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Pekiti and Dekiti Tirsia

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  • #16
    Pekiti Tirsia, Dekiti Tirsia, it doesn't matter, see for yourself.

    Seminar in Rio end of April

    and the one of the boys, I started training them in 1986, and here's their video.

    The next 5 Day Instructor Training Program in Va. Beach, VA Sept 8 -13, 2006 & March 23-27th 2007


    • #17
      See your yourself, Pekiti Tirsia, Dekiti Tirsia, SinaTirsiaWali

      Seminar in Rio end of April

      and the one of the boys, I started training them in 1986, and here's their video.

      The next 5 Day Instructor Training Program in Va. Beach, VA Sept 8 -13, 2006 & March 23-27th 2007


      • #18
        Originally posted by MasterKaliSilat View Post
        During our work together I saw the development and growth of PT from other systems, in that Tuhon stayed in the house of GM Dionisio Canete from around October to May of 1979 when he returned with the 'Sagong lebo, lebo sagong, we all said wow. But I found it to be direct from Doce Pares,...

        I remember on another board, it was suggested that PT got its knife skills from Doce Pares, can you enlighten us on the relationship of PT Knife if any?

        aka Black Grass


        • #19
          Did not hear about that, but do know that PT Knife

          reply to:Vince
          aka Black Grass[/QUOTE]

          (This from P. Greg Alland: The PT skills were shared by the Sayoc system, from the father, Bo Sayoc, I arrived during the training, circa 1974, as I recall.

          Although Tuhon stayed with GM Canete from November of 78 to April or May 79. During that time I believe that GM Dionisio did not share with PT this part of it, but that Tuhon Gaje, changed the knife drills to rely on the late hand, that is the one across the body, around 1984ish. I tested several people from Florida and they had no way to answer the counter taps.

          I later questioned Leo on this on the 38th Street corner near his seminar in NYC around 1988 or so. I found the change to be unacceptible. I still utilize the methods taught by GM Bo Sayoc in their knife tapi-tapi system. You can see for yourself in our DVDs on Knife 2, where I still utilized the older method of training, but rely on the Doce Pares methods GM Dionisio Canete shared with me around 1984ish.

          To say the least, GM Dionisio Canete's knife is so fast it made my head spin. In addition, I had no way to even hold the knife in front of him, it came out of my hands like magic!

          regards Greg


          • #20
            And now gentlemen and ladies, we have SinaTirsiaWali, the rendering of what is the best concept by combining a simple practice of any martial arts would be included. It's not what you know, it's not what I know! It's only can you stop me? Or can I stop you, not matter what?! Jerson had it as, "not matters what", Leo had it as, and I quote, "Greg we have to call what you are doing as something. And the two of us put our heads together and I suggested, how about SinaTirsiaWali, since everything is sinawali anyway, it made sense. Later, Leo Gaje, Jr. added his email to it.

            From: Leo Gaje, Jr.
            Dear Greg, Greetings: Thanks for your e-mail. I wish you also good health and many more years of your dedications you will be rewarded in due time. You have all the reason to communicate directly to me because between you and me we had the beginning and that beginning was not enjoyed by anybody. Whatever, the result of many years of absence, the foundation of our relationship was more than anything else. Actually, many got jealous of you because they wanted to get close to me as you were close to me. Billy had this notion that he can be close to me to grab the opportunity. but that is not the end of the philosophy and the culture which is ours.

            Actually Greg,we have no differences, it is just because of some greed that comes between us that made someone took the opportunity. No matter what you do the elements of the things you do comes back to me and that is the thing you cannot forget neither i will disown that. As a matter of fact the pekiti-tirsia Germany/ Europe is the fruit of your labor and the blade fighters, Guild of Tom Sotis.

            So, remember that when things are to be reckoned with, what ever happens we can still continue our relationship like the old, old days. We are already matured and responsible enough to realize that forgiveness is the price of happiness and of course your skill to propagate the art as an FMA must be recognized. This November is the biggest event in the Philippines. Now the government recognize the importance that the art will help the economy of the country and because of this we spearhead the movement by having the WORLD KALI GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP, SPONSORED BY THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT, DEPT. OF TOURISM , ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES AND THE PHILIPPINE SPORTS COMMISSION.

            I want you to be present because the President of the Philippines and the many dignitaries will attend the event. Tom Sotis will be the Chairman of the Knife fighting division. Awards will be given and promotions will be given personally by the President of the Philippines. Her Excellency Gloria M Arroyo and the SEc. of Tourism Richard Gordon. You come because I will present to you your official authority of the SINATIRSIAWALI and your special award for the 30 years of hard achievement in the promotion of the FMA. I have the power to elevate your credibility so that the world will recognized you as the true master of the art.You know Greg it is about time that you can lead the changes in the United States in so far as the true practices of the art, because of your ability to encourage people and your skill to win friends and influence people.

            Sooner we will be in the world sports, and I want you to be with me wherever and whenever we make the world go round. If I can bring others to go with me into the highest pedestal of achievements, why can't I bring you when had made sacrifices with me in new York and many places. I only want people who can stand before anyone and fight. One thing you will not find Billy under my blessings. Check this link out Greg Alland Fights - with Dan Insosanto in the background. And, this blog: SinaTirsiaWali Kali-Silat


            • #21
              Thank you for your kindness, regards, Greg Alland


              • #22
                You are welcome, please do take the time to visit our website for more detail and testimony on the system we continue to study and practice with very simple principles, "Kali is not a fighting skill, you don't really want to fight with someone with a weapon, you want to go the finish right away." So the principle is simple, "Can you stop me? Or Can I stop you no matter what!?" When I introduced this philosophy to Jerson he developed his own saying, "not matters what". Either way the best defense is a good offense, period. I've proved to many well know practitioners in Kali and other arts that you can not defend what you don't know, but you can attack anyway you want, if you've done the practice it comes to, "I can stop you or you stop me!"


                • #23
                  Ok there's seems to be much ado about nothing, take a look at the DVDs I have of Nene and the original Pekiti Tirsia of Leo, which the name was changed to Pekiti-Tirsia around the early 80's when he began showing only the four wall part of the system without footwork. As a matter of record, three of my students attended his program 2 or 3 years ago, and were reprimanded for showing the original footwork that is included in his original Pekiti Tirsia as show on the DVD. As for Jerson and the Dekiti Tirsia he has shared with us is also a matter of record, although when I worked with him in private, he well, you know, his skill level was different in my opinion, since we both knew the stuff over a period 30+ years and of course the skill level of two developed individuals becomes more of a give and take, yet his philosophy is not shared as is the SinaTirsiaWali concept: "Can you stop me? Or can I stop you? Remember this is not a fighting skill, Kali Silat is a finishing skill. You really don't want to be in a knife fight, you want to finish your opponent, period!

                  Both systems are clearly shown in Dekiti Tirsia DVD (A) by Jerson Tortal himself, and DVD (F) by Greg Alland, for the Pekiti Tirsia and it's the original 64 attacks that he cleverly put together as a single form, and the footwork is included here too. Please visit Kali Silat New for more and visit Testimony From Those That Know Me & Have Worked With Us. for the details of my background with Leo in 1974. And you can see for yourself be my guest at any class, and the next 5 day instructor candidate program is in Bradenton, FL March 30th to April 3rd, 2011 or email me to get together at a better time for you, regards, Greg Alland
                  Last edited by MasterKaliSilat; 12-02-2010, 09:20 AM. Reason: missed material


                  • #24
                    Greetings from Bradenton, Dave, nice to see you're still working the system. But I must disagree with you, Leo doesn't teach the system anymore, he only teaches the first 5 attacks and prohibits the footwork. He reprimanded two of my guys that attended his program about 2 years ago. As for Dekiti Tirsia, it's only a small part of what is real in his system, yet Leo has given me the authority of promoting the system we call Sina-Tirsia-Wali. See Testimony From Those That Know Me & Have Worked With Us. for his email to me awhile back. Dekliti Tirsia was the original name that became Pekiti Tirsia, and later was named Pekiti-Tirsia, since I own the domain name as and all in all, some of these guys insist they are masters but walk around without the ability to stop an opponent since they have not been practicing what they preach. Master, master everyone is master, me, I'm a student with a simple philosophy, "Can you stop me? Or can I stop you, no matter what! If they teach this as a fighting skill, it's quite incorrect this is a finishing skill. We choose not to fight, but finish an opponent. Taken the philosophy from me, "Nene" now says “not matters what”, and he has rescinded my promotion, saying he never gave that to me. I hate to tell you what happened when we were alone together, as for Leo, he insists "There's no footwork here." See Kali Silat New

                    By the way, if you really are interested in the material and not the politics I suggest the following: DVD A, DVD F. You'll see the entire material as taught originally to us by these two instructors. You can see a description at Kali Silat New


                    • #25
                      Hubud-hubud came straight out of Doce Pares, it was introduced to me in 1977, and to everyone of us there, and Leo introduced it to everyone on his return from Cebu in 1979 - he spent time there in preparation for the first international tournament. I don't recall the exact dates. But much of what we learned in Doce Pares was, 'The Original Birth Home of Kali Silat. In Cebu the stick became the training tool and was regarded by the Spanish as Escrima, so the maters there referred to it as eskrima, since there was no K in Spanish. Check out GM Canete's DVDs introduction to Eskrima, and advanced Espada Y Daga. My eyes were opened in Cebu, they took my stick like candy from a baby, threw me down to the ground, ready to finish me off. Cebu is where it all began, and around the corner I was introduced to the Bilintawak. Regards, Greg PS: I suggest a trip to Cebu or anywhere in the Philippines, you really get a good eduction there, tell them I sent you.

