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2 beginner questions...

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  • 2 beginner questions...

    Ok for awhile now I've been really interested in training Eskrima but I have a couple problems/questions... My first is relatively simple, what are the different styles of eskrima and what sets them apart?

    Secondly... Unfortunately however there seems to no real place around where I live to train. Sure there are a few places that integrate stick fighting into their curriculum but it's minimal and I don't wanna sit thru the other stuff just for 15 minutes of Eskrima a week. (I'd rather spend that time training BJJ or boxing)

    Anyway I've been lately considering getting some instructional videos to learn from. I've always been against learning from videos as more than a supplementary to training under an instructor but I think I'm stuck.

    Anyway I guess I'm curious as to if anyone thinks this is a worthwhile idea? And also if anyone can recommend and tell me a lil about some novice training DVD's (or even books I guess)? I was considering some of the Dog Brothers stuff but am unsure of where to begin. Help please... Thanks!

  • #2
    As for your first question - there are hundreds of different systems and styles. Some might tell you that there is a difference between Arnis, Eskrima, and Kali, but the lines are quite fuzzy. Some styles change names based on what's popular in any given decade.

    A good place to start to help you figure all of this out is Mark Wiley's book Filipino Martial Culture.

    As for videos, they can only take you so far, especially if you are training solo. But that's not to say you can't learn some basic angles and footwork drills and then spend your time hitting an old tire and running triangles until you can find a class.


    • #3
      Regarding Arnis, Kali, Eskrima.

      I've been studying Kali for the last 34 years, there's not really a difference among Kali, Eskrima or Arnis, although some believe there is, and everyone can claim to be an expert, but if you've never been to the Philippines, you may be missing the essence of what Kali is all about. The best place to train is in the Philippines, but that's a goal for everyone that practices these arts and sciences to look forward too. Please visit for some more information and a way to start, we'll help, share and we'll both grow. Kali is something you practice for the rest of your life, like any martial art you choose.

      regards, Greg


      • #4
        Originally posted by aseepish View Post
        As for videos, they can only take you so far, especially if you are training solo. But that's not to say you can't learn some basic angles and footwork drills and then spend your time hitting an old tire and running triangles until you can find a class.
        I have a friend who is also interested so he's gonna work with me...


        • #5
          Amadeus- Where are you located? Here are some locations if you are in the NJ/NYC area. Datu Rich Acosta teaches Wed in NYC (7-830pm) and in Red Bank, NJ (1:30-245pm).


          Errol Ballesteros


          • #6
            Originally posted by amadeus View Post
            I have a friend who is also interested so he's gonna work with me...
            That's going to make things a lot easier for you. Remember to wear safety glasses!


            • #7
              Originally posted by FMAFIGHTER View Post
              Amadeus- Where are you located? Here are some locations if you are in the NJ/NYC area. Datu Rich Acosta teaches Wed in NYC (7-830pm) and in Red Bank, NJ (1:30-245pm).


              Errol Ballesteros
              I wish... I'm in the Omaha/Council Bluffs area in Nebraska/Iowa.


              • #8
                I may have found one...

                does anyone know anything about Guro Julius Melegrito? Or about Mark Thomas who seems to be the FMA instructor at the Omaha school?


                • #9
                  I'll be doing a four hour class on Saturday & Sunday 8:am to 11:am the cost is $10 for members, if you bring a friend, you can be my guest. Chinatown Mulberry and Bayard Streets on the Soccer field. August 18th & 19th, Guru Compton will be there, he teaches in NYC. regards, Greg
                  PS: I usually get there at 7:am and you can do the warm up with me. (917) 535 KALI with 34 years of practice and still going strong.

