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Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje Jr, Seminar in New England (RI).

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  • Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje Jr, Seminar in New England (RI).

    Updated information below.

    Last edited by William; 05-13-2003, 10:26 PM.

  • #2
    Updated GT Gaje seminar info.


    The Rhode Island Pekiti-Tirsia Kali Association would like to announce and
    welcome Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje Jr. to Rhode Island. The RIPTKA and Mongrel
    Combative Arts in association with The Fitness Connection will be hosting a
    2-day training seminar with Grandmaster Leo Gaje.

    Grandmaster Leo Gaje will be offering an intense training session in the
    close quarter's combat system of Pekiti-Tirsia Kali.

    Learn the keys to applying effective combat technique through the
    Pekiti-Tirsia system. A true, authentic family system of Filipino martial
    art, tested and proven through generations of combat and utilized now by the
    elite Philippine Marine Corps Force Recon in the war against Terrorism.

    Training will focus on the combat drills and tactical application of the
    Pekiti-Tirsia system with all weapon categories including
    Pangamut/Empty-Hands/Dumog. Participants should bring training weapons,
    protective gear, water/sports drinks for hydration and be prepared to train.

    The seminar will be on July 12 & 13, 2003 from 10:00AM to 5:00PM (with
    The cost will be $125 ($150 at the door) for both days and $75 ($85 at the
    door) for just 1day.
    Due to space limitations, pre-registering is highly recomended.

    The location: Swift Gym, corner of Pierce and Spring St.,East Greenwich, RI.

    From I-95 North bound. Take exit #8 onto Route 2 south.
    Turn left onto Division (1st set of lights). Drive 2.2 miles
    Turn left on to Prospect, Turn right at Spring St.
    Take first left into the parking lot (right next to the EG Police Station).

    From I-95 South bound, Take Rt. 4 South to Exit #8 (first exit).
    Turn right onto Division (1st set of lights). Drive 2.0 miles
    Turn left on to Prospect, Turn right at Spring St.
    Take first left into the parking lot (right next to the EG Police Station).

    Lodging: The Crowne Plaza is about a 10 minute drive from Swift gym. Located
    at (right off of I-95):
    801 Greenwich Ave
    Warwick, RI.

    Holiday Inn Express
    901 Jefferson Blvd
    Warwick, RI.

    For those that might be interested (and you have any energy left), Water Fire will be happening Saturday
    night. If enough people are interested in going, I'll arrange for
    transportation to and from the event. Please contact me if you are
    interested in attending. Check out

    If you have any other questions, want pre-registration info, or to receive a
    flyer, (I can e-mail or
    Snail mail a flyer to you) please e-mail or call:

    Guro William Schultz by phone (401) 258-3689, or

    Hope to see you there,

    The Rhode Island Pekiti-Tirsia Kali Association (RIPTKA)
    Mongrel Combative Arts


    • #3
      Just a reminder

      Just a reminder for the upcoming Pekiti-Tirsia Kali Combat Bladefighting Seminar featureing Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje in Rhode Island on July 12th & 13th. Space is filling up so get your self registered if you plan to attend.

      Hope to see some of you there,



      • #4
        One week to go....



        • #5

