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[Aray!] FMA demo accidents

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  • [Aray!] FMA demo accidents

    There was this Sugarland/Missouri City Texas arnis group some real cool people I was just getting to know that practiced back in the early to mid-90s where the head instructor was demonstrating the uses of the umbrella as if it were to apply in a self-defense situation in a FMA demonstration during some sort of Filipino community event that I just so happened to have been attending out of association with a cousin who is known in this community.
    The guro's umbrella was the straight one with the crook and semi-pointed tip. His demonstration of strips and disarms with the umbrella were textbook to say the least and it was very good technique and it pleased the crowd more than fairly.

    His demo partner/asst instructor Frankie was wearing the WEKAF helmet to be able to stand through the abanico, punyo/crook and various popping witik shots with the umbrella and he was moving quite well with it, and I have to agree it was way too well when the Guro's "finishing move" to the show was when he thrusted the umbrella towards Frankie's face area....I can still vividly recall each detail of the moment in slow motion right as I noticed the guro's weapon hand raised as if to thrust and me saying to myself "oh-$hit!!!! "
    ... then I heard the slight clang of metal sliding on metal and Frankie quickly turning around and diving to the mat face down as his hands struggled to grab at his eye while he was still wearing the grilled-headgear and while "screaming-bloody- murder". It was one painful moment to see.
    The poor guy was still struggling and spazzin' to get his headgear off to check his eye while freakin-out and it really got the audience concerned almost in disbelief of what they had just seen. What really sucked about that headgear was that the straps were buckles! The crowd got really freaked out and deathly silent... and curious at the same time. The mat area for the demo was suddenly surrounded by event officials and EMS.Then the mask finally came off. Frankie chilled out some after the mask finally came off just to see if his eye is still intact and to his good fortune, he rewarded himself with that sigh of relief in knowing that it was still there.

    He was very very lucky that the poke was only a scratch!

    So lucky!

    Tagalog leson for the day, ARAY!!!

  • #2
    I remember training corto range sparring with Al Dacascos many years ago now, no gear, no eye protection, just rattan. He'd opened up my head a couple of times doing this before, one time I didn't even notice until I looked down and the collar of my shirt was red and spreading. Anyway, I was getting much better and able to counter much of what he was throwing....but then he snuck a rising thrust through that caught me dead center in the eye...wide open. A bright flash and then it felt like hot sand had been dumped in my eye. I could still see but my vision was so blurry from all the water welling up in that eye that I couldn't tell if there was any real damage. It was at least a half an hour before I could keep my eye open for more then a couple of seconds because of the pain. I've had a serious eye injury before so there was that "pit of the stomach worry" waiting for it to clear up. Pain I can deal with, the waiting to find out if there is lasting damage is what sucks.



    • #3
      accidents happen..i have recalled the following.

      1) When Jay jay (mandirigmang Kaliradman instructor) and i demonstrated for the entire freshman and sophomore student PhysEd body of AMA Computer College back in 1997..we did our usual bigay tama routine. If you are familiar with the LESKAS-LSAI drill, you will notice that it is not a set of strikes like sinawali or a slow flow drill...but bigay tama is based on principles that only LESKAS-LSAI people understand (if you want to-- train with any LESKAS-LSAI or our group-bad advert..he,he-nevertheless true)--i gave a number 13 strike and he did the payong(umbrela in english)..and the tip of my stick just gashed the surface of his top lip..since bigay tama if done properly is a full speed non stop (unlike the other FMA drills who have a pattern and is slow)--i noticed there was blood on the floor and i said Jay check your hands and i checked mine, not realizing that it was from a dangling skin in his top lip..well, we still continued much to the amazement of the students who we ended up teaching that whole semester.
      2) when i moved here to the US..i taught Paul (my bro in law-who happens to be one fO our best fighters now)..we did a bigay tama demo in one of the homes of our friends..and he hit me in my right hand which in turn grew triple in size, it was a bad hey..REAL KALI is not for Sissy's..he,he.


      • #4
        LESKAS-LSAI - is this Lightning Scientific Arnis?


        • #5
          yes- you are right.


          • #6
            My sister is a brown belt under Master Romy Santos. I tried Arnis a little and is really effective. He also showed me knife and stick fighting which is incredible. He said that anyone that will take his knife away from him will surely die. hehehe. I just dont have enough time for now coz I have 3 kids and is working. Well that is life but Im into ground fighting. I heard there are groups who merges stick fighting with ground fighting. Is is true?


            • #7
              Originally posted by daringdex View Post
              I heard there are groups who merges stick fighting with ground fighting. Is is true?
              Yes. These days, some stickfighting groups integrate MMA in conjunction with the FMA training. Here are two groups known to have been promoting this idea....

              and yes, this also includes my own clique.

