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Filippino Kickboxing -Yaw-Yan

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  • #16
    Originally posted by kalari
    hi rickpuffdaddy
    can you share your knowledge about the street fighting aspect of Yaw-Yan,Itz called Yaw-Yan Combat,and about Yaw-Yan Weaponaries and Grappling.
    the only yaw yan weaponries taught to me were balisongs and solo baston style arnis.....
    i do not know what you mean about yaw yan combat, is it a fighting style??tell you the truth.....i was taught yaw yan....thats all they called it so i dont know how to answer your question....sorry man....tell me more about it.

    i was never taught any grappling but read about yaw yan ardigma..... my uncle told me about it. it is specifically made for mixed martial arts fighting for example :UFC.
    my uncle never taught me WHY it was called ardigma...the only thing he told me was that grandmaster nap produced it.
    the yaw yan taught to me was striking aspects and whatever I learned from the teacher or in my case my uncle, you must perfect to use in the streets.....i was lucky to have a relative as a teacher because im usually shy to ask a non-relative teacher to help perfect techniques.
    when i say perfect....i mean keep doing until it becomes and instinct to just move without thinking.

    i hope i answered your question man...if not mah bad....but keep talking about it


    • #17
      More input pare'!

      Originally posted by RICEPUFFDADDY
      i loved yaw yan from the moment i saw it.
      - my uncles were disciples of emiliano zapata -.
      they taught me the full aspects of yaw yan and i am telling is freakin brutal!!!!
      you leave training in alot of pain but it is worth it!!!! -

      i was lucky i had yaw yan experience. -

      i am not saying these things to say that yaw yan is better than all of the martial ats styles, but only saying that when people talk about something they don't know.....kinda ticks me off.
      Your every input is worth reading about coming from one who has the actual hands-on experience, my friend. I'd LOVE to read more...

      Daniel Arola


      • #18
        Hi ricepuffdaddy
        i think yaw-yan combat is the streetfigting aspect of yaw-yan including knees,elbows ,grapping and all those nasty stuffs.
        Here is the link i got information from
        itz posted by
        Mr Wanlu
        Yaw-Yan Batch 1988 and
        Muay Thai Coordinator, National Muay Thai Training Center, Manila Philippines
        the content is
        "YawYan was inroduced in the 70's and the names were allproduct of the Master's Poetry. Im personally not proud of the the late 80's, the names were all translated to Pilipino, our national language.

        YawYan is not MuayThai...its just that YawYan fighters dominates Full Contact fights here and thats why we were chosen to basically run the National MuayThai Training Center...but what we teach in here is authentic MuayThai not Yaw-Yan. However, we recently introduced a YawYan method of fighting into our MuayThai training and thats the use of the YawYan Giant Baton bag...good for hardening the shin and bone breaking kicks...

        YawYan is still learned in YawYan temple...includes YawYan Sport, YawYan Combat and weaponries...they dont teach MuayThai there. so its plain and simple my friends...if you want to learn YawYan go to the YawYan temple...if you want to learn MuayThai, go to the National MuayThai Center...

        Almost all if not all full contact styles in the Philippines respect YawYan...grappling schools here combine grappling and YawYan or MuayThai or both.

        Personally, I now train in MuayThai after years of being with YawYan.Only proves that these are two different styles...MuayThai introduced a lot of new things to me...and I wont be surprised if a MuayThai figter would also learn a lot of different things from YawYan..."

        And i have seeen a post in Yaw-Yan Yahoo groups.It also mentions about Yaw-Yan combat.but unfortunately,I am not able to find it now.I'll post it soon.

        We didnt study study MuayThai and just call it YawYan...YawYan is Filipino not Thai and uses Arnis principles. Its similarity to MuayThai is mainly just because of the shorts and the full contact scenario. The rules are different.

        YawYan is not MuayThai just like Karate is not WuShu

        My debt of gratitude to all of you for reading my post. My respect to all of you and may your interest in the art of YawYan grow...

        Wanlu Lunaria
        YawYan batch 88


        • #19
          Anyone interested to see some yaw-yan techniques, try this website
          Blogger is a blog publishing tool from Google for easily sharing your thoughts with the world. Blogger makes it simple to post text, photos and video onto your personal or team blog.


          • #20
            What a pity...

            I just hate it when people seems to argue about things and push their opinions `bout something they really don`t know about! It s*cks! *sorry `bout the word*

            I started taek wondo when i was 10 years of age. I love doing unusual things (as friends and fam`ly says) like mountain climbing and dealy sports.

            And it`s been 5 years now that am into yaw yan martial arts, and yeah, most of the students really find it hard to perfect the kicks and other stuffs that they`ve to learn. The training is really hard. But`s that how it`s suppose to be ayt? There are some things in life that are learned the hard way...

            Better learn the art first before saying anything againts yaw yan... But if you`ve just tried doing it for several months, i pity you, you aint have the right to say anything bad about the art, coz you aint ahve enough experience and exposure to do so! Ciao!


            • #21
              That it!

              Underlid took da wordz out of my mind!
              if you look through the web and see shit about people talkin trash about yawyan, they obviously havent tried it or fought any yaw-yanistas.
              people always say that yaw-yan is the philippine's version of muay thai! I say That is Bullshit! like this shit!

              the author talks about yaw yan is the philippines stealing muay thai from them and making it their country's martial art.


              • #22
                I think the most people who are saying Yaw-Yan is Muaythai havnt analyze the techniques and principle of Yaw-Yan.Yaw Yan have a lot of differant kicks ,their own type of punches called bolo punches even though they use the boxing punches .And I remember reading somewhere that yaw-yan is developed long before Muaythai had made it appearance in Philippines and it is derived from Arnis .


                • #23
                  I have to admit......i am a bit rusty with my yaw-yan but i can still fight you trash talkin bitches anytime, anywhere!

                  i am really sorry to be a little aggressive because i shouldn't but it is basically muay thai practitioners that gossip AND insult yaw-yan the most!!


                  • #24
                    Zapata is NOT unbeaten

                    Yaw Yan is NOT Muay Thai. It existed in the Philippines decades before any Muay Thai organization was put up in the coutry. The style is effective and many of the players are famous. Emilio Zapata is highly regarded. Rommel Agra was a popular figure, specially among stuntmen. Boy Fernandez was another well-known fighter who later went into the movies. However...

                    Originally posted by RICEPUFFDADDY
                    emiliano zapata (The pride of yaw yan with 103 undefeated bouts until today)
                    ...this is NOT TRUE. Despite what the Yaw Yan website says, Rolando Tadefa of Tat Kun Tou defeated Zapata at the Rizal Memorial Circle in September 1984. Kalari, also known as Viking in another forum, knows this already.

