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terminology and numbering for escrima (Inosanto system)

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  • terminology and numbering for escrima (Inosanto system)

    I was wondering if someone could lend a hand to a beginning Escrima student. I am having a hard time remembering the numbering system and the terminology I heard at the last seminar I was at. Could someone shed some light on the subject? Here is an example of what I remember..

    Angle one- right hand inward strike to opponents left collar bone

    Angle two- backhand strike down opponents right collar bone

    Angle three- upward slash on angle two

    Angle four- upward slash on angle one

    That's all I can remember, is that correct? Could someone post all twelve angles for me, or provide photo's/illustrations? It would help alot.

    As far as terminology goes, I can not remember much. Is there anyone who could provide a list of terminology translations for FMA? EX: Gunting, Sinawali etc.. I want to get sharp and learn all the movements of the stick beyond basic 6 and 4 counts. We also went over Punyo Sombrada and similar techniques, could someone help refresh my memory of how these techniques are done? Any help much appreciated! Thank you.

  • #2
    Re: terminology and numbering for escrima (Inosanto system)

    Originally posted by danno
    I was wondering if someone could lend a hand to a beginning Escrima student. I am having a hard time remembering the numbering system and the terminology I heard at the last seminar I was at. Could someone shed some light on the subject? Here is an example of what I remember..

    Angle one- right hand inward strike to opponents left collar bone

    Angle two- backhand strike down opponents right collar bone

    Angle three- upward slash on angle two

    Angle four- upward slash on angle one

    That's all I can remember, is that correct? Could someone post all twelve angles for me, or provide photo's/illustrations? It would help alot.

    As far as terminology goes, I can not remember much. Is there anyone who could provide a list of terminology translations for FMA? EX: Gunting, Sinawali etc.. I want to get sharp and learn all the movements of the stick beyond basic 6 and 4 counts. We also went over Punyo Sombrada and similar techniques, could someone help refresh my memory of how these techniques are done? Any help much appreciated! Thank you.
    Hi Danno,

    There is a FMA teminology list on:

    As for the angles of attack, they differ depending on what school you train at (angles 3 and 4 that you listed above are different to the angles 3 and 4 I know). However, the numbering system is only used for teaching purposes.

    I did recently download a copy of the "Filipino Martial Arts" by Dan Inosanto, which I is a really good book. The 12 angles are It's a pity it went out of print.


    • #3
      1 - Hits left collar bone
      2 - Hits Right Rib Cage
      3 - Hits Left Rib Cage
      4 - Hits Right Collar Bone
      5 - Ab Stab
      6 - Right Knee
      7 - Left Knee
      8 - Stabs Right Pectorial
      9 - Stabs Left Pectorial
      10 - Hits top of head

      On the swings, the knucles always lead (like you're holding a sword)

      5 is palm up
      8 is palm up
      9 is palm down


      • #4
        Hey swan, where did you download the Dan Inosanto book from? Is it still available?


        • #5
          I downloaded the book from eDonkey (type in something like, "dan inosanto" or Filipino martial arts) etc. I would send it to anyone that would like a copy, but it's 11 meg in size.

          I'll look into posting it on a web server for people to download. Send me a private message if you would like to download it.


          • #6
            Does anyone know # 11 and 12? Also, how are strikes to the rib executed? Are they upward slashes?


            • #7
              If I remember, 11 and 12 would be the eyes, but they aren't in the Illustrisimo "pattern."

              and actually, the normal system isn't the Illustrismo pattern.

              I'm a n00b, so your accuracy may very.


              • #8
                Numbers mean nothing.

                You have a horizontal line, a vertical line, and the two diagonal lines. Apply this to the top of your opponent, the middle, and the bottom and you possibly will come up with 36 or so angles.

                Then you have the many ways of actually striking:

                whipping strikes (watik?) where you do not follow through, kinda like snapping someone with a towel.

                slashes (latik?) where you do follow through. (Cutting with blade or smashing with stick etc.)

                pokes (?) stabbing with the "blade" up, down, or flat.

                smashing with the butt end of the stick (puno?)

                Worry about numbers with your partner so you dont break your hands, otherwise worry about the angle or line of the motion. Worry even less right now about where you are hitting.

                Im sure guro Dan went over the upward and downward figure 8 motions with the stick - downward would be the first 2 angles you mentioned, and upward would be the second 2.

                You can also try websearches on 'Maphilindo' which is Guro Dan's Silat mixture but will probably turn up some meat for you to chew on concerning his stick methods.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by swan104
                  I downloaded the book from eDonkey (type in something like, "dan inosanto" or Filipino martial arts) etc. I would send it to anyone that would like a copy, but it's 11 meg in size.

                  I'll look into posting it on a web server for people to download. Send me a private message if you would like to download it.
                  I just wanted to reply to this and state that I am very interested in dowloading the book, can anyone help?


                  • #10
                    With all due respects to Mac...

                    Inosanto Numbering system

                    1 - Hits left collar bone
                    2 - Hits Right Collar Bone
                    3 - Hits Right Rib Cage
                    4 - Hits Left Rib Cage
                    5 - Ab Stab
                    6 - Stabs Right Pectorial (palm up)
                    9 - Stabs Left Pectorial (palm down)
                    10 - Overhead shot
                    11 - Downward diagonal shot left knee
                    12 - Downward diagonal shot right knee
                    13 - Upward diagonal shot left knee
                    14 - Upward diagonal shot right knee
                    15 - Horizontal head/neck shot (opp's left side of head)
                    16 - Horizontal head/neck shot (opp's right side of head)

                    Hope this helps.


                    • #11
                      In derobio escrima it is as follows:

                      1 - right collar bone strike
                      2 - left collar bone
                      3 - right rib strike
                      4 - left rib strike
                      5 - abdominal jab
                      6 - right pector jab
                      7 - heart jab
                      8 - right upward knee
                      9 - left upward knee
                      10 - right head shot
                      11 - left head shot
                      12 - downward head shot


                      • #12
                        Heres the way I learned it from a school of Inosanto lineage a few months ago:

                        1; Downward L collar bone.
                        2; Downward R collar bone.
                        3; L rib cage.
                        4; R rib cage.
                        5; Ab stab.
                        6; L pectoral.
                        7; Downward top.
                        8; Neck stab.
                        9; Upward L knee.
                        10; Upward R knee.
                        11; L ankle.
                        12; Stick to L pectoral. My L thumb to R pectoral simlating another weapon.


                        • #13
                          In the Inosanto System there are several different numbering systems and series of patterns

                          Cinco Teros- Five Counts
                          Ocho Teros- Eight Counts
                          Doce Teros- Twelve Counts
                          Diez y Siet- Seventeen Count
                          Twenty five count

                          THere is also a Panantukan count system as well which goes to 30 counts

                          Additionally he uses various counting methods from other systems he has learned over the years and credits each system when he uses them.


                          • #14
                            Inosanto Numbering system

                            The 17 count that we ran through at the Inosanto seminar in London last July was practically the same as that stated by Ern-Dog. However the first 5 angles were in a slightly different order and the end was a bit different. One of my instructors calls the first 5 angles as they appear below the Ilustrisimo variant (sounds like a 70's spy movie) ...

                            This is the 3rd variation on ILK angles that I have learned in the past three years of training. I think this is mostly useful when beginning or as a reference later on...

                            Anyway my twopenneth:

                            1 - Downward diagonal (opps left collar bone)
                            2 - Horizontal slash (opps right midsection)
                            3 - Horizontal slash (opps Left midsection)
                            4 - Downward diagonal (opps Right Collar Bone)
                            5 - Ab Stab
                            6 - Stabs Right Pectorial (palm up)
                            7 - Stabs Left Pectorial (palm down)
                            8 - Overhead shot
                            9 - Downward diagonal shot left knee
                            10 - Downward diagonal shot right knee
                            11 - Upward diagonal shot left knee
                            12 - Upward diagonal shot right knee
                            13 - Horizontal Abaniko to opp's left side of head
                            14 - Horizontal Abaniko to opp's right side of head
                            15 - Two-handed verticle overhead
                            16 - Redondo (from Abierta)
                            17 - Hooking diagonal thrust

                            There's also footwork that goes along with this i.e. its not done standing on the spot.

                            About 10 minutes after I got this down someone showed me a version with 26 angles... go figure!


                            • #15

                              Ilustrisimo 1-12 (as taught by Guro Inosanto)

                              1 - Downward diagonal (opps left collar bone)
                              2 - Horizontal slash (opps right midsection)
                              3 - Horizontal slash (opps Left midsection)
                              4 - Downward diagonal (opps Right Collar Bone)
                              5 - Ab Stab
                              6 - Upward diagonal shot backhand
                              7 - Upward diagonal shot forehand
                              8 - Stabs Right Pectorial (palm up)
                              9 - Stabs Left Pectorial (palm down)
                              10 - Overhead
                              11 - Horizontal shot (L knee)
                              12 - Horizontal shot (R knee)

