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Silat in the stickfights

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  • Silat in the stickfights

    I'd like to say that I saw some very nice silat game working on the ground on Sunday. The silat fighter didn't want to stay outside with the power(double sticks against some basic power KK structure/fluid attack) so he closed. I would definetly like to see this guy increase his game by adding more striking and even some BJJ to round himself out. All in all, though, he held his own on the ground in a somewhat different manner than normally seen as BJJ/vale tudo game.

    Also very good in putting in the small stuff like pinches, elbows. Not enough to take a man out, but enough to keep him thinking.

    Stickfighting Hawaii
    Last edited by stick77; 01-21-2003, 04:29 PM.

  • #2
    Glad your back.

    Hey Chad,
    good to see you (so to speak) around again.

    I've worked out/sparred with a few Silat folks and would agree that elements of it can be effective in the corto range. I have been known to use elements of it in the standing/stick grappling range quite effectivly. But also think that it has (as I've stated before) a few weaknesses as well. But then again, one could argue that every art has a weakness. Being well rounded is where it's at.

    Now, if I could just get some folks to come down to the park and stickfight...of course, it's in the single digits here. Not that warm balmy stuff you got over there.



    • #3 he did

      ...forgot to mention, he tapped one guy(another newbie), and grabbed the other guy by the b#*%s just while he got mounted.(In a real fight, maybe he could of cracked them, maybe the other guy would ground and pound...who knows, main thing is that they both learned something. He learned that his balls were open, the other guy learned that he doesn't know how to deal with or dish out power.) The silat guy also had lots of small pinching, hacks, wedges, nice game. I've noticed more and more people starting to add this to their ground game as well.

      William, thanks. His stand up with the stick sucked(what newbie doesn't???) No offense, but he had no power, not much workable defense. Like he said, he couldn't deal with the power so he had to close the gap. Thank again, isn't that the game.

      I would like to say though, that the guy does have good technical knowledge of the system that he is learning, and does have an open mind. He says he knows its not all combat effective, but he wants to actually complete the entire system. He is a great guy as well.

      Hey, William, didn't you try medieval-type fighting?
      Last edited by stick77; 01-24-2003, 10:23 PM.


      • #4
        Hey, William, didn't you try medieval-type fighting?

        It's blade oriented (as opposed to Impact oriented stickfighting) but I wouldn't call it medieval. It's an off-shoot of our regular training and stickfighting using heavier Saber/Rapier swords and daggers. It's FMA based but we have added things gleaned from Western bladed arts. We only use fencing masks and gloves for protection. There is a better description at the end of the "Knife" thread on this forum. As with minimal armor stickfighting, you get instant feed back if your tools aren't up to snuff.

        Glad to hear you guys are keeping it going over there.


