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Filipinos Never Back Up.

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  • Filipinos Never Back Up.

    The Filipino never backs up. Since 1972 when I met my Filipino teacher up to now and iIn recent years I've seen a new development of Kali Silat practiced in many schools in Germany, Italy, Sweden and across the United States. One thing I've begun to notice is that the fighting we see has become more like tag. With full body pads, headgear, hand pads, shin guards and more.

    In referring over a hundred bouts in the Philippines in Bacolod 1996 I noticed too that the women were the tougher fighters then most Caucasian men I've seen in America. But in Kali Silat was never meant as a fighting skill. We don't believe in fighting, we believe in finishing. This is after all finishing school, by the time you get to Kali Silat from having studied what arts were propagated in America. Finishing is your goal, it's ridicules to allow anyone to continue to try and hit you and as I've said the Filipino never backs up, he or she will take the hit to stop you. But in recent years I've seen a new development of Kali Silat practiced in many schools in Germany, Italy, Sweden and across the United States. One thing I've begun to notice is that the fighting we see has become more like tag. With full body pads, headgear, hand pads, shin guards and more.

    In referring over a hundred bouts in the Philippines in Bacolod 1996 the women were the tough fighters, but in Kali we don't believe in fighting, we believe in finishing. This is after all finishing school, by the time you get to Kali Silat, that's your goal. Just like in the street, we don't fight we finish.

    Recently a new student at Hybrid Academy in Virginia Beach, came to us with already eight years in practice of his indigenous art and this Filipino was backing up as I approached to control his weapon, in practice. In the fighting in the Philippines I never witnessed any Filipino backing up and I told him so.

    Yet in America we have forgotten that there was never any fighting in the Philippines with sticks, especially during WWII. The Filipino ran at you with blade in hand, and even shooting him was not enough, he would take the shot and be proud to die to protect his people and kill the enemy before he fell. This is the culture and way of life of the true Filipino. That is the true Kali Silat, that even the .45 caliber pistol was issued because you had to knock him down, it wasn't enough to shoot him, he was there to survive, to protect his people no matter what!

    In this art you learned the drills to penetrate the space of your opponent, to avoid his weapon by use of control, to finish him without backing up. It's not fighting, it's finishing. Hold your ground, protect yourself, this is the purpose of using Kali Silat as the skill that is derived from the many years of practice, it's not easy. But my teachers never said it was easy. Getting the skills is what drills are, we strive for growth in practice to make the art your. Kali Silat unlike other martial arts does not build followers, it builds leaders. And, "If it saves your life just once, how much is it worth?" Suryadi Jafri, RIP, circa 1977. So don't forget that it's not easy.

    In class we fight without gear, with control to help and share the skill to grow. This is the art and science of Kali Silat, we don't aim for the head, we don't aim for the hand or joints of the body in class, but guess what they get hit, not with full power, but when you go home, you feel the pain. In the heat of battle it's the effort you use, you feel nothing, until it's over. This is the real art and science that the Filipino brought to America, not a game of tag, and especially not running away to avoid the hit. The Filipino never attacks first, but he/she sure tries to hit first when you attack. Protecting yourself, your family, your culture, your people is the art of Kali Silat of the true Filipino.

    Recently I was happy to meet a real Filipino that came to class this past Saturday the 3rd of March, although frustrated by me, during our short time together, I was sure when he was leaving that he was sure he found again the real Kali Silat in America. Now a new student at Hybrid Academy in Virginia Beach he came to Hybrid with eight years in practice of his indigenous art but this Filipino was backing up as I approached to control his weapon, and proceed to finish. In the fighting in the Philippines I told him I never witnessed any Filipino backing up. They practice intensely, live wisely, and above all, protect themselves. Master Ocampo said the same thing, when he met in in 1995, he too was doing the drills, but didn't know why. This was the key that Tuhon Gaje, Jr., shared with me as did Jafri, and the Canetes of Cebu in the early days in 1977 when I informed them of the anticipated growth of Kali Silat in America, and I've never forgotten it. Just like in the street, we don't back up.

    In America we have forgotten that there was never any fighting in the Philippines, especially during WWII. The Filipino ran at you with blade in hand, and even shooting him was not enough, he would take the shot and be proud to die to protect his people and kill the enemy before he fell. This is the culture and way of life of the true Filipino. That is the true Kali Silat, that even the .45 caliber pistol was issued because you had to knock him down, it wasn't enough to shoot him, he was there to survive, to protect his people no matter what!

    In this art you learned the drills to penetrate the space of your opponent, to avoid his weapon by use of control, to finish him without backing up. It's not fighting, it's finishing. Hold your ground, protect yourself, this is the purpose of using Kali Silat as the skill that is derived from the many years of practice, it's not easy. But my teachers never said it was easy. Getting skills is what we strive for, practice, make the art your. Kali Silat unlike other martial arts does not build followers, it builds leaders. And, "If it saves your life just once, how much is it worth?" Suryadi Jafri, RIP, circa 1977. No one said it would be easy.

    In class we fight without gear, with control to help and share the skill to grow. This is the art and science of Kali Silat, we don't aim for the head, we don't aim for the hand or joints of the body in class, but guess what? They get hit, not with full power, but when you go home, you feel the pain. In the heat of battle it's the effort you use, you feel nothing, until it's over. This is the real art and science that the Filipino brought to America, not a game of tag, and especially not running away to avoid being hit. The Filipino never attacks first, but he/she sure tries to hit first when you attack. Protecting yourself, your family, your culture, your people is the art of Kali Silat of the Filipino.

    Recently I was happy to meet a real Filipino that came to class this past Saturday the 3rd of March, although frustrated by me, during our short time together, I was sure when he was leaving that he was sure he found again the real Kali Silat in America. Practice intensely, live wisely, and above all, protect yourself. This was the key that Tuhon Gaje, Jr., shared with me as did Suryadi Jafri, and the Canetes of Cebu in the early days of the growth of Kali Silat in America, and I've never forgotten it.

    My purpose is to remind those that practice Kali Silat in America that backing up is never an option in battle, you will die for sure.

  • #2
    (((blank stare)))
    I'm Filipino, and I'm not buying what I just read.... You're building up some myth making it look like we're supposed to be invincible. Before I let this BS go on any further, I must state that we the Filipinos are also just as human as any being on planet Earth. We are not above backing up as an option when it is our last resort. History proves it. Trust me, I've seen many of my fellow Flips back up from a caucasian player's attacks and flurries with the sticks and taken a few here and there only to give up while not verbally admitting he just was not as good as his white counterpart (AT THEIR OWN ART!) at that time though his action reveals all in spite of the flurry of excuses spat out with their tight-tongued accents and spewing out a hundred words a second about how dangerous they really could have been had they not given up.

    To my white brothers and sisters in FMA: Beware of them fast-talking Filipinos. They will have your shirt and underwear in their backpocket before you notice you're wearing a dress. Even worse, beware most of all of fast-talking cons trying to gain the Filipino folks' favor by (indirectly) kissing up to them.

    I can already see my fellow Flipsters jumping up and down while humping their desk chairs in excitement while reading the opening post of this thread until reading mine-Hehehehe. However, this Filipino is not all about that BS he couldn't believe he was reading.

    FMA is supposed to be about "keeping it REAL".

    Please.... put the pipe down.


    • #3
      I don't get this rambling at all???? In fact, much of it was duplicated. Is this coming from a person or computer bug?

      Assuming you are merely speaking of linear movement, "backing up" as you reference it, does have transitional use in many situations. However, lateral movement as your counter work more effectively.

      The Filipino never attacks first, but he/she sure tries to hit first when you attack.
      What? If I have the confidence, ability and opportunity to attack first...guess what, I am hitting you. Waiting to counter is not always ideal.


      • #4
        Originally posted by johnj View Post
        I don't get this rambling at all???? In fact, much of it was duplicated. Is this coming from a person or computer bug?

        Assuming you are merely speaking of linear movement, "backing up" as you reference it, does have transitional use in many situations. However, lateral movement as your counter work more effectively.

        What? If I have the confidence, ability and opportunity to attack first...guess what, I am hitting you. Waiting to counter is not always ideal.
        I don't think his rant has anything to do with "technical" stuff Guro John.


        • #5
          i'd hit first, no hesitation


          • #6
            I don't think his rant has anything to do with "technical" stuff Guro John.
            Actually Daniel, it pertains to fight strategy as it applies to sparring and/or self-defense. The use or non-use of evasive tactics. The only offensive mindset and a few other gray areas, I am still deciphering (scratch head)


            • #7
              Actually guys I think all of his ramblings is nothing more than a advertisement for his video series and his instructors association. You can tell by the number of times a link to his website shows up in the body of his post. No offense to anyone...I just think if you are going to post something that is an obvious advertisement for your system or videos and you go out of the way to mention Dan Inosanto bought your videos in the 1986 and said they were great. Then you need to be sure and post that in the proper thread and not in here. Also, I thought the term was Guro and not Guru?

              You might try using less negative talk about everyone who does something different than you and try not to run everyone down in order to make what you do look better.

              Just my thoughts.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tim McFatridge View Post
                You might try using less negative talk about everyone who does something different than you and try not to run everyone down in order to make what you do look better.

                Just my thoughts.
                Yes Tim, you're right on with that. There's nothing I will say to justify what I've typed. I won't back up my 'flack' with any excuses. I did do my best to make up for it by posting an old ass video of the TV show episode of Kali-Silat TV in the other thread. I do dig Mr Alland's effort for the promotion of the FMA so I won't knock it so much because I do the same thing too.


                • #9

                  the post just sounds like the same old but kissing by american about the skill of native ma people the super tough thais in mt,the awesome koreans in tkd, the masterful japaneese in judo, the unbeatable brazillians in bjj ect.
                  lol people are people the world over only skill matters and not evey practioner or an art that originated from their country is good at it lol.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym View Post
                    people are people the world over only skill matters and not evey practioner of an art that originated from their country is good at it lol.
                    Indeed. I couldn't have said it any better than this one.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym View Post
                      lol people are people the world over only skill matters and not evey practioner or an art that originated from their country is good at it lol.

                      Boiled down to it's essence. The same concept I was trying to get across on the "only those that go the PI's are good" thread.

                      Well said.



                      • #12
                        this is an example of something i reffered in my previous thread..

                        The problem Here

                        which got so many negative and even ununderstood responses...

                        That's why we should make a unified approach on what is legitimate and be honest i have seen masters who have the ability and the actual experience and can back up what they say works..but fold to monetary aspects and give out ranks and whatever due to the harsh living conditions here in the Philippines...

                        And moneyed westerners of any race take advantage of such .. and when you look at their websites and adverts..they even fail to actually inform the public that they got their ranks through this..Kudos to GURU (is he Arabic?) ALLANd for his efforts.....

                        We should also judge as to the crisp movements of a so called teacher of the art and judge there if he/she is legit or not..after all the execution says it all...

                        MY TWO CENTS!
                        Last edited by serveinsilence; 03-08-2007, 11:27 AM. Reason: inormation missing


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MasterKaliSilat View Post
                          The Filipino never backs up.
                          That's why they all have circular driveways!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by serveinsilence View Post
                            And moneyed westerners of any race take advantage of such .. and when you look at their websites and adverts..they even fail to actually inform the public that they got their ranks through this..Kudos to GURU (is he Arabic?) ALLANd for his efforts.....
                            MY TWO CENTS!
                            If I could make a living out of just teaching FMA these days, oh you bet that's ALL I would do.

                            Reality check.... if smart "moneyed westerners of any race" want to cash in on a martial art, I don't think they'd waste their time pimping out FMA. There's really not that much money to be made in FMA unless you teach top-draw seminars every weekend. There's other arts that draw more money than our own poor art that's valued by even those that lie for it.

                            my 2 centavos


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                              That's why they all have circular driveways!
                              But what about the non-stop partying?

