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  • Basics

    I hear people say that training the basics are very important. What are some opinions of the basics?

  • #2
    for me it's = footwork & coordinating strikes with footwork. after watching DB vids, power is also important.


    • #3
      Real basics?

      Get a full protection suit, something that will protect you well. Then find someone real good and let him beat the crap otta you. Repeat. In this manner you'll gain something invaluable: you will not panic under attack, you will be accustomed to the feeling of being charged, rushed, tackled, hit. Eventually you will realize that your body can take a HUGE amount of punishment without giving up. And, mpst important, you'll have incorporated a "bullshit detector" for moves that will not work under stress.

      Sadly, for most martial arts that's the point of arrival: you'll did drills, drills, and drills and then you'll try them in combat. For me that hasn't worked. First you will be throwed in water with a lifevest, then you'll learn how to swim.


      Alternatively, you can pursuit the shorter route:

      -Find the most beautiful woman you can find, fall in love, and the plan to get married, only to find that she didn't want you nomore.

      -Try to suicide yourself signing up for the harder dojo you can find in you country (Ruas Vale Tudo Maybe?) and fight with everyone.

      It worked for me....LOL!


      • #4
        Re: Real basics?

        Originally posted by Underdog
        Get a full protection suit, something that will protect you well. Then find someone real good and let him beat the crap otta you. Repeat. In this manner you'll gain something invaluable: you will not panic under attack, you will be accustomed to the feeling of being charged, rushed, tackled, hit.
        Actually, some of my most valuable training happened when I saw the drug dealers on the property that I manage hitting a punching bag and I asked them if they wanted to go work out with me. Put macho head gear on, grappling gloves and we walked up the street to the park. Great training that day.

        Every once and a while, we have a big guy coming to the park Sunday mornings that I meet at the clubs on Fri or Sat nights. Of course they only last a day or two, but hey, we get some practice with someone that doesn't know how to give the "proper energy".


        • #5
          in kuntaw, the basics are:
          1. understanding balance in the fighting stance
          2. understanding how to move from the stance for attackings
          3. understanding how to move from the stance for counterattackings
          4. how to generate power with all simple hand, elbow, forearm, and leg attacks
          5. how to move in all eight directions (north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, etc)
          6. how to cut off the opponents direction of movement
          7. how to take his hand when initial attackings
          8. how to destroy the limbs on the attack AND counter
          9. how to fake
          10. simple attacking and counteratacking strategies

          these are for empty hands. with the weapons, we do the same except we add how to grip the stick, and how to hit with the stick, and understanding distance and how to generate power with the stick.


          • #6

            doh! i just wrote my "manifesto" on the jkd forum!


            • #7
              I find for me basics combined with sparring are a great combo. Basics give you something simple to work with and sparring gives you a chance to use them.


