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  • Brand new products...

    There are some new instructional DVD's being offered at

    Check out the following link.....

  • #2
    Hello Guro Ernie!

    Now I have more to add to my Christmas list!! (CRAP!!) I look forward to getting all the new FCS videos in the coming months!

    Guro Steve Lefebvre


    • #3
      cool stuff.....


      • #4
        Any clips?

        Saw the ad for the new panantukan video in the FCS website. I'm with Pipo's FCS Kali group in Puerto Rico. Any chance of getting some clips?


        • #5
          Guro Steve! Hope you are having a merry Christmas. I feel your pain, Guro Steve....oh, do I feel your pain. So many goodies to get, so little time.



          Hope this helps....

          Punyo Mano Panantukan Vol. 1



          • #6

            Saw the clips... looks great. Thanks.


            • #7
              Vol. 2 of the Punyo Mano Panantuken series has just been added to the FCS website.


              • #8
                I like Panatukan dvds

                They look great !
                But could you tell a little more about them.
                how is your panatukan diffrent from the lacoste/inosanto stuff ?
                How long are the dvds ?
                And what do you show?


                • #9
                  Hello Panatukan,

                  There are many similarities and differences between the Inosanto/Lacoste method and the material we put together for this project. But that is no surprise considering that FCS is a dedication to all FMA. It is a system that is built up of the major components of study received from the many Masters that Tuhon Ray Dionaldo has trained with and received blessing from.

                  The major difference is the range and method that the material is presented and applied in. The Panantukan material shown on this DVD series is applied in the Corto Corto range (extreme close quarters), and focuses on the Punyo Mano method. The Punyo Mano system, through which the punyo is used like a hand, enables practitioners to flow effortlessly around an opponent while locking, trapping, and striking even in the Corto Corto range. Like many FMA concepts...Punyo Mano can be applied to single & double stick, single & double blade, long blade, empty hands....etc. etc.


                  Vol. 1 is an introduction to Panantukan, also known as Pangamut, but the emphasis is on the close quarters range known as Puno Mano. Topics covered are: Striking tools, Entries, as well as off-balancing techs.

                  Vol. 2 in the series takes these concepts a step further. Showing different options off opp.'s counters.

                  Vol. 3 will cap the series off with some more advanced options, and it will also show how to apply everything in the previous two DVDs while entering through your own punching combinations.


                  There is a lot of material on these DVD's, you wont' be disappointed. I'll have to get back to you as far as the running time on the first two....


                  • #10
                    Well what can I say , they sound great...
                    Now you leave me with no choice, I have to buy them !
                    Thx for the info


                    • #11
                      ern- hoy braddah can u pm me w ur contact info? salamat!


                      • #12
                        Approximate Running times

                        Punyo Mano Panantukan Vol. 1 = 40 min.

                        Punyo Mano Panantukan Vol. 2 = 45 min.


                        • #13
                          Here's some new clips from Vol. 2.......

                          Punyo Mano Panantukan Vol. 2



                          • #14
                            Thanks for the clips, Ernie! See you at the next Gathering!


                            • #15
                              Punyo Mano Panantukan Vol. 3

                              Vol. 3 is now available at

                              FCS Kali Of Kentucky

                              You can check out a highlight clip at:
                              YouTube - Panantukan Vol. 3

