Fernando Keithley
Account of Fernando Keithley's death is written about in SWISH OF THE KRIS by Vic Hurley and in DON'T SETTLE FOR SECOND by C. Smith.
Couple of inconsistencies from the account you listed and the books.
By Vic Hurley. Details from Pages 169 -170 of SoK:
Fernando Keithley (spelled 'Kiethley' in the book) was being chased by 20 Moros in the book. He had already received a terrible wound from the first attack that killed his comrades.
There was no mention of him killing all 22 Moros.
That would be quite a feat and would have been mentioned often in other books. It would certainly gain a lot of attention in military journals.
Hurley did mention that the mere retreat Keithley accomplished and staying alive that long against such krismen was already an " almost impossible feat of valor".
The three soldiers with Keithley were Sergeant Stevens, and two Privates - Burke and Bowser.
Cornelius Smith, DON'T SETTLE FOR SECOND page 53 -54:
Keithley ran 3/4 of a mile to post before he fell "at last before the awful slashes of the kris."
Keithley's fighting skill enabled him to fend off his attackers by "parrying sword slashes and spear thrusts" long enough to escape. Quite a tremendous feat in itself.
"Fearing the arrival of some reinforcements from Camp Maranui, the Moros drew off."
"Keithley was found a little while later in a widening pool of his own blood."
This happened after the death of Datu Hassan. Hassan was captured by American troops in November 14, 1903. It was a dispute over Moros registering to the American forces. The Moros didn't understand why they had to register to a foreign power in their own land. They had already gone through this with Spain. Hassan escaped when a detachment of krismen burst from concealment in a hut and "with ear shattering yells, the wedge of krismen drove through the American column to their captured leader."
Hassan was later killed when he was cornered at a crater of an extinct volcano. His two krismen were picked off by snipers. Hassan tried to engage the American troops singlehandedly and was riddled with bullets by the soldiers.
Keithley's Murderers
It was 8 years after the death of Keithley at the outpost in Taraca before the Moros responsible for his death were captured. This was led by Cornelius Smith.
I can't see why inhabitants of Mindanao would name an island for Keithley.
"A US camp Marahui was renamed Camp Keithley in his honor." Page 54 in Smith's book.
Keithley's murderers were Amai Lobanku and four others. One named murderer was never found.
They were all tried, found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Sayoc kali
Account of Fernando Keithley's death is written about in SWISH OF THE KRIS by Vic Hurley and in DON'T SETTLE FOR SECOND by C. Smith.
Couple of inconsistencies from the account you listed and the books.
By Vic Hurley. Details from Pages 169 -170 of SoK:
Fernando Keithley (spelled 'Kiethley' in the book) was being chased by 20 Moros in the book. He had already received a terrible wound from the first attack that killed his comrades.
There was no mention of him killing all 22 Moros.
That would be quite a feat and would have been mentioned often in other books. It would certainly gain a lot of attention in military journals.
Hurley did mention that the mere retreat Keithley accomplished and staying alive that long against such krismen was already an " almost impossible feat of valor".
The three soldiers with Keithley were Sergeant Stevens, and two Privates - Burke and Bowser.
Cornelius Smith, DON'T SETTLE FOR SECOND page 53 -54:
Keithley ran 3/4 of a mile to post before he fell "at last before the awful slashes of the kris."
Keithley's fighting skill enabled him to fend off his attackers by "parrying sword slashes and spear thrusts" long enough to escape. Quite a tremendous feat in itself.
"Fearing the arrival of some reinforcements from Camp Maranui, the Moros drew off."
"Keithley was found a little while later in a widening pool of his own blood."
This happened after the death of Datu Hassan. Hassan was captured by American troops in November 14, 1903. It was a dispute over Moros registering to the American forces. The Moros didn't understand why they had to register to a foreign power in their own land. They had already gone through this with Spain. Hassan escaped when a detachment of krismen burst from concealment in a hut and "with ear shattering yells, the wedge of krismen drove through the American column to their captured leader."
Hassan was later killed when he was cornered at a crater of an extinct volcano. His two krismen were picked off by snipers. Hassan tried to engage the American troops singlehandedly and was riddled with bullets by the soldiers.
Keithley's Murderers
It was 8 years after the death of Keithley at the outpost in Taraca before the Moros responsible for his death were captured. This was led by Cornelius Smith.
I can't see why inhabitants of Mindanao would name an island for Keithley.
"A US camp Marahui was renamed Camp Keithley in his honor." Page 54 in Smith's book.
Keithley's murderers were Amai Lobanku and four others. One named murderer was never found.
They were all tried, found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Sayoc kali