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Why Tour The Philippines

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  • Why Tour The Philippines

    When the time comes to advance your understanding of the culture of the Filipino Art we call Kali Silat, will you be ready? Training in the country of original of any culture is a unique experience you won't forget. I remember all to well the first time I was in Cebu, in the home of Doce Pares, March of 1977, "We have a drill for everything.", GM Diony Canete told me. My wife was there last year and tells me it's like Manila now, and Manila must be like New York City, may be to some extent. Still, you won't have any experience in life like this one, I guarantee it.

    We are in the midst of preparing to visit these Filipino Islands again, that's got so much coverage and history, that our fathers and their fathers still remember all too well. Just thought I'd share this with you.

    Any way, since so many are looking to see me in the Philippines again so my itinery is set for: February 14th or so, to Manila, we'll visit LaGuna for training on the University of the Philippines' Campus with Master Tortal and then on to Cebu, in the heart of Eskarima, Arnis Kali. According to GM, the first organized association of Doce Pares had 32 members, and was organized by eight brothers of the Canete family and 4 friends, I'm told.

    Hope to see you there, we're planning a trip for you to join us this coming June/July/August. And we'll spend some free time at Skips' resort, an island to relax afterwards, with training grounds for backpackers to relax, train too, or enjoy the beautiful resort hotel. If it sounds inviting, it's because it is, I knew that when I first met my teacher in 1972.

  • #2
    Ok, can't understand why I don't get response from this post. Look at any of the great martial artists of the 70's, 80', 90', and 2000's. Those that trained in Kali Silat, Pencak Silat, or any other art in their respective cultures, became most dedicated, understanding of their art, and overall better in their respective discipline. Think about that from the days of the late great grand master, Peter Urban himself. "Go with love and respect for all, even the ugly ones need love." he commented one day, speaking of his pit bull, no matter how bad someone says your stuff is no good, remember again to follow those that art positive, since they bring the truth with them.

    I thought about that, and later began to realize that all elements of the practice I make must be shared so that we can all grow. All those that didn't share became a forgotten part of their art, and later gave up the practice.

    Well let's see whose whom. All those guy that practiced in other countries, became more knowledgeable and understanding of why the practice and why the longevity of practice. And yes by doing so, become most unusual, and it doesn't matter what art you do, although it does make a great difference with to whom you learn.

    Be sure of one thing only, you can't blame others for dropping your stick? When I meet a man better then I, I take the lesson. I questioned why, when I was brought to Utah, I said to this man, "You are so far ahead of me, I should take the lesson, you don't need me here." His reply was that he wanted to understand more of the Filipino Martial Arts organization, which is to learn about the organization of these arts and sciences.

    He is Master Dan, since I don't have permission to tell this story, when I met him, he was already 25 years in the arts at age 32 I believe he said. Each day after the seminar he would mediate on breaking a stone with his fingers, as he continued to practice same, I thought as I watched briefly, probably one day he would break it.

    Much later I received an email from another grand master we'll call him Michael, since I don't have permission to tell this story either, and he joined my email list that I had advertised on my website at, after seeing his name I emailed him back, is this the gentleman that trained Dan? He said yes, and I thanked him for the privilege of placing his name on my email list."

    Now why am I telling you this, because sometimes when I meet these guys in PT I'm told stuff like, I'm doing it wrong. Wrong? There is no WRONG way, it's only can I stop you, or can you stop me. So when I'm close to you and you "DROP" your stick, don't blame me. After all, if I drop my stick, I'll take the lesson from you.

    That's right, I'm the guy that started to travel since 1980's the world over and in 40 or so states, and helped to introduced Kali to America, along with Pencak Silat. And now, having further understanding of many of those that started in Silat back then, wow! These guys know the deal and don't care what stick your holding or other hand-to-hand weapon. I'm impressed, really, visit their schools and see for your self, it's the only way.

    It is a real privilege to have meet Guru Basar Jerry Jacobs, this past December 7,8,9,10, I had a great time too, working with other schools in the area there were some people that could easily kick my... But more importantly they give respect to these arts and sciences, way more important than being on top. Practice and you too will get it, follow and it'll be lost forever, share, and you too will grow." Circa 1977. I remember hearing it from Grand Master Canete.

    Indeed it was also a pleasure to speak again with Master Pendakar William Saunders, after watching his DVD for sure I'm not coming near him. I have witness he among a few other well traveled, thus well educated in these arts are call Kali Silat, Pencak Silat, Arnis, Eskrima and.....


    • #3
      Originally posted by MasterKaliSilat View Post
      Ok, can't understand why I don't get response from this post....
      I can. Every post you have contributed to the forum only serves to promote your own interests, people are not blind to this. You aren't here to share in the community of discussion, you are here to serve your own agenda. That is why people don't respond to you.

      It is not my intention to be rude or disrespectful, but you asked a question that personally I would want someone to offer an honest reply to. Have a look through your all your posts on here, start with your signature, maybe even your username, and give it some thought.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Michael Wright View Post
        I can. Every post you have contributed to the forum only serves to promote your own interests, people are not blind to this. You aren't here to share in the community of discussion, you are here to serve your own agenda. That is why people don't respond to you.

        It is not my intention to be rude or disrespectful, but you asked a question that personally I would want someone to offer an honest reply to. Have a look through your all your posts on here, start with your signature, maybe even your username, and give it some thought.

        I beg to differ. With all due respect I have found his contributions to this forum to be most exceptional.

        He holds a privileged position in the (martial) arts world and I fairly value anything he writes.

        The worth of his contribution to the industry will become evident in time.

        Behold, observe and witness the evolution. That itself has been rewarding enough for me. Just look at the progress blade arts have made in the last twenty years?

        When I was taught a few basic fundamentals (in Cebu, PI) it was a closed door event by invitation and expected to remain perfectly confidential...

        The secret is out folks and MASTERKALISILAT is opening doors previously held barred and locked tight.

        But don't take MY word for anything....


        • #5
          No problem Tant, if you have found the posts useful then that’s good, as always each to their own.

          Let me be clear: what I wrote has nothing to do with the gentleman’s pedigree, qualifications or achievements in the arts. That is not in question. I personally know that there are some outstanding martial artists and fighters on here who choose to be anonymous, and be judged on the value and merit of what they post.

          I can only speak from my personal point of view in that I have found the posts by the gentlemen in question to have a common theme of self-promotion, sometimes discreet and sometimes not so discreet. I was pointing out, not to criticise but to offer a rationale, as to why he doesn’t receive many responses to what he writes.

          Happy to be told I am wrong, I just made the call as I saw it. No offence intended to any party.


          • #6
            Thank you for your candid reply. I quite agree with you in respect to being self serving, as to why that is has to do with my nature. And, in a way it's the same in the magazines when you look at professional articles, they are self serving, they choose to write about whom their property they own.

            As for myself, I started out in hospital work, because I felt a need to help people, may be from younger days when I spent 3 years of my life in an orphanage, it gave me the understanding that people everywhere need help and I became one of those people that serve life. It's the gist of life, serving others so that we all may grow. Any way I prospered until I reached the status of Department Director and quasi administrator within the first four years in the hospital's sick care industry with only a high school diploma.

            It was in The Jersey City Medical Center when I met my teacher in 1974, the year I was to marry a Filipina, and they do make the best wives, I digress. Searching for the skills now for the nurses I was again searching for myself. Real protections skills of martial arts, although not everyone can do it, we do continue to learn, "Always learning", said GM Cacoy, circa 1977. So I've been for learning, and sharing is the means to grow in these arts and sciences. But there are those that don't, and I've met lots of karateka's that wound up with arthritis, since the path of learning was not in friendly hands. But, because I understood we learn more from friends, then others, albeit, I began with our friends in Kali. Kali was the first art I began to study. I felt the reality of starting with a weapon to learn MARTIAL skills, it's truly the way. It's not about fighting, it's about surviving and Kali truly gives you a means of surviving. Therefore, Kali is 'finishing school'.

            So, why not see what knowledgeable people are saying? Rather then reading my rhetoric, read what are people are saying that have worked with me.. Visit - I am delivering some self serving methods because I've been seeing what's out there. A student of mine since the early 80's recently came to my school and after studying with many masters and grand masters could not hold on to his weapon. Kept backing up he did, hmmmm.

            And whom will never know why we do it the way we do it. Kali is as individualized as the Filipinos themselves. And, after fighting in real battle in their own country, you will really know what this is all about. Knowing what that means can only be achieved in sharing the skills in the country of origin in any culture.

            My teachers are still there, they know how their skills continue to manifest and grow, even at the ages of the older great grand masters. I've been there a dozen times since 1974, and during my last trip in 1996, Grand Tuhon Leo Tortal Gaje, Jr. signed my certificate, as did his uncle Grand Master Tortal, when I brought a group from the states and some of my guys form Germany. And, I and we purchased everything they had on hand, sticks, Pekiti Tirsia T-shirts, and something else that escapes me, as well as a few blades from both instructors. What ever each had was bought by the group as well. Everything, a small price to pay for this most valuable knowledge, as Jafri would say, "We all know how to live, but we don't know how to life." circa 1978.

            Oh, if you want to know about or by traditional blades, contact Master Styles, his knowledge is exceptional. If you email me I'll send him that information, Master Styles grew up in Doce Pares, I believe they introduced him to me in '77. Oh, and by the way, contribution to the country of origin is the highest respect you can give in any culture, that's what sharing is about.

            Beginning of story, including clips with Suryadi Jafri, RIP 1998.


            • #7
              Thank you for the reply.

              I must confess, I'm not sure how we got onto most of the topics in your post, but hey it was interesting to read.

              I admire a man who can take some feedback and roll with it, and I also respect someone who is honest in terms of what they are trying to gain. So fair play to you sir.

