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NYC - Kali Silat Classes Guest Master Ocampo

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  • NYC - Kali Silat Classes Guest Master Ocampo

    Training in New York With Master Dennis Ocampo - Monthly and every Saturday & Sunday 8:am Chinatown, NYC - 3 hours class, contact 646 571-4182 regards to everyone this past week end.

    Everyone had a great time and we truly miss you up here. I am not going to say how it went so I will let these testimonials speak for them selves:

    This was the first weekend in months that I woke up before an alarm and was excited to start my day. I was nervous since I haven't been training, but the warm ups were invigorating not draining. It felt like every example you presented was a private class for me; the markings of a true teacher. I have learned more about how I learn best; when I watch you first and hear you speak, I can only take in about 5 minutes before my mind wanders (unless I have pen in hand). Then my mind blanks, so the second step for me is to mimic someone, either standing behind them or mirroring them. Thirdly, find my root and relax, and mark the movement as slow as possible. What an adventure to have someone watching and coaching me, really this class setup is a dream come true. When I got frustrated or confused, there was someone there encouraging me. All the teachers there were gentle, kind and perceptive. Their remarks built on each other rather then
    confusing me. Another sign of a wonderful leader is that you attract helpful people who work as a team.

    I am intimidated by you, entertained by you and above all in awe of your capacity as a teacher (besides being an incredibly gifted martial artist). And you're pretty darned funny. Not only can you spoon feed a complicated system so a beginner such as myself can digest it, you obviously take pleasure in doing so. Your rapport with each individual is beautiful. I tend to be shy, but people seemed to respect that so I felt safe and more eager to learn. You would make an amazing principle, any school would be blessed to have you. Lisa Morrow - 6/01/09
    Dear Mas Guru Ocampo

    I would like to say thank you. I have been in the martial arts for 40 years and thought that I had seen it all. I have studied various martial arts including the Filipino Martial Arts Systems. Let me be the first to say that the three days that I spent with you have totally opened my eyes to what I had been missing. Your knowledge, skill, and professionalism truly elevate you above your contemporaries. Just like every great athlete, can’t coach, every martial artist can’t teach. Your delivery, patience, and professionalism were awesome. I am still trying to figure out how a person of your stature can deliver such power. I am glad that Mas Guru Alland chose you as his successor. He could not have picked a better person. I look forward to getting together with you again in the near future. You made May 29, 30, and 31 truly a Memorial Day to remember. I would also like to give kudos to your student Max that traveled with you. Without his help, I could have not made it through all 3 days. What ever you guys are doing, keep right on doing it. Believe me it works. I heard that practice makes perfect. Wrong! Perfect practice makes perfect. Once again thanks from the bottom of my heart. It is very rare to find a teacher, mentor, and friend in one person. I’m grateful that you are all above.

    Respectfully yours,

    Guru James D. Lee – 6/01/09
    I was introduced to Filipino Martial Arts when I started working out with friend one summer day in 2007. At first I trained to add to my Wing Chun. Later that year I attended a Dan Inosanto seminar in Pennsylvania. My eyes were opened to a world of Filipino culture I have not appreciated before. The following weekend I started training with Mas Guru Greg Alland in Chinatown. That day I learned that all the Wing Chun training I had done before was great but was missing the ability to protect myself against the blade. I also learned to “try everything once” like chicken feet. Since that day I have strived to learn the “art and science of human life” with much enthusiasm and drive. Each day I perfect the ability to protect myself, strike with the proper mechanics, and out think opponents. I see my growth and confidence with the material from the teachings of Mas Guru Alland and Ocampo in the Sina-Tirsia-Wali system.

    I cannot thank Mas Gurus Alland and Ocampo for teaching me a part of my culture I have neglected to appreciate before. I catch myself thinking about the strikes, counters, and positions of my body and hands. I’m hooked and have found something I truly love. Thank you to you both for the opportunity to learn and grow. “I train so I can go home.”

    -Fred Bauzon (6/09)
    Thanks for everything Mas Guru
    Tell auntie I said hello! We hope to see you soon again!

    P. Greg Alland, World Kali Silat Society, MasGuru @
    Find out for yourself, Bradenton-Sarasota, Florida Saturdays 6 hours 8:am to 1m
    Enjoy a free class with us any Saturday.

  • #2
    I was there as well and my highest compliments to MasGuru Ocampo for his talents and proficient teaching methods. I learned much and continue to study under him and Mas Guru Alland.

