Originally posted by roz
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2. boxers did NOT learn the slip, bob and weave (or even how to hold the hands) from filipinos. only somebody who does not know much about boxing would believe that. boxing did evolve, but it was with the times and the rules, not a filipino (i would be proud if it was true, but we have enough to be proud about instead of having to make up stories to feel good.) next they are going to try and say bruce lee was a great boxer!

3. no, i'm not angry. actually i am happy to get all this attention. see when a person is insulting you, the angrier you get, the better they feel. if you just go and kick his ass, YOU will feel better. but these are things i want to hear people talk about, what the philippine fighting arts is really about. not all those drills, but the real stratgies and techniques. people pretty much ignore balintawak, lightning scientific arnis, bakbakan, doce pares, etc. unless they are talking about a video tape or one day seminar. the only ones who appreciate them are the real martial artists who study the arts in a school full time. the rest of the MA community will ignore them because those masters will not certify you in a few seminars. all my compadres from those arts will tell you how many guys came in off the street after years of seminar and dvds, and they still cant fight. they can also tell you how many people pass them by, because they are not famous in the magazines and the internet. but those are real FMA so, i am like the wolf calling out the lion so people will see that filipino FMA is where its at, not "10 easy steps" seminar martial arts.
so to answer your question, why interact? because people need to hear it. the "shut up and leave"/love it or leave it/go back if you dont like it attitude wont work on me. this IS america right? so an american doesnt like america, he changes it using democracy. a filipino dont like it, then go home? i dont think so. i interact with FMA people because i want them to hear what i have to say. the moderators can lock me out if they want (just like moromoro, and someother people) but they dont because they know i have a true things i am saying. and like i always say, my opinion of kali/jeet kune do could change with just one person....