If you don't mind sharing to dialogue or exchange knowledge and experience. I ask--Why have you chosen Kali/Arnis as a method or means of self defense? Please feel free to elaborate.
I grew interested because I had a close friend that lived in the Phillipines for several years were he became adept in Kali and Penjtcak Silat. The manuevers that he would do were very impressive and intimidating and to top it all off-- I literally saw him use it in a confrontation. The confrontation/fight didn't last 12-15 seconds. And it was against two people. Some may say oh that's nothing. I have handled 3 people before without using MA. However, not in 12-15 seconds that impressive. I even offered to help him and he said stay back and as soon as he said, "back"--the were on the ground in bad condition. At the beginning of the skirmish, I thought he was in for a suprise then in 30 seconds I felt sorry for the two guys.
It was at that time that I realized that I needed to learn that art for safety purposes. I am not a person that thrives on intimidating or injuring people; however, every one doesn't feel the same.
At first, I was hesistant to allow him to train me. Because he was so throgouh and fanatic about FMA. But eventually I allowed him to of course because it would take someone dedicated to it.+ he would not charge mean anything as far as a fee is concerned...This Art is very impressive to me primarily because it teaches ambedexterity also it trains in disabling an opponent who may have a weapon. And lets face it, in the world that we live in today either someone will use a weapon on you or they will have homies that will attempt to assist them.
I grew interested because I had a close friend that lived in the Phillipines for several years were he became adept in Kali and Penjtcak Silat. The manuevers that he would do were very impressive and intimidating and to top it all off-- I literally saw him use it in a confrontation. The confrontation/fight didn't last 12-15 seconds. And it was against two people. Some may say oh that's nothing. I have handled 3 people before without using MA. However, not in 12-15 seconds that impressive. I even offered to help him and he said stay back and as soon as he said, "back"--the were on the ground in bad condition. At the beginning of the skirmish, I thought he was in for a suprise then in 30 seconds I felt sorry for the two guys.
It was at that time that I realized that I needed to learn that art for safety purposes. I am not a person that thrives on intimidating or injuring people; however, every one doesn't feel the same.
At first, I was hesistant to allow him to train me. Because he was so throgouh and fanatic about FMA. But eventually I allowed him to of course because it would take someone dedicated to it.+ he would not charge mean anything as far as a fee is concerned...This Art is very impressive to me primarily because it teaches ambedexterity also it trains in disabling an opponent who may have a weapon. And lets face it, in the world that we live in today either someone will use a weapon on you or they will have homies that will attempt to assist them.