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Filipino Kicking

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  • Filipino Kicking

    Much has been written about the Filipino kicking styles of sikaran or pananjakman. I have had some exposure to these styles myself. However, I haven't had much training in these arts. I had a short stint with Filipino Yaw-Yan in Manila...but the high kicks seemed a bit impractical for the street. I've read that Pananjakman mainly consists of low-line kicks, including the oblique kick and the stomp.

    What are some training drills used in Pananjakman and sikaran? Are there any other kicks used in these kicking styles other than the two I've listed? Thanks.

  • #2

    The following post was taken from the thread, "Yaw Yan Filipino kickboxing" post #7, as posted by kalari:

    The basic kicks which is given in the Yaw-yan website is very similar to Sikaran kicks whch is in the Nubreed martial arts webste.( is given like this

    Sikaran Filipino art of Kicking

    The Filipino art of kicking as I was taught has 40 fundammental kicks, they are divided into 3 categories Front- Side- and Back . There are 3 types of Filipino kicks snapping, thrusting, snap-thrusting. Advanced students were required to be able to execute 55 kicks, which include advanced complex kicks. Here are the 55 kicks of The Filipino art of Sikaran as taught to me.

    A. Front kicks (Sipa)
    1. Snap
    2. thrust
    3. Snap thrust
    4. Heel snap
    5. Downward thrust
    6. Outside scooping
    7. Inside scooping
    8. Forward scooping
    9. Outward slash
    10. Inside slash
    11. Upward slash
    12. Downward chop
    13. Forward chop
    14. Vertical chop
    15. Horizontal
    16. Roundhouse heel
    17. Roundhouse shin
    18. Roundhouse snap thrust
    19. Side snap
    20. Inside leg scooping
    21. Outside leg scooping
    22. Forward roundhouse

    B. Side Kicks
    1. Side Snap
    2. Side thrust
    3. Side stomping
    4. Ridge
    5. Ridge snap
    6. Side ridge
    7. Leg scoop
    8. Ridge instep
    9. Ridge ball
    10. Outside slash
    11. Inside slash
    12. Roundhouse heel
    13. Roundhouse snap
    14. Roundhouse snap-thrust
    15. Sadang roundhouse instep
    16. Sadang roundhouse ball
    17. Sadang roundhouse heel
    18. Sadang roundhouse slash

    C. Back Kicks
    1. Back snap kick
    2. Back thrust kick
    3. Back kick chop
    4. Tadyak-Sakong shin
    5. Tadyak-Sakong ball
    6. Tadyak-Sakong heel
    7. Tadyak-Sakong slash
    8. Dakot (scoop)
    9. Dakot, (scoop) chop
    10. Circular
    11. Straight back kick
    12. Rear upward chop
    13. Rear snap
    14. Rear downward slash
    15. Back chop

    Only two or three kicks are differant.May be ,Yaw-Yan is derived from sikaran,not from Thai boxing and Taekwondo.


    • #3
      YO!! Rapid assault!!! i gots a question!!

      Originally posted by RapidAssault16
      Much has been written about the Filipino kicking styles of sikaran or pananjakman. I have had some exposure to these styles myself. However, I haven't had much training in these arts. I had a short stint with Filipino Yaw-Yan in Manila...but the high kicks seemed a bit impractical for the street. I've read that Pananjakman mainly consists of low-line kicks, including the oblique kick and the stomp.

      What are some training drills used in Pananjakman and sikaran? Are there any other kicks used in these kicking styles other than the two I've listed? Thanks.
      why do you always have to diss on yaw yan??? have you ever in your life fought a yaw yan kickboxer?? because if you havent, give me a call.
      you say that yaw yan is only flashy??? and impractical for the street???
      Man do you even know about the whole history of yaw yan??? do you know about the underground fights yaw yan kickboxers were forced into because of their rivalvry with bakbakkan international?? do you even know about sikaran fighters not wining a single fight againt yaw yan???? i think you should understandand prove your accusations before someone from that line you are crossing gets pushed too far!!


      • #4
        no dissin...

        Originally posted by RICEPUFFDADDY
        why do you always have to diss on yaw yan??? have you ever in your life fought a yaw yan kickboxer?? because if you havent, give me a call.
        you say that yaw yan is only flashy??? and impractical for the street???
        Man do you even know about the whole history of yaw yan??? do you know about the underground fights yaw yan kickboxers were forced into because of their rivalvry with bakbakkan international?? do you even know about sikaran fighters not wining a single fight againt yaw yan???? i think you should understandand prove your accusations before someone from that line you are crossing gets pushed too far!!
        I don't know any of that stuff you're talkin about but drop me some websites or anything...I'm interested in all that you mentioned...I checked out one site and was impressed but I really don't know enough to even recommend the style to someone who may be thinking of learning Yaw Yan...


        • #5
          Originally posted by DVSJ
          I don't know any of that stuff you're talkin about but drop me some websites or anything...I'm interested in all that you mentioned...I checked out one site and was impressed but I really don't know enough to even recommend the style to someone who may be thinking of learning Yaw Yan...
          ey yo man...that little thing you said about my silly self and playaz tribe or sumtin......wachu tryin to pick a fight man???? just clear that up, i dont wanna do nuttin whichu.

          and that website you visited must have been the one with the guy doin the splits in the menu right??? well gimme your screen name and ill mail you the discussion my boi bagani was sayin to vikin aight???
          yall could read about it just gimme your e-mail add


          • #6
            You'll catch on soon...

            Originally posted by RICEPUFFDADDY
            ey yo man...that little thing you said about my silly self and playaz tribe or sumtin......wachu tryin to pick a fight man???? just clear that up, i dont wanna do nuttin whichu.

            and that website you visited must have been the one with the guy doin the splits in the menu right??? well gimme your screen name and ill mail you the discussion my boi bagani was sayin to vikin aight???
            yall could read about it just gimme your e-mail add
            Huh..?I know were both relatively new on this scene (DEFEND.NET),but bro you gotta do a little more postin and reading posts when you get more off time...I sent ya a PM...get back to me...


            • #7
              Originally posted by RICEPUFFDADDY
              why do you always have to diss on yaw yan??? have you ever in your life fought a yaw yan kickboxer?? because if you havent, give me a call.
              you say that yaw yan is only flashy??? and impractical for the street???
              Man do you even know about the whole history of yaw yan??? do you know about the underground fights yaw yan kickboxers were forced into because of their rivalvry with bakbakkan international?? do you even know about sikaran fighters not wining a single fight againt yaw yan???? i think you should understandand prove your accusations before someone from that line you are crossing gets pushed too far!!
              Wow, I didn't know there were people on this forum who were so sensitive. If you love Yaw-Yan, great for you...more power to u for that. But I can only speak from my experience and I know for me, Yaw Yan doesn't work. I never said it's a crap martial art...I just know it doesn't work for me.

              Listen man, I can only speak from my mind. There is a distinct difference between underground pitfighting and one-on-one dueling competitions and the realities of the street. Many of the fights I've seen or been in involved weapons, more than 1 or 2 attackers, or both. While I'm sure Yaw Yan is excellent in the brawling arena against sikaran fighters or whatever, that's not the issue. Add in some firearms, some pipes, and broken bottles, and Yaw Yan, as well as any "martial art", is rendered at a huge disadvantage. Yaw Yan is a great combative sport, but I think anyone who tries to pass their art as the supreme art for the street is not being honest with themselves.

              Underground fight circuits are not self-defense. Brawling is not self-defense. They are not what I train for. I'm not training to be the baddest guy on the block, I'm a person training to protect himself, his fiancee, and his family. I'm sure Yaw Yan can probably kick the crap out of most ring sports and arts today. I've seen what these guys can do and I'm very impressed. But I dare you to use a high roundhouse kick against some drugged-up junkie with a knife or steel pipe. I know Yaw Yan has great strikes like elbows, knees, and low kicks, as well as Bolo punches...but I'm not going to hail it as the worlds deadliest martial art. That's just hyped up advertising.

              I hope you still aren't angry...this world is too full of anger.


              • #8
                Originally posted by RapidAssault16
                Wow, I didn't know there were people on this forum who were so sensitive. If you love Yaw-Yan, great for you...more power to u for that. But I can only speak from my experience and I know for me, Yaw Yan doesn't work. I never said it's a crap martial art...I just know it doesn't work for me.

                Listen man, I can only speak from my mind. There is a distinct difference between underground pitfighting and one-on-one dueling competitions and the realities of the street. Many of the fights I've seen or been in involved weapons, more than 1 or 2 attackers, or both. While I'm sure Yaw Yan is excellent in the brawling arena against sikaran fighters or whatever, that's not the issue. Add in some firearms, some pipes, and broken bottles, and Yaw Yan, as well as any "martial art", is rendered at a huge disadvantage. Yaw Yan is a great combative sport, but I think anyone who tries to pass their art as the supreme art for the street is not being honest with themselves.

                Underground fight circuits are not self-defense. Brawling is not self-defense. They are not what I train for. I'm not training to be the baddest guy on the block, I'm a person training to protect himself, his fiancee, and his family. I'm sure Yaw Yan can probably kick the crap out of most ring sports and arts today. I've seen what these guys can do and I'm very impressed. But I dare you to use a high roundhouse kick against some drugged-up junkie with a knife or steel pipe. I know Yaw Yan has great strikes like elbows, knees, and low kicks, as well as Bolo punches...but I'm not going to hail it as the worlds deadliest martial art. That's just hyped up advertising.

                I hope you still aren't angry...this world is too full of anger.
                yea man i aint angry...i thought you were just saying that people shouldn't practice yaw yan.

                yea i know what you mean about (the most deadlist martial art) thingy.....that shit is cocky.... but you know...just thought you were talkin ill about yaw yan.

                i did practice with nap fernandez once with my uncle and yea i could see that for some doesnt work so i understand dawg.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RICEPUFFDADDY
                  yea man i aint angry...i thought you were just saying that people shouldn't practice yaw yan.

                  yea i know what you mean about (the most deadlist martial art) thingy.....that shit is cocky.... but you know...just thought you were talkin ill about yaw yan.

                  i did practice with nap fernandez once with my uncle and yea i could see that for some doesnt work so i understand dawg.
                  Actually, I met Nap Fernandez once during my short stint with Yaw Yan training. He seems like a hard-as-nails type guy, with a friendly attitude too.

                  It's good to read that you aren't angry...I could tell I pushed some buttons with u so yeah, just thought I'd clarify my point. I would never diss any of the FMA's unless I felt that they were truly being corrupt in some way. The "my-style-is-the-deadliest-style" is a common theme among teachers in the really gets under my skin, ya know? I'm sure u understand.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by RapidAssault16
                    Actually, I met Nap Fernandez once during my short stint with Yaw Yan training. He seems like a hard-as-nails type guy, with a friendly attitude too.

                    It's good to read that you aren't angry...I could tell I pushed some buttons with u so yeah, just thought I'd clarify my point. I would never diss any of the FMA's unless I felt that they were truly being corrupt in some way. The "my-style-is-the-deadliest-style" is a common theme among teachers in the really gets under my skin, ya know? I'm sure u understand.
                    yea man think of it this way.....when you fight a cocky yaw yan kickboxer that cant seem to shut his mouth during or before the fight saying, " you gonna lose because my style is deadlier" it'll get you pumped me.
                    i am a yaw yan kickboxer but my mind is nowhere near that cockiness level you know?.....i respect the efforts people put into their dedication into the martial arts and won't try to do that,"my style is stronger than yours" method to try and intimidate the opponent.
                    i have fought kids in the philippines that study yaw yan because me and my uncle visit the temple once in a while back then....and im tellin you, they think that it helps to announce to people that yaw yan is the superior martial art.
                    i am an acceptable yaw yan kickboxer....i've had my share of victories and defeats but i aint never gonna say that yaw yan is the best martial art ever man........that shit is just som way for people to supposedly help them out in fights and what you said, hyped up advertising. i aint gonna lie, that's true.


                    • #11
                      There is a street style version of yaw-yan called yaw-yan combat,i think there is some reference about this style in their website.I dont know about the techniques or how they deal with multiple opponents.May be ricpuffdaddy may be knowing that and abot the grappling and weaponaries.


                      • #12
                        Hi, everyone.
                        I am the Red Bagani.

                        Hello Kalari,
                        Nice to meet you here again. You should be sharing more of the stuff I wrote about Yaw Yan in the other forum. That should have cleared some issues. Hmmmm....


                        • #13
                          Hi Redbagani

                          Very nice to see you here.

