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empty hand against weapons

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  • #16
    Originally posted by cfr
    ....I assumed that because IMO 90% of you're answer indicates that running is where its at. That to train defense against a knife is a waste of time....

    ....But my purpose in training is to learn what to do when I cant escape, not to train in escaping itself.

    Play with knives, you'll soon learn what works and how easily we bleed. Most agressive and deadly attacks are shank type (reverse grip) ambushes. Parry, slip, duck, footwork and evasion skills, counter attack, angles of attack, distance and timing, cadence, rhythm, generalship, and experience... sheesh dude, you think none of that will help you get by that guy with a knife? You could easily kill him with his own knife and you wouldn't even need to take it out of his hand... (shove it in his armpit) Joint locking and hand strength are good too...The more you "die" training the better prepared you will be to survive the real thing.


    • #17
      Hey Bodhi

      I wasn’t referring to anything you said bro, only just stating my thoughts on this topic. But as you bring it up, people who are faced with this situation unprepared often turn and run as ludicrous as it seems. When Charles Manson’s cronies killed Sharon Tate and the others with her that is exactly what happened- they all turned and tried to make a run for it. Sadly they all died. It is true that those who run regularly and are in reasonable physical shape respond to the adrenal rush in a more positive way than those who don’t. Unfortunately many instructors will just echo the advice from other people they have heard (with very little research to back up giving the advice in the first place) say “If you can’t run, you can not defend against a weapon empty handed.” Let me say that this is no easy task at the best of times, but we need to all prepare for the worst-case scenario. Everything is situational and nothing is absolute!

      Take care and keep training hard



      • #18
        I appreciate all of your telling me you weren't being offensive. I can dig it.

        I train for fighting reasons really. I train because..well.. training is fun. Exertion feels great. I like camraderie, and a bunch of people that fight together have it. It's constructive, and it's simply great.

        I just want to choose a gym that can make it all work, and in all ranges, and very, very well. A gym that gives me the opportunity to problem solve and find real solutions that work with my build and tendencies and talents. Because if I'm going to do this, it may as will give me real world benefit. I mean, the beauty is not just in what it looks and feels like, the beauty is in it's usefulness..and the raw honesty of it's application.

        So, no, don't just train running away and escaping. Because fighting is great fun, and that is the best reason to do it. It has nothing to do with guys on the street. But choose an applicable method should the guy with the knife ever pop up in life.

        And B, don't just train running away, because like everyone is saying, people haven't always been able to run away. Even athletes. Like these people have pointed out, sometimes the family is there. One could also be cornered. The most dangerous attacks come from a criminal mind that uses ambush tactics, and his ambush isn't going to leave room to run, and he's not going to let you easily escape - that particular mind won't. So, we train fighting for when we can't run. And, I guess, for when we don't want to run. Sometimes a guy is tired of being pushed around.


        Thanks for asking, cause that's not what I meant.


        • #19
          Trust me Bodhisattva, if I could train at a Straightblast type of place, Id be there tomorrow.


          • #20
            Right on. I can dig it. I feel the same way.

            You can always pack up and move to Portland. That's what I'm doing.

            Also, that post up there should have said "i DON'T train for fighting reasons, really"


            • #21
              Originally posted by Tant01
              ... sheesh dude, you think none of that will help you get by that guy with a knife?
              No, I dont think that. Im also not one who thinks "it will work because someone said it would".


              • #22
                Originally posted by bodhisattva

                Also, that post up there should have said "i DON'T train for fighting reasons, really"
                which post?


                • #23
                  "I train for fighting reasons really. I train because..well.. training is fun. Exertion feels great. I like camraderie, and a bunch of people that fight together have it. It's constructive, and it's simply great."

                  I meant to type "I don't train for fighting reasons, really."

