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The Martial Matrix

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  • The Martial Matrix

    Does anyone know what Martial Art form is used in the Movie "The Matrix?"

  • #2
    I am pretty sure it was Madeup-fu.


    • #3
      yea it wu-shu or how ever you spell that...its not really combative but used to remind the people of what was once a a collection of bad as killer arts ... now only used to show the beauty of the movements.


      • #4
        it was Rex-Kwon-Do


        • #5
          Chad Stalehelski(sp) long time Inosanto Academy student/instructor/member was the stunt double for Keanu Reeves.


          • #6
            Well supposedly it would be a blend of every martial art they learn in that little program thingy, but I've heard it was a blend of several specific martial arts, including Aikido. When Neo gets back up after being killed in the hallway at the end and Smith attacks him, he uses the blocks the karate kid uses when Mr. Miyagi reveals that all those chores were really training (wax on, wax off, paint the fence, etc...)


            • #7
              I am pretty sure it was Madeup-fu.
              looool nice one


              • #8
                madeup- fu.... isn't that another movie techniques where originally never exist ,but just for the art of martial arts they have connected it,


                • #9
                  iT is not Madeup-fu ...
                  But i think it was Idon-no
                  Last edited by Tant01; 06-04-2010, 12:21 PM. Reason: no spam


                  • #10
                    I think it was kung fu style.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Al~Qiyaama View Post
                      Does anyone know what Martial Art form is used in the Movie "The Matrix?"
                      Yes, it indeed was Kali Silat, with some details form Kali Silat's Pekiti Tirsia, which was derived from Dekiti Tirsia, and later became SinaTirsiaWali, to include the basic foundation of all martial arts and sciences. "Specifically, can you stop me? Or can I stop you, no matter what!? regards, Greg, please visit us at Kali Silat New for details on DVDs, Instructional certification for gurus and training the the Philippine & Indonesian Arts & Sciences. regards, Greg Alland


                      • #12
                        I think it would be a combine of every martial art they discover in that little program thingy, but I've learned it was a combine of some exact martial creative pursuits, encompassing Aikido.


                        • #13
                          Whew so many Martial art being mentioned and some of them never heard of. lol


                          • #14
                            I think this will be a combination of every martial arts, they found this little program thingy, but I know it is a combination of some specific creative pursuit of martial arts, including Aikido.

