What exactly is this style?Its recognised as the philippine's most lethal unarmed system,Is it true?Do anyone has idea about the techniques used in this system.
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Filippino Kickboxing -Yaw-Yan
I had a very short stint with Y.Y. a few years back. Here are my thoughts.
The art closely resembles a blend of Muay Thai and Korean Tae Kwon Do. The kicks are very flashy and depend on a lot of conditioning and flexibility. The art, like Muay Thai, has punches (most notably the Bolo punch, which is a Filipino version of the standard hammerfist), knees, and elbows. There is a lot of training in flexibility, using ballistic, bouncy stretches...which in my opinion are damaging to the joints (I just learned it from experience). The fighters are very motivated and tough...no different from the Muay Thai fighters I trained with in Bangkok. I had the honor of meeting the founder Napoleon "Nap" Fernandez...who even in his senior years, is still a tough bastard ;-)...can't help but love that. The fighters I met in Yaw Yan were all very disciplined, but friendly.
Yaw Yan labels itself as the most lethal self-defense system. I disagree. No system is the "ultimate". This is just the result of overhyped marketing to get people to train in the art. This is not to take anything away from the style or its founders...virtually every Filipino martial artist in the PI has the "my style is the best style" mentality. Personally, I'd stick to Muay Thai. If you want Filipino empty hands, find a Pekiti Tirsia Kali school...they got a good comprehensive empty hands curriculum.
Yaw Yan fan
I really like Yaw Yan alot! I appreciate the style more for it's unique exotic appeal as a full-contact fight sport. I feel the same way when I watch Savate matches. What Savate has in grace as a full-contact sport, Yaw-Yan bears not only power but also a sense of uncanny visciousness in it's speed and combinations.
Daniel Arola
Originally posted by danjuandesigaI really like Yaw Yan alot! I appreciate the style more for it's unique exotic appeal as a full-contact fight sport. I feel the same way when I watch Savate matches. What Savate has in grace as a full-contact sport, Yaw-Yan bears not only power but also a sense of uncanny visciousness in it's speed and combinations.
Daniel Arola
Is there a place here in Houston to learn or where i can find learning material on this art? It's pretty sad i'm pinoy and i haven't even heard of this type of M.A. I'm a beginner at M.T. and have heard about this from a former classmate (i say former b/c i haven't practiced in a while due to old injury)
By the way i recognized your name b/c i've seen you in some emails from the Houston kali group...Thanks in advance for the info...
yaw-yan combat
i had chatted with a lot of Pinoys.nd none didnt have any information about this art.I have found in net that yaw-yan is devided in to two,yaw-yan sports and yaw-yan combat.But dont know how these two differ.May be combat style have filippino dumog and panantukan blend with it.Do anyone have any idea about this?
how the kicks of Yaw-Yan differant from that of Muaythai?
Originally posted by Infinite1Hi Dan,
By the way i recognized your name b/c i've seen you in some emails from the Houston kali group...Thanks in advance for the info...
There was only ONE person I knew in Houston that had actually trained at the Yaw Yan Temple as a kid in Manila by the name Rommel Agra. He told me tons of stories about how they train. It was fascinating! From Rommel, I learned how to do one of their "riskier" kicks. The Scorpion Kick. That kick sure requires lots of flexibility. I only really know of only one YawYan affiliated school in the US, and I heard it's up in Chicago somewhere.
I am that same person who originated the (formerly known as) Houston_Kali_Stickfighting yahoogroup. The name has changed now into http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DAMAG_Kali_Stickfighting ... The site still contains the same material.
Daniel Arola
(Daniel Arola Martial Arts Group)
Yaw-Yan Kicks
The basic kicks which is given in the Yaw-yan website is very similar to Sikaran kicks whch is in the Nubreed martial arts webste.(http://groups.msn.com/NubreedMartial...63984036249281).It is given like this
Sikaran Filipino art of Kicking
The Filipino art of kicking as I was taught has 40 fundammental kicks, they are divided into 3 categories Front- Side- and Back . There are 3 types of Filipino kicks snapping, thrusting, snap-thrusting. Advanced students were required to be able to execute 55 kicks, which include advanced complex kicks. Here are the 55 kicks of The Filipino art of Sikaran as taught to me.
A. Front kicks (Sipa)
1. Snap
2. thrust
3. Snap thrust
4. Heel snap
5. Downward thrust
6. Outside scooping
7. Inside scooping
8. Forward scooping
9. Outward slash
10. Inside slash
11. Upward slash
12. Downward chop
13. Forward chop
14. Vertical chop
15. Horizontal
16. Roundhouse heel
17. Roundhouse shin
18. Roundhouse snap thrust
19. Side snap
20. Inside leg scooping
21. Outside leg scooping
22. Forward roundhouse
B. Side Kicks
1. Side Snap
2. Side thrust
3. Side stomping
4. Ridge
5. Ridge snap
6. Side ridge
7. Leg scoop
8. Ridge instep
9. Ridge ball
10. Outside slash
11. Inside slash
12. Roundhouse heel
13. Roundhouse snap
14. Roundhouse snap-thrust
15. Sadang roundhouse instep
16. Sadang roundhouse ball
17. Sadang roundhouse heel
18. Sadang roundhouse slash
C. Back Kicks
1. Back snap kick
2. Back thrust kick
3. Back kick chop
4. Tadyak-Sakong shin
5. Tadyak-Sakong ball
6. Tadyak-Sakong heel
7. Tadyak-Sakong slash
8. Dakot (scoop)
9. Dakot, (scoop) chop
10. Circular
11. Straight back kick
12. Rear upward chop
13. Rear snap
14. Rear downward slash
15. Back chop
Only two or three kicks are differant.May be ,Yaw-Yan is derived from sikaran,not from Thai boxing and Taekwondo.
Small World?!?!
Originally posted by danjuandesigaThere was only ONE person I knew in Houston that had actually trained at the Yaw Yan Temple as a kid in Manila by the name Rommel Agra. He told me tons of stories about how they train. It was fascinating! From Rommel, I learned how to do one of their "riskier" kicks. The Scorpion Kick. That kick sure requires lots of flexibility. I only really know of only one YawYan affiliated school in the US, and I heard it's up in Chicago somewhere.
I am that same person who originated the (formerly known as) Houston_Kali_Stickfighting yahoogroup. The name has changed now into http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DAMAG_Kali_Stickfighting ... The site still contains the same material.
Daniel Arola
(Daniel Arola Martial Arts Group)....Thanks again for the info it's very much appreciated!
Originally posted by Infinite1Come to think of it I might even know Rommel...If i'm not mistaken he and his brother Lloyd are the senior students over at Kru Pong's Muay Thai in Houston
It IS a small world....
Daniel Arola
Originally posted by RapidAssault16I had a very short stint with Y.Y. a few years back. Here are my thoughts.
The art closely resembles a blend of Muay Thai and Korean Tae Kwon Do. The kicks are very flashy and depend on a lot of conditioning and flexibility. The art, like Muay Thai, has punches (most notably the Bolo punch, which is a Filipino version of the standard hammerfist), knees, and elbows. There is a lot of training in flexibility, using ballistic, bouncy stretches...which in my opinion are damaging to the joints (I just learned it from experience). The fighters are very motivated and tough...no different from the Muay Thai fighters I trained with in Bangkok. I had the honor of meeting the founder Napoleon "Nap" Fernandez...who even in his senior years, is still a tough bastard ;-)...can't help but love that. The fighters I met in Yaw Yan were all very disciplined, but friendly.
Yaw Yan labels itself as the most lethal self-defense system. I disagree. No system is the "ultimate". This is just the result of overhyped marketing to get people to train in the art. This is not to take anything away from the style or its founders...virtually every Filipino martial artist in the PI has the "my style is the best style" mentality. Personally, I'd stick to Muay Thai. If you want Filipino empty hands, find a Pekiti Tirsia Kali school...they got a good comprehensive empty hands curriculum.
yaw yan has dominated the martial arts community in the philippines throughout the 60's and the 70's. it is safe tp say that when i watched yaw yan fights when i was a kid in th philippines agianst thai boxers, it was an amazing sight to see a yaw yan kickboxer dance around a thai boxer and beat the living S&*t out of him!!! i loved yaw yan from the moment i saw it. i stopped practicing yaw yan 5 years ago because our family moved to houston. my uncles were disciples of emiliano zapata (The pride of yaw yan with 103 undefeated bouts until today). they taught me the full aspects of yaw yan and i am telling you.........it is freakin brutal!!!! you leave training in alot of pain but it is worth it!!!! when i moved here in houston, i got picked on by some hispanic thugs and tried to take my shoes but man!!! i was lucky i had yaw yan experience.
i am not saying these things to say that yaw yan is better than all of the martial ats styles, but only saying that when people talk about something they don't know.....kinda ticks me off.
I hate a shoe thief...
Originally posted by RICEPUFFDADDYi know the whole "most lethal martial art" is a little wack but the evidence of recorded fights of yaw yan kind of labels yaw yan as a very dangerous style.
yaw yan has dominated the martial arts community in the philippines throughout the 60's and the 70's. it is safe tp say that when i watched yaw yan fights when i was a kid in th philippines agianst thai boxers, it was an amazing sight to see a yaw yan kickboxer dance around a thai boxer and beat the living S&*t out of him!!! i loved yaw yan from the moment i saw it. i stopped practicing yaw yan 5 years ago because our family moved to houston. my uncles were disciples of emiliano zapata (The pride of yaw yan with 103 undefeated bouts until today). they taught me the full aspects of yaw yan and i am telling you.........it is freakin brutal!!!! you leave training in alot of pain but it is worth it!!!! when i moved here in houston, i got picked on by some hispanic thugs and tried to take my shoes but man!!! i was lucky i had yaw yan experience.
i am not saying these things to say that yaw yan is better than all of the martial ats styles, but only saying that when people talk about something they don't know.....kinda ticks me off.
Originally posted by RICEPUFFDADDYi know the whole "most lethal martial art" is a little wack but the evidence of recorded fights of yaw yan kind of labels yaw yan as a very dangerous style.
yaw yan has dominated the martial arts community in the philippines throughout the 60's and the 70's. it is safe tp say that when i watched yaw yan fights when i was a kid in th philippines agianst thai boxers, it was an amazing sight to see a yaw yan kickboxer dance around a thai boxer and beat the living S&*t out of him!!! i loved yaw yan from the moment i saw it. i stopped practicing yaw yan 5 years ago because our family moved to houston. my uncles were disciples of emiliano zapata (The pride of yaw yan with 103 undefeated bouts until today). they taught me the full aspects of yaw yan and i am telling you.........it is freakin brutal!!!! you leave training in alot of pain but it is worth it!!!! when i moved here in houston, i got picked on by some hispanic thugs and tried to take my shoes but man!!! i was lucky i had yaw yan experience.
i am not saying these things to say that yaw yan is better than all of the martial ats styles, but only saying that when people talk about something they don't know.....kinda ticks me off.
Welcome to Houston! Would you be interested in teaching Yaw Yan...I dunno if you've read earlier posts but i am interested in learning! TIA in advance for the input
Originally posted by Infinite1Welcome to Houston! Would you be interested in teaching Yaw Yan...I dunno if you've read earlier posts but i am interested in learning! TIA in advance for the input
hey man what people say about yaw yan online might not be true.....how did you hear about yaw yan???
anyway.....e-mail me at macdaddyx25@aol.com
we gots to talk
Originally posted by RICEPUFFDADDYyea man what part of houston do you live in???? i live in south houston so you know.....
hey man what people say about yaw yan online might not be true.....how did you hear about yaw yan???
anyway.....e-mail me at macdaddyx25@aol.com
we gots to talk