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Atienza Kali projectile training

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  • Atienza Kali projectile training

    New projectiles clip in the public vid gallery guys. Check it out.
    I was doing some projectile training and decided to put it on video.
    Filmed in the garage.

    -left and right hand half spin throws from draw
    -left and right hand full spin throws from draw
    -half spin throws from draw, left hand loading
    -full spin throws from draw, right hand
    -full spin throws, underhand
    -behind the back half spin throws
    -combo throws, projectiles on the run

  • #2

    Very nice, indeed
    you display mad skillz
    the behind the back joint looked like
    a basektball pass, are you from da hood.
    cuase you got skillz....
    peace out


    • #3
      Thanks BrotherD.

      Was never too good a B-ball...

      But I did grow up in Jamaica, Queens...

      Behind that back of the most important projectile throws for mass attack.


      • #4
        What kind of trainers did you use? Is the spin based on distance from target?


        • #5
          I used standard AK knife trainers.

          Spin does depend on distance..but you can also adjust the spin depending on the situation.

          For instance throwing a full spin throw at half spin range...meaning you would have to intentionally over rotate by a half spin.


          • #6
            just a question... where the **** can i learn this... that shit was crazy.... know anyhone who teaches that in around hamilton ontario canada?.. that shit is fucking sick.


            • #7
              yes Queens

              Ok then, I see mad sweet yo'
              I will start practicing, but would love to get with you for some down home style. They say that the real reconize the real, and if ain't real then let it be.
              Peace to you and your Brothers,
              yah give a cat much to think about...
              oh by the way do you have any trainers bolo's joint I think
              left, if you have like two left I like to take then off of your hands.


              • #8
                Thanks samuraiguy for the response....glad you liked it.

                BrotherD...just hit the site. we can take care of you.


                • #9
                  are you like the... atienza guy.. like you own it or just one of the students there... cant really tell from your signature... that is super fat though... I wonder where i cna learn to throw knives like that... or get knives for that. Any suggestions?.


                  • #10
                    I am one of three Chief Instructors in the Atienza Kali system (my family system). The other two are my brothers..they can also throw like that.

                    in fact we train all of our students to throw their knives, swords etc....standard curriculum.

                    Very important skill to have as a blade fighter....especially in mass attack.

                    I usually use a wood plank and metal throwing knives when I train but plank was really chewed up. So I used a folded cardboard box for a target but the metal throwers fly right through them.

                    So what you finally saw was a cardboard box for a target and aluminum trainer daggers as throwers.


                    • #11
                      Thats definetly sick, throwing the knives like that... im gonna try and find out how to do that. You've inspired me! haha... thanks for the info.


                      • #12
                        Let the knives slip from your hands...try not to force them to rotate (for now). The rotation starts when the knife leaves your hand.

                        Just to start you off


                        • #13
                          K thanks ill take that into account, if the knives rotating though wouldnt approximately half of them end up hitting with the handle? or is that just a really stupid comment lol, everytime ive thrown things rotating thats been the case


                          • #14
                            No thats not a stupid question... Thats how you start thinking about it.

                            It will clear up more when you start to train it..


                            • #15

                              I'll pop in on the site, But can Guro Bong (I hope I spelled his name right)
                              bring them to the fight club tonight or next Thursday.
                              Since I'll be there training and wacthing LOL...

