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Original Filipinos Always Carried a Knife, from inches to feet.

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  • Original Filipinos Always Carried a Knife, from inches to feet.

    The history of the ORIGINAL Filipino, being a Muslim the men always carried a blade, you were undressed without it. And you carried one in your hand, it was the look in the jungle. But, having gone from being a Muslim to Christianity for 333 years their blade suppressed so that even today in the traditional restaurants you still only get a fork and spoon. And, it seems their evolution is spreading world-wide due to the work of a few major individuals, in the Philippine, Indonesian, Malay and perhaps other parts of the world we have not thought about, until now. This Filipino I know has connected language to their 2,000-year-old history.

    Violence sells, of course, albeit Kali, Silat, and perhaps all of them relate to the same principles of being a protection skill first, historically a survival skill utmost, for to survive history, we know the Filipino culture is 2,000 years old + or - and has endured violence and suppression most of the years in the New World, or at least since the first technological revolution, machinery.

    Kali Silat like most martial arts doesn’t have a single style of origin, it’s but many practices of ways that children started and would grow, and develop, from this sharing of father to son. And like all of them, when you share the knowledge you inspire others to continue to grow and develop. Historically survival was the main effort, to be able to eat, have shelter, and protection from neighboring tribes. As such it’s the methods of practice, rather then practicing a single system like, Doce Pares, Modern Arnis, JKD Kali, or Dekiti or Pekiti Tirsia of Kali Silat that matters. Hence I will release of ‘Doce Methodos” 12 methods – soon to be the DVD of more then 12 methods, but: (“All the Drills I Know”) is based on our Drill / Attack & Protect PRINCIPLES of practice, not fighting*, and not attacking first, but necessarily hitting first. Furthermore those people responsible for growth in the Philippine Systems from the early 70's to now have recognized SinaTirsiaWali as the principles of practice, and not a system that was Tuhon Leo Tortal Gaje, Jr., and I that named this the multi-system approach to Pekiti Tirsia and Lanka Empat by the late Suryadi Jafri, around November of 1989. I use and profess this in teaching Kali Silat and you’ll only need to check out some of the testimony I’ve received at to understand why you must: “Know many ways to practice and practice by making practice your ‘way’. To your thinking, making it your own in character and approach, add creative flare, use trickery at all time.” Nothing else matters, “Can you stop me? Can I stop you, not matters what” as Grand Master Jerson ‘Nene’ Tortal would say, and he also profess this same principle approach, rather then technique or just drills or otherwise. But in the gist of it, you dissolve the drills as we were taught in the early 70’s, by the world renowned Tuhon Leo Tortal Gaje, Jr. Since I get it from the Tortal family system, including Conrado Tortal that signed too, this principle of many methods as I’ve discovered is being the Way. Only it’s not easy, and most will just follow, rather then find their own way. It's like you have this alphabet, and words, make your life story.

    Now, since 1972 I’ve been in the Philippines and Indonesia over a dozen times, and worked with dozens of people, here and abroad, and although they have pretty much the same path, there are some that stress a, “YOU GOTTA DO IT MY WAY” routine. Use the get in / get out method of study, you’ll still be looking until you find a teacher that shares the art with you. Kali like it’s counterpart Silat requires working with others, many others. A good instructor in Kali Silat gives you support too, allows you to ask questions, permits you to work with others. I think this is best in the stream of utilizing a positive approach. And examine the philosophy, these are not fighting arts, they are the survival tools, the same tools Muslims use, Filipinos and Indonesians use and perhaps all of the Malay peoples used. That brings us to the Muslim belief; survive, no matter what, period! Sound familiar?

    As to why Philippine Martial Arts became popular this was due because of several historical and philosophical points that I believe the late Bruce Lee made in “Enter the Dragon”. 1) Lee’s introduction to Kali Silat from Dan Inosanto is historical. 2) Lee’s indicator was the philosophy used in the movie when he says, “fighting without fighting, and, “Why not go the island with 45’s etc… Probably it wasn’t in the cards for Bruce Lee, but later two major individuals responsible for the growth and development of Kali Silat in the free world was due to the international travel of several people such as: the late Grand Master Preses, and well-known actor, martial artist, Grand Master Dan Inosanto, who started pushing Kali Silat at the urging of Tuhon Leo Tortal Gaje, Jr., "because you are a Filipino", he always insisted to Dan. This meeting I had with Dan Inosanto, Tuhon Gaje, and later a similar discussion with the late Suryadi ‘Eddie’ Jafri during the Kali Silat programs in 1981. The Tournament in the International School, NY, NY and 1979 or 1981 was: (The exact date(s) eludes me, but I have the history somewhere if you really want to know, it was the martial arts program and tournament at Great Gorge, NY’s Playboy Club by the late Grand Master Thomas LaPuppett, and Grand Master Alex Sternberg and the tournament at the International School in New York City together with Dan Inosanto. Dan stayed at my brother’s village apartment on 10th street and it was October, Dan had a great view of the Halloween Parade in historical Greenwich Village.)

    However, it must be pointed out that the influence on these arts and sciences went from Muslim to Christianity. But it was 1521 when they were hopelessly out numbered that they had to surrender. As I was told in Cebu, the Filipino had to surrender or they were to be slaughtered completely by the Spanish, 1521 on the island of Mactan at an historical rock to remember the incident.

    More importantly to make my point, in a recent article by Perry Diaz, “Are We a Lost Tribe of Israel?” appeared in Filipinas Magazine, July 2004, page 51. I quote: “The Notion that Ferdinand Magellan “discovered” the Philippines is a historical aberration. Lemuria - as the archipelago was called by ancient historians-was thriving with numerous settlements.” The article goes on to explain the history from the standpoint of Filipino historians, scholars and scientists, and makes the argument through language. And I quote, “We say “Salamat” as a way of saying “Thank you.” “However, our forefathers 2,000 years ago said “Salamat” to greet each other as “Peace be with you,” just like the way the 12 tribes of Israel meant it more than 5,000 years ago. And, now you know why I continue to stress knowing the god within, and living in remembrance in the work of Jesus Christ. Helping others, or better put, serving others.

    BTW: Payong does not mean umbrella, it means overhead, "if your weapon is not exactly over your head I can hit you." said, Grand Master Dionisio Canete, Cebu City at Doce Pares, 1977.

    The truth is we know Southeast Asia is historically Muslim, with Indonesia still being still the largest group with a population of 80% +/-. Now, with the first Filipino being from Indonesia, see “Philippine Political and Cultural History”, by Gregorio F. Zaide, PhD – Far Eastern University, with a host of notable positions in well known universities. Furthermore, one Filipino I know that researched this martial side, and we do know that Magellan was killed on the Island of Mactan and is the island of the second largest city, Cebu. They celebrate the defeat of the Spanish, since after this battle the Spanish traveled no further south, where even today you and I cannot go. They represent the people’s rich culture, rare and strongly influenced by their history with a fierce kind of fanaticism to provided the means to survive, these last 2,000 years. Well that's there culture, that's the art and science that organized settlements made, they are a people of written language and government in their society, imagine the richness of their culture, 2,000 years old, in America we haven’t got a clue about culture. To know Muslim peoples in the Philippines and Indonesia I understand they are peaceful people, like you and I, but they have learned to survive not matter what over a not so peaceful past.

    People are alike everywhere**, this well known fact is preached in universities, churches and from spiritualist, healers, and scientists and is available in all formats: dvd, video, audio and books everywhere. And, like most culture beliefs, their religious beliefs are often their strongest asset too, and have survived over a long history, but it's best to follow our faith! That’s Catholic if your speaking to a Catholic, Protestant, if you're speaking with a Protestant, Muslim if you’re speaking with a Muslim, etc., etc. I still think it boils down to put your money here. Blah, blah, blah! All we really have are 10 laws! Everything else fills in the blah, blah, blah and everywhere religion is correct, it’s correct.

    Overall let's concern ourselves with the practical, useful method of study with Kali Silat, history we need to know, but it is within you to know who you are, to adjust and accept yourself for who you are and take responsibility for your actions. We are all prisoners of our own device!

    *A survival skill is practiced like your life depended on it, everyday, with hours upon hours of training, and of course the purpose hit and run, as in WW2, these Filipino warriors killed you, often after they were shot. We've heard the history over and over again, it's why the US Marines got the name "Leather Necks". Today in American we are but hobbyists.

    **Everywhere. That’s everywhere I’ve been, and that’s several trips to over 13 foreign countries where in most cases I’ve lived with a family that sponsored my seminar program so I got to see how the people really live. And today 32 years in practice I still travel though out the United States and neighboring Caribbean Islands, and Rio, and well, PEOPLE ARE ALL THE SAME. The same in different cultures, but friendly, kind, knowledgeable, understanding, and that’s all 50%, unless. But in cultures where you share, then it’s a 100% and that’s what I’ve experienced living in the Philippines from time to time, if you’ve never been there you may never know.

  • #2
    Original Filipino's were not Muslims but were animist and spiritualist. What tribe do u consider ORIGINAL Filipino? I know in my tribe which Ilonggo we do not do not do any rituals similar to the Muslims. But we do plenty of animistic rituals. Like animal sacrifices when building a new home, Saying "Tabi-tabi" which means excuse me, to the spirits when wandering in the forest or taking a piss on a tree which might be a spirit's home. There are plenty more animist practices that are still practiced today. But I do not see the Muslim connection.

    Like in the last post I posted people like to add the stories of the Muslim juramentado's to add flavor to their art, but Muslim have a different martial art called Silat which is different from Arnis/Escrima.

