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spear style staff fighting?

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  • spear style staff fighting?

    Hey you stick fighters.
    I just wanted to ask you all a question. I'm not sure if this is the place to post this but I know you fellas are all about fighting with weapons.

    When using a staff. Whats your opinion on using spear style techiniques with the staff? Foucusing on the distancing and pokeing a mutherfuker in the face with the end rather than swinging or chopping down the distance of the staff with short swinging strikes? Using a end pole style grip rather than holding it in the middle. ( i'm strugging for words here, i'm not used to describing this). My buddy keith is really freaking good with the staff yet he uses it more like a spear with no tip than what i see when i go to competetions and see people twirling their staffs around in their weapons katas. The difference in useage is confusing me. What are the differnernt styles of staff fighting? What are some advantages and dissadvantages of using the staff like a spear as oppsed to....well freak, opposed to holding it with two hands in the middle shoulder width apart?...

    Thanks, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.

  • #2
    I fight with weapons everyday, I wouldn't use it in the same way as your friend. He can use it in the spear method, but as he thrusts the staff forward it is easy to strike on top of it and then use the butt to strike. But this can only be done if you move. Alot of people hold a weapon and their feet stop moving.

    Check out my Art and the way we do it.

    Speak soon.


    • #3
      Just my opinion, but this is my favorite way of using a staff. If you stay offensive and keep distance you can tear people up this way. the whole game changes with they get in close though.


      • #4
        Do you guys know if there are differnt disciplines of staff fighting? Just like we have differnt disciplines of open handed fighting.

        As a comparison, spear style kinda like a striking art like muay thai, and close range style like submission wrestling.

        What are some of the differnt ways, styles, or disciplines people use staffs?
        Also, think i should post this up in the chinese style forum? Don't they use staffs and spears allot?


        • #5
          Staff and Arts

          Alot of Art's use staff's and weapons in the higher grades. You have many Arts that are based on Sticks or Staff's of some sort, I think nearly as many as un-armed, just not as well promoted or heard of. I know of about ten. It is better to have training within a system that has both weapons and unarmed combat sides, but in the real world every thing is a weapon, from a knife to the door frame if you intend to smash someone's head in to it.


          • #6
            Hello Guys,

            I have used the Spear, Naginata, Nagamaki, and various staffs for over 20 years. There are many variations on Staff and spear fighting that are very effective in combative sparring arenas.

            If you think of the spear/naginata as a combination of a "staff" and "blade" your techniques should incorporate both thrusting, slashing and staff striking and twirling methods.

            There are several Chinese styles that use the long pole in a manner that is similar to basic spear fighting (Wing Chun for example) it is an effective manner to keep a basic opponent at bay. Not that it is the end all of techniques but will get you some good basic exposure to this method of staff fighting.

            I'll dig up a weapons demo I did at Sama Sama 2003, and post the link up here soon. It will give you a few ideas to throw into your training.

            Guro Steve Lefebvre


            • #7
              sweet, lookin forward to the link.


              • #8
                Spear style stick fighting is a major component in any respected Kali group.As what groups always claim-that kali is an all encompassing art-and spear fighting or "Bangkaw" in bisaya should be there, maybe not extensive like the Japanese and Chinese counterparts, but working in a knowlegeable useage of two cents.


                • #9
                  Hello Everyone,

                  I finally put the clip up on the website. This was done at the 2003 Sayoc Kali Sama Sama. I have done similar type weapon vs weapon with spear and staff as well. ANyway enjoy the clip.

                  Train Hard it is the Way!

                  Guro Steve L.


                  • #10
                    Good thing there is no sound. Otherwise people could here the lightsaber sound effects I was making.


                    • #11
                      Hey Old Man,

                      But they were so realistic sounding!!!(LOL)

                      Guro Steve L.


                      • #12
                        Well ofcourse. They have to be. It adds to looking (and sounding) cool. Which is the main point of martial arts training!

