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Filipino Street fighting weapons

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  • Filipino Street fighting weapons

    I have browsing thru this thread but I haven't heard or seen anyone discuss anything about Filipino street fighting weapons. They are very effective and very compact. I have recently seen a post about Projectile training. I thought it would involve Filipino street fighting weapons, but it was only knife throwing.

    Here are some examples of the Filipino street fighting weapons.

    1. Indian target
    2. white rabbit
    3. dalobdob
    4. pugsak

    Hand weapons:
    1. Pitsakurno
    2. tres kantos
    3. Ice pick

    There are more but these are the more popular ones

    I would also like to ask if anyone would be interested in buying some Filipino street fighting weapons.

  • #2
    And with the evolution of the art let us not forget:

    Beer Bottles
    Cell Phones



    • #3
      Originally posted by bahotae
      I have browsing thru this thread but I haven't heard or seen anyone discuss anything about Filipino street fighting weapons. They are very effective and very compact. I have recently seen a post about Projectile training. I thought it would involve Filipino street fighting weapons, but it only knife throwing.
      That's because most FMAers here beleive that everty thing is a weapon. Concealing a real one is too much of a hassle and putting one into play so much more so.


      • #4
        The Indian target or Indian Pana. Is one of the most if not the most effective Filipino weapon. It can kill a person as far from 50 ft. away. Same with the White Rabbit a White rabbit projectile can go thru a human body. These are the real Filipino weapons simple and very effective.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bahotae
          1. Indian target
          2. white rabbit
          3. dalobdob
          4. pugsak

          Hand weapons:
          1. Pitsakurno
          2. tres kantos
          3. Ice pick

          There are more but these are the more popular ones
          Popular in which parts of the P.I.? Can you describe what they look like? Or post some pictures? Thanks.


          • #6
            Hello All!

            I agree with Crucible please post a few pictures or a good description on these weapons when possible.

            As for another cool projectile, throw the Cold Steel Torpedo! I have launched it right through several 2 X 12 inch pieces of wood! Lost my last one after it went through the target and somewhere into the woods behind my house!

            Guro Steve L.


            • #7
              These weapons are popular all over the philippines usually in urban areas like Tondo. Most are said to have originated in prisons. They are usually used by street gangs, prison convicts, Fraternities, squatters and other lowlifes.

              Indian Target: The projectile is usually made of 1/4" diameter and 6" long iron bar. The tip is pointed with with as many as 5-6 barbs but one barb will suffice. The barbs are designed to tear your flesh and intestines open when you try to pull it out. The other end of the ironbar is the flight for stabilty. The flight can be made out fo anything eg. Chicken feathers, Broom straw, drinking straw etc. The tip can also be laced with poison.

              White Rabbit: The projectile is made of lead almost shaped like a bullet tip also has a flight.

              Sorry no pics.

              Anyone whose from the Philippines knows what I'm talking about.


              • #8
                Do you know how they make a "sulpak"?


                • #9
                  Yes what caliber do you want?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bahotae
                    I have browsing thru this thread but I haven't heard or seen anyone discuss anything about Filipino street fighting weapons. They are very effective and very compact. I have recently seen a post about Projectile training. I thought it would involve Filipino street fighting weapons, but it was only knife throwing.

                    Here are some examples of the Filipino street fighting weapons.

                    1. Indian target
                    2. white rabbit
                    3. dalobdob
                    4. pugsak

                    Hand weapons:
                    1. Pitsakurno
                    2. tres kantos
                    3. Ice pick

                    There are more but these are the more popular ones

                    I would also like to ask if anyone would be interested in buying some Filipino street fighting weapons.
                    bay bahotae, gipangita mo kono ako ? ako si Lao-Lan FMA, bisaya ka sad ba ?

