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  • #61
    its nice to se that SE asian MA and fma is going strong elsewhere...i beleive that these MA's are underated and underexposed(except for the mcdojo types and the IMBENTO types,u know who they are)...arnis in particular should be tought to police everywhere...
    FMA are getting popular abroad but the best marketing peoples are not always the greatest teachers/fighters as u probably know.....Many peoples just want a workout or to be entertained.....

    actually our wc fighting classes have just been canceled starting yesterday because most students found it too hard and nobody was coming any more.... have to take even more private lessons now ...

    Yes even in the Philippines policemen should learn Arnis, as they pull the trigger to easily....

    I will go to Kong Hang when I'll come back.... just hope it is not too far outside Manila....

    If I come back before your departure to California I'll be glad to show you some knive...

    By the way if you want to take out your dog you should have a look at the PIGSAI at Luneta (on Saturday?, you'll have to check if it is still there), most of th Arnis there is for show but there are some good peoples there....

    .im reeally surprised to know that they ahng out din sa circle
    There are wushu peoples on the week end sa circle.... once they shot a kf movie doon,
    we avoid going there on the w.e. kasi maraming taos, some spied on us...


    • #62


      (PITBULLZ) was that you in the picture with the dogs? I think the guy your are refering in the (RAPID journal) is Louie Cinco or so? He is quite an amateur beside his appearance and forms he is quite young.

      Anyway that is what I like about CMartists in Manila is that they kept things properly and conserved. Probably the reason Wing Chun has not yet been popular here is because there is few that is willing to teach. I know a lot of Chinese martial arts around Manila although they are taught privately. Some even went to overseas to teach than teaching in Manila. A lot of martial arts came here that passed since the WW2 but has not taught here in PI or spent their lives in another country due to the economic condition here. Wu Shu is so sports like in our country and UBOD PA NG TAGA! I know these because I got some friends who trains wushu but never been that good in applications especially in a real fight.


      • #63

        Hi I wonder if your are familiar with the diagonal fist? It is our signiture punch. I'll tell the principles if I get a reply.

        Kiong Hi Hok Ki,



        • #64
          krys: if there would be an arnis style that is really practical,what is it? practical interms of walang kalokohan

          cool! teach me some knife moves :-) i want to see and learn some

          PS: alex co gave me abook awhile ago about wingchun, yimm seems so rudimentary and lacking in context on how things really lacks depth but an overall good read just to give insight on the style...i will be given a wing chun VCD later on as i was told ;-) lucky me...nice person i must add....

          yentao: diagonal fist? yes...many nck punch are like that....mainly its the mainlanders who do that the most...i also do it al the time...yes,those are my dogs...i still have one for sale...

          there are a lot of kung fu masters in disguise here in manila,one was my lolo,he died w/o passing his art to anyone in the family,no one liked him bec he was too strict...what he practiced? i dunno....just dint ask i guess...ban lai shing was another kung fu champion who wen here in manila...


          • #65
            krys: if there would be an arnis style that is really practical,what is it? practical interms of walang kalokohan
            The most practical I've seen is a muslim escrima style....pb is it is a familly system, even I was only introduced kasi my Arnis teacher was in Palawan and my silat GM didn't want me to stop learning Arnis.....

            I used it once in a fight against a neighborhood toughie who attacked me with an iron bar and cut him in the fingers with my daga....

            Cinco Terros is a very good system... it is not flashy, peoples who don't have a traditional background find it boring because you have to repeat katas...

            Two other very good systems I've seen are WEDO and Kali Illustrissimo.....
            There are some very good instructor's of these systems in Manila.... but you have to be carefull, there are private and public techniques, training can be very different if you are just paying fees or if you are a friend-inner circle student...... I've met a WEDO master who was showing great stuff and was open minded...

            If we can meet before your departure I'll show you a knive system from Jolo, there are only a few techniques-training methods (the GM of this system was ambushed by gunmens before really going into teaching it) but is really works and can be learned quickly (but you'll need time and a lot of sparring to master it).

            PS: alex co gave me abook awhile ago about wingchun, yimm seems so rudimentary and lacking in context on how things really lacks depth but an overall good read just to give insight on the style...i will be given a wing chun VCD later on as i was told ;-) lucky me...nice person i must add....
            Yes I heard he is a nice person, but I found the staff in his shop is not really helpfull....
            I bought his dit da jow last time.... seems to work quite well... I didn't find good books on wing Chun although I heard there is a secret book kept by the masters....

            there are a lot of kung fu masters in disguise here in manila,one was my lolo,he died w/o passing his art to anyone in the family,no one liked him bec he was too strict...what he practiced? i dunno....just dint ask i guess...ban lai shing was another kung fu champion who wen here in manila...
            I know that there are good Hsing I, Tai Chi masters teaching secretely....


            • #66
              Originally posted by krys

              The most practical I've seen is a muslim escrima style....pb is it is a familly system, even I was only introduced kasi my Arnis teacher was in Palawan and my silat GM didn't want me to stop learning Arnis.....

              I used it once in a fight against a neighborhood toughie who attacked me with an iron tire and cut him deep in the fingers with my knive....

              Cinco Terros is a very good system... it is not flashy, peoples who don't have a traditional background find it boring because you have to repeat katas...

              >Depende sa cinco teros. Kasi cinco teros is a common name. But most cinco teros is simple and direct no flashy movements like you said.

              Two other very good systems I've seen are WEDO and Kali Illustrissimo.....
              There are some very good instructor's of these systems in Manila.... but you have to be carefull, there are private and public techniques, training can be very different if you are just paying fees or if you are a friend-inner circle student...... I've met a WEDO master who was showing great stuff and was open minded...

              >krys, I haven't heard of the group WEDO. Can you please elaborate on what they teach? And who should I talk to to learn more of the inner circle stuff in WEDO or Illustrisimo? PLeasePM me if you feel it is needed. I really would appreciate it.

              I used to study with Tatang back in 92. He was around 90 years old. But still in his prime. I always wondered why the moves in the Kalis Illustrisimo tape was different not only in terminology and movement. I can understand that they cannot move the same way because of body type. But still iniba nila. Tapos syempre common sense na di nila itinuturo ang tamang galaw o secreto.

              If we can meet before your departure I'll show you a knive system from Jolo, there are only a few techniques-training methods (the GM of this system was ambushed by gunmens before really going into teaching it) but is really works and can be learned quickly (but you'll need time and a lot of sparring to master it).

              Yes I heard he is a nice person, but I found the staff in his shop is not really helpfull....
              I bought his dit da jow last time.... seems to work quite well... I didn't find good books on wing Chun although I heard there is a secret book kept by the masters....

              I know that there are good Hsing I, Tai Chi masters teaching secretely....
              Pitbull if you want to learn Kalis Illustrisimo try and look for Master Yuli Romo. HE is good low profile. I believe he is a bodyguard of one prominent politician sa atin. He is hard to find but it will be worth the wait. If you happen to go to luneta park look for Inocendio"Sioc" Glaraga matutulungan ka niya sa paghahanap ng mga masters. Ingat baka singgilin ka ng malaki. Tanung tanong lang. Instructor ko yon. kaya alam ko.

              PB, Sir Sioc is an encyclopedia of FMA. not a good fighter but a great teacher. He can show you the moves but is not well verse to fighting. He can use it but not as good as the others. But he will explain to you what the details in every movement he teaches you. At kilala niya ang mga masters and GMs. Mention Alex Ercia to Sir Sioc. I was his student in Kalaki.

              PB, You should check out LSAI in UPDiliman. Lightning ni Mang Ben. Kahit wala na si Mang Ben ang mga tauhan niya ay nagtuturo pa rin. Ang mga taga UPDiliman ay ok. They will teach you to apply their techniques. Ang nagturo sa akin ay si Sonny Mejia. Bata pa siya mga 32. But very intense and knowledgeable siya. Sana makatulon ito sa iyo. Ingat kayo parati.


              • #67
                krys, I haven't heard of the group WEDO. Can you please elaborate on what they teach? And who should I talk to to learn more of the inner circle stuff in WEDO or Illustrisimo? PLeasePM me if you feel it is needed. I really would appreciate it.
                WEDO means, if I am not wrong : Warrior Escrima Death (Offensive? Organisation, no longuer sure).... It is a good system, I was supposed to learn it, what I saw was middle range single stick and knive... they seemed to disaprove the use of double sticks..... Their GM is very old now (90?) but still a very good fighter....

                I will pm you, I never learned Kali Illustrissimo but liked what I saw, it is great... You were very lucky to learn under Tatang Illustrissimo.... What I said about private and public teaching is very common in fmas, I did not mean WEDO or Kali Illustrissimo particularly....
                Master's will give the inner circle training only to students they trust, i.e. won't stab them in the back later, this is logical.... tpart of pinoy ma tradition..... This is even worse for non christian teachers (muslims, lumads).... Lumads have martial arts, peoples think they just know war sayaws, but to my knowledge no non Lumad was ever able to learn them...


                • #68
                  I think the guy your are refering in the (RAPID journal) is Louie Cinco or so? He is quite an amateur beside his appearance and forms he is quite young.
                  His name is Luigi Cinco.... If you look at the RAPID article you will see that his feet are not parallel when he rotates i.e pointing in two different directions, and the forward leg stiff....

                  It is a shame that they show this in the R. journal... I'd rather loose my money at the sabong than to buy this B.S. again....


                  • #69
                    krys: in ur place,r there lots of people doing WC?

                    hmmm...sounds like defanging the snake ;-)

                    these people usually congregate in luneta?hmmm...should pay them a visit..

                    lol the staff there in ghils are another story ;-)

                    im actually thnking that FMA masters will be quite unwilling to teach a chinese :-) i really want to learn what i can b4 my time...dont plan to get rich on money but i plan to get rich on experience :-) many people told me that there are lots of masters in the muslim compound in quipo...(ouyr store is at carriedo and we sell daster)

                    popot: thank u very much for the info,very much appreciated :-) since im fil-chinese..i need to learn FMA as well... :-)


                    • #70
                      In our country today, a lot of people are already taking grappling i think it's getting pretty popular since the URCC started. Alvin Aguilar was the organizer. I have never met him and I never seen this guy fight before is anyone here knows a lot about him? He is becoming popular in MMA here in our country.


                      • #71
                        krys: in ur place,r there lots of people doing WC?
                        Mmh... soso... it is popular but not many people learn it seriously.... they take it one year and then drop out... Actually they imagine going to 1-2 classes a week will teach them how to fight, it is difficult training with them as they are not serious.

                        We would like to do a lot of very hard fighting classes to prepare for empty hands full contact contests... our sifu won an all styles empty hands full contact competition four times (he went there 4 times, I think it is the only legal competition of this kind in Europe)...
                        but students didn't come any more because they couldn't take it.

                        m actually thnking that FMA masters will be quite unwilling to teach a chinese
                        Some may not be willing if you are already a master, I know my silat GM was invited in Binondo and chinese peoples asked him to teach, but he refused....
                        Actually when he was younger he went to Ongpin street and asked if he could be taught. He was asked if he was chinese, he said no, then they asked him if he was a mestizo, he answered no again, then he was asked if he could speak chinese, no... Then they told him they could not teach him because of this.

                        I think he changed now, actually we may open a gym next year (june?) where peoples could learn with us...

                        i really want to learn what i can b4 my time...dont plan to get rich on money but i plan to get rich on experience :-)
                        Yes it is the same for me, I'm actually asking myself what would be best for me, making money abroad or going back to the Philippines to spend more time for mas... probably take the second option...

                        many people told me that there are lots of masters in the muslim compound in quipo
                        Yes there are and they are very good deals, I would like to ask my GM about them but this wouldn't be polite.

                        Oh I forgot, Moro Moro Horabes heneral and Black eagle escrima are also two good Arnis styles you could check out.....


                        • #72
                          PB, since u know Alex Co have him help you out with Kalis Illustriisimo.
                          That is the way to go. If you want to learn Modern Arnis/Kombatan PM me. I will give you my senior instructors numbers. Or you can go to quiapo or go straight to UST at the grand stand and look for my GM ERnesto Presas(PE teacher siya dun). Sabihin mo nirefer ka ni Alex Ercia). He teaches well and his son.
                          But if you want my senior is a great teacher and combat effective too. Mater Cristino Vasquez. The hidden secret of the modern arnis group. That what I call him. Hindi siya commercialize.
                          hope this helps. Ingat parati.



                          • #73
                            Hello Alex,

                            I can't find Frank Sobrino's number ....
                            Akala ko nagtuturo siya sa PIGSAI at 7 a.m. sa sabado... if you go to Luneta and ask for him peoples will tell you as he is known there.


                            • #74
                              No doubt. Ako dito sa Bay Area...Cali. Kamusta kayo?


                              • #75
                                Hi I wonder if your are familiar with the diagonal fist? It is our signiture punch. I'll tell the principles if I get a reply.
                                I think I know...... it has the advantages of both the karate type punch and the wing chun punch without their inconvieniences.

                                Just a few questions to you and Pitbullz...

                                I heard kong han is more external and bengkiam nck more internal oriented... is that true or do both schools teach the same way?
                                Would it be a problem if I learned from both places?


