, foreigners, squaters, and gangsters. The thing here always is scaring one another most of the time. Through weapons, influences, and groups.
And many fight in groups especially if there is a revenge from a recent quarrel. Any of you encountered the following? The knowledge of an arnisador is crucial in defending oneself along these streets.
Luckily there are only few arnisadors that bully people around so most that I encounter are just tough ass people without knowledge in the art who just want to feel like kings in the town. Most tough people are the squaters. They feel that they are the ones getting oppress. Rich people are the most influence and mostly knows martial arts. Foreigners usually feel like Filipinos are not good at fighting and that are coward which they are totally wrong especially if there is an icepick pointing in the neck. Gangsters are a tough crowd some are a mix of different social status of people some are into fraternity. Fraternity people in the philippines are the most difficult crowd to deal but only few among them looks for trouble which is usually led to frat war.
Here in Manila most common weapon you will found in the streets are icepicks. A very difficult weapon to deal with. I consider this weapon even more hard to deal with knives. Why? Because you can use a wood to stuck a knife but an icepick you can't it will slipped to you.
Gunfights are not so common but if you got a gun point at you, you have done something really wrong. Most guns related incidents are usually due to just pointing and scaring and usually not intended by the suspect to use. However best defense is a gun.