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Newbie question on selecting a system

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  • Newbie question on selecting a system

    Hello everyone,

    After a lifetime of being a couch potato and at the age of 48 with no martial arts background I’ve taken interest in FMA and I am considering taking classes in NYC in Manhattan preferably, or in Brooklyn. I would like to join a small class or training group that meets a couple times a week. As I am not a youngster anymore and not in any kind of shape at this point I'm trying to avoid the classes filled only with overly muscled twenty something guys and you are required to do bend twist and jump for an hour before you touch a stick.

    I’ve been able to a few FMA systems in the area but I'd like some help and guidance either here on the forum or even by private email. I’m particularly interested in stick and knife training. I was looking at Balintawak and Filipino Combat Systems (FCS) but can't seem to find anyone local. Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    Kevin W.

  • #2
    In NYC work with us Saturday and Sunday mornings in Chinatown's Columbus Park Mulberry and Bayard Streets 8:am to 11:am Guru Paul, has worked the FMA for the 35 + years and Guru Compton since 1993 are the teachers, the small classes are designed to give you the system to work with and fits the bill as you required. Contact me with a phone number at and I'll give you the phone numbers. Start with the system DVDs F/G at and get started now, or just email me for the phone, or show up in class this coming Saturday / Sunday.

    I've been working the system since 1974 and teaching and practicing for the last 37 years, I'm 63 and we have class this Monday at 6:00 pm in the park at Ave. A and 14th Street, enter Stuvesant Town north of 14th & Ave. A take the first ramp on the right as you enter and you'll see us in the park there. regards, Greg Alland, Master Kali Silat.

    PS: we have an older group of as you described above, like yourself.

