Originally posted by kalari
i do not know what you mean about yaw yan combat, is it a fighting style??tell you the truth.....i was taught yaw yan....thats all they called it so i dont know how to answer your question....sorry man....tell me more about it.
i was never taught any grappling but read about yaw yan ardigma..... my uncle told me about it. it is specifically made for mixed martial arts fighting for example :UFC.
my uncle never taught me WHY it was called ardigma...the only thing he told me was that grandmaster nap produced it.
the yaw yan taught to me was striking aspects and whatever I learned from the teacher or in my case my uncle, you must perfect to use in the streets.....i was lucky to have a relative as a teacher because im usually shy to ask a non-relative teacher to help perfect techniques.
when i say perfect....i mean keep doing until it becomes and instinct to just move without thinking.
i hope i answered your question man...if not mah bad....but keep talking about it