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  • Pekiti-Tirsia!

    Hi Guys,
    Hs anyone seen Tuhon Bill Mcgrath's 6 tape Pekiti-Tirsia videos he made a while back. If so could you please let me know what you think of it and if you have experienced his teaching method in seminars or classes I would like to know what you think of him as an instructor.

  • #2
    I had the Pekiti-Tirsia Double Baston and Empty Hand vs. Knife tapes, excellent tapes for the beginner and intermediate level student. As far as Tuhon McGrath, I missed out on my chance to go to one of his seminar but I think he has excellent body mechanics, is very well read and knowledgeable. If you can learn from him personally I would definitely go for it.


    • #3
      I have had the honor to train with Tuhon Bill for approx nine years. He is an excellent instructor. His seminars are usually done with a specific progression starting on the basics and building upon them to create advanced techniques. He makes a point to meet and work with everyone who attends his seminars. His energy level and ability to generate power is impressive. His footwork and body mechanics are superior. I highly recommend all to at least attend one of his seminars.

      His videos are excellent beginner to intermediate level techniques and great review material for advanced practitioners. He like most excellent instructors places tremendous importance on the basics and repetitions building the attributes and techniques slowly and smoothly.
      If the tapes are availible to you then get them, review them and do the drills taught within them. When reviewing the tapes make special note to his body movement and footwork. Many times it is very slight always allowing him to be just out of range of the opponent yet never out of range of him being able to attack.

      Danny T


      • #4
        McGrath video's

        I am really interested in finding a place to order the video's mentioned in this post. I was reading an article I thought McGrath wrote called " A knife is not a sword" and I thought he said he didn't do video's. If anyone has any knowledge of where to come up with them please e-mail me and let me know.


        j. hutton


        • #5

          Email me at

          Peace Out,


          • #6
            I think Tuhon McGrath's statement was more along the lines of he doesn't do knife videos for the general public, or something to that like.


            • #7
              Hi Kilat,
              I was wondering which videos you have?!. If you have them I too would be interested to get them. There is one specific video by Tuhon, it is a empty hand vs knife video(disarms) do you have that or know anybody that I can get it from.


              • #8

                I have the original 6 videos from Lionheart. The only empty knife vs. hands video I'm aware of is a members only video for his Pekiti Tirsia International group. I am yet to join so I don't have the video. Hope this helps.

                Peace Out,


                • #9

                  The only knife videos Tuhon Bill has out at this time is for PTI members only. You must also attend a basic hand vs knife seminar before being able to purchase the hand vs knife video. He has several review videos for those members attending the different seminars ie. 64 attacks, florette', disarma, espada y daga, contradas, segedas, recontras and many others just to name a few.

                  Danny T

