Hey you stick fighters.
I just wanted to ask you all a question. I'm not sure if this is the place to post this but I know you fellas are all about fighting with weapons.
When using a staff. Whats your opinion on using spear style techiniques with the staff? Foucusing on the distancing and pokeing a mutherfuker in the face with the end rather than swinging or chopping down the distance of the staff with short swinging strikes? Using a end pole style grip rather than holding it in the middle. ( i'm strugging for words here, i'm not used to describing this). My buddy keith is really freaking good with the staff yet he uses it more like a spear with no tip than what i see when i go to competetions and see people twirling their staffs around in their weapons katas. The difference in useage is confusing me. What are the differnernt styles of staff fighting? What are some advantages and dissadvantages of using the staff like a spear as oppsed to....well freak, opposed to holding it with two hands in the middle shoulder width apart?...
Thanks, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.
I just wanted to ask you all a question. I'm not sure if this is the place to post this but I know you fellas are all about fighting with weapons.
When using a staff. Whats your opinion on using spear style techiniques with the staff? Foucusing on the distancing and pokeing a mutherfuker in the face with the end rather than swinging or chopping down the distance of the staff with short swinging strikes? Using a end pole style grip rather than holding it in the middle. ( i'm strugging for words here, i'm not used to describing this). My buddy keith is really freaking good with the staff yet he uses it more like a spear with no tip than what i see when i go to competetions and see people twirling their staffs around in their weapons katas. The difference in useage is confusing me. What are the differnernt styles of staff fighting? What are some advantages and dissadvantages of using the staff like a spear as oppsed to....well freak, opposed to holding it with two hands in the middle shoulder width apart?...
Thanks, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.