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Two new Dog Brothers clips

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  • Two new Dog Brothers clips

    Woof All:

    At we have two new clips up:

    1) A promo clip for our very-soon-to-be-released DVD "Cycle Drills" featuring Guro Lonely Dog

    2) The 9.30 minute "pitch piece" put together by Original Productions (Monster Garage, Monster House) for pitching a Dog Brothers Reality TV series to SPIKE TV (which has already expressed interest) and other networks.

    The Adventure continues!
    Crafty Dog

  • #2
    Guro Crafty,

    Great videos!... keep it going bro,

    my respects,



    • #3
      Loved the Promo. I hope Spike decides to take this project on.


      • #4
        Very nice videos guys.


        • #5
          Great stuff

          This is a whole different side to the MMA boom on TV, fighting as spirituality... It's deep. Let's see what Spike does. Hey Ern-Dog say hi to Tuhon Ray and the guys for me at the Gathering this weekend.


          • #6
            a spike series sounds awesome.


            • #7
              Very professionally done. Nice job. Looks very interesting.


              • #8
                Let me say the 9 and a half minute promo clip was pretty good... all the editing, interviewing etc was pretty good as well as the fighting of course...


                two questions...

                Is this even legal???

                Secondly, and I mean no offense.. because I dont think I'd be doing what your doing.. (too good looking to risk it haha) but to me it looked like guys with mma gloves on, and fencing masks ... that ran at each other swinging their sticks and one of them got lucky..

                The only thing I saw that looked like a decisive win that didnt come from just getting a lucky stick bash in the face was when that black guy (dont want to refer to him as the black guy but thats all I have to go on).. disarmed and smacked that other guy.

                I understand theirs Kali, Arnis, Escrima... etc.. going on there.. I just didnt see any... I dont know... just looked like random stick swinging to me..

                So hopefully someone can answer those two questions for me.


                • #9
                  Greetings Samurai,

                  What Is Your Background Or Experience In Kali,arnis, Or Escrima? What Would You Have Looked For If You Are An Experienced Fma Practitioner? Please Give Some Examples Of Strategies Or Tactics.




                  • #10
                    ^^^ Thats exactly my point... I dont have any.... so I didnt see anything but people running at each other with sticks...

                    The difference is... when I watch boxing/mma/real fights... (well.. sometimes in real fights)

                    you dont just see the people running blindly at each other swinging their fists..

                    I said theres Arnis/Kali/Escrima going on there.. because there prolly is.. I'm just not seeing it... I didnt see any particular footwork, feints, parry's, etc.. just looked like two guys with sticks smacking each other...

                    the point of the post is to figure out where the arts (kali/arnis/escrima) are in those fights...


                    • #11
                      I like to use the analogy of musicians. I am not a guitar player so when I hear a “shredder” it just sounds like a bunch of gibberish. However, when a guitar player hears one they know that there are scales, patterns and techniques all over the place. Think of fighting as a music solo. When practicing the guitar you get proficient in scales, patterns etc. When you fight it is your turn to solo. It might not be pretty like a scale but its your turn to express yourself in your own personal way.

                      From not only fighting in the gathering but being able to watch fights with Guro Lonely and others I was blown away by their technique. To see Lonely (which you can see in the clip) reverse the person he fought to mount screams technique and skill.



                      • #12
                        I'll take your word for it, I wanted to know because im rather interested in stickfighting, I couldnt discern any knowledge/technique being shown there, and apparently these were the top guys in the field, so just asking for my own knowledge.

                        Also no one ever answered if it was legal.. I assume it is as your trying to pitch it for a tv show, it just doesnt seem like something that is legal.

                        I guess the third question, as I'm interested in stick fighting, where would I go about taking it up, I've searched for schools in my area and the closest one is far too far away, any point in trying to learn it without a school/instructor, and if there is what would you say is the best method?


                        • #13
                          Hello Samurai,

                          Speaking From Experience Practicing Kali,arnis And Escrimaand Taking It At Full Contact Level At Full Speed I Know What Those Fighters Were Thinking In That Video Clip. It Appeared One Fight The Fighters Were Stalking Each Other.

                          If You Have A Trained Eye Of These Arts You Know What To Look For And Some Of The Exchanges Exhibited Those Things. I Thought Lonely Dog Pulled Of What Appeared To Be Progressive Indirect Attack, He Went Feint Low And Then Went High For A Back Hand Strike.

                          At This Level Of Fighting A Small Percentage Of Their Training ( Depending Upon Their Dedication To Practicing) Will Come Out At That Moment Of Exchange And It Usually Will Come Subconciously, These Exchanges Happens So Fast That A Piece Of Sumbrada Came Off During The Contact.

                          Parrying, Checking Hand, Evasiveness, Blocking And Hit Are Some Of The Things I Saw. People Who Don 't Have An Understanding Of This Kind Of Weaponry Art Will See What You See.



                          • #14
                            Hello Ryangruhn,

                            Just Saw That Reversal To Mount Again, Yeah That Was Good! It Looked Like A Judo Technique. But It Isn't From Filipino Weapons Arts. Mr. Sumurai Said He Didn't See Any Kali, Arnis, Or Escrima Arts Being Applied From His Understanding.

                            For Him To Say He Didn't See Any Of It And He Himself, In My Opinion, Has Not Expereienced Any Fma Training Is Nonsense.

                            So How Can An Individual Make Such A Critique...i Think For You To Understand Fma Is To Experience It For Yourself And During The Course Of Your Training And Researching I Think You Can See The Picture Alot Clearer.



                            • #15
                              does anyone get crippled in any of the new clips? any split kneecaps ?

                              damn, taking that kinda time off from training due to such a traumatic injury must suck.

