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  • #46
    we dont use wooden dummies...we spar w each other....i suppose this is much more interactive...if there are no other people to spar w then we condition our arms by ourselves...uhm the only similarity is the shallow horse stance and thats about we attack and defend are VERY diff....even the vertical fists here in ngo cho kun...its an entirely diff art...i found someone from the net keeping on insisting about such similarities...but there actually isnt any....maybe there are somethings going on between the masters(as in exchanges of ideas etc) cho kun is an external almost brute force system blended w some bits of internal styles...wc on the otherhand is more akin to the internal schools....

    short step? uhmmmm partly true...the 1st 3 katas are short step...once someone reaches the more advanced levels...the katas become more and more dynamic...can cover lots of grounds...and there are leaps too...mostly for evading purposes....

    its WAS really popular in manila bec there were 2 dominant ngo cho masters here...namingly our Master Lo Yan Chu and master tan ka hong(bing kiam)...our 2nd generation master Lo King Hui was really popular in chinatown and i suppose thats on factor...another is that ngo cho kun is a native fukien martial art and manila has many fukienese expats...

    i will be in shaolin temple for the annual expo in nov 12


    • #47
      Actually the wooden dummy is very usefull to go full contact on your strikes... it also helps to practice our techniques alone. Conditioning is actually a byproduct of wooden dummy training.

      I am actually fond of arm conditioning but can't find willing partners...

      yes wing chun is more akin to internal schools, actually the first form is a.o. a chi kung exercise...

      another is that ngo cho kun is a native fukien martial art and manila has many fukienese expats...
      that is why there may be wing chun in Manila.

      Actually my arnis teacher is also a Tai Chi
      expert and. knows Hsing I, but I can't ask him details on this fukien wc as it would be disrespectfull.

      Once in the chinese gardens I saw cmartists leaping while their master hit them with two short swords (knee level), maybe this was your art.

      i will be in shaolin temple for the annual expo in nov 12
      You are lucky, I never trained in China.[


      • #48
        uhm dunno....that must be tai chi u saw....or maybe wuchu or some other art not training in shaoilin temple...just some expo and exchanges...ill be performing sam chien cross...its expensive to train in shaolin temple...the rates are insane

        i just had a chat w mr alex co awhile ago in his store(he lives near my house)..he told me that leung ting once offered him to teach wc and told him that he can teach it in no time since there are only 3 core katas...he refused(forgot the reason).i also asked him about wc here in manila...he told me that there is virtually no accomplished teacher in manila(i trust him on this since he is really active in the MA scene here in manila).he said that there are some amateurs/youngsters practicing it here but its more of for the fun of it rather than a lifetime commitment.leung ting also went back to germany as i was told since he cant spread his art ghere(he came here in the time where kids dont like hard training and MA already..prefering to play street fighter).

        i must agree that the wooden dummy is great for practicing entry techniques and u can bang ur forearm with it...but nothing still beats an interactive spar...

        we also chatted about the similarities between the 2 arts...i was told that the similatirty is in the stance and the way the 2 art like to hold a bridge/stick arms...and stance shifting too..but thats where teh similarities end....

        if wc had come here in the could have been if there was a BIG cantonese population here...i could be practicing wc rather than ngo cho kun...

        i was told that wc's footwork is a 'secret' this true?

        these days....its taichi and wushu that is really popular cho kun is almost neverheard of but it was the premiere fighting art here in the far as CMA goes...i had heard of how ngo cho legends(and some not so famous fighters)beat qigong and other art masters with quick ease...this maybe propaganda but i hear it anywhere so i guess its part true...

        there are WC guys in nov12...why not try to go there? its nie to see how people practice their art somewhere else...u learn stuff..u meet women etc...i barely got the permision to go from my boss...glad that tehy will let me go despite the current situation in the office...

        i hope ill get to work in california next year(if neg went good)...i was given the blessing by master Henry Lo to teach this art...i hope i will meet everybody's expectations of me...this art means a lot to me and wish to master this art before my time and i wish i could spread this art beyond the shores.


        • #49
          uhm dunno....that must be tai chi u saw....or maybe wuchu or some other art
          Yes it is sad wushu is now in the Philippines..... if you go to Quezon circle you will see wushu people.... there is a guy charging 2000 pesos a month for 2 hours a week wether you are there or not... (4 months advance payment!).

          told him that he can teach it in no time since there are only 3 core katas
          There are three core empty hands katas and a wooden dummy form, then you have the double butterfly knives and the dragon pole.... It is possible to learn the art in a relatively short time but you have to be extremely gifted and train one on one with a grandmaster daily.

          he said that there are some amateurs/youngsters practicing it here but its more of for the fun of it rather than a lifetime commitment.
          yes I believe this, the one I saw had a bad footwork and couldn't even rotate correctly... even in the rapid journal his stances are not proper....

          he came here in the time where kids dont like hard training and MA already..prefering to play street fighter
          That is really a shame... it is the same with modern fmas, the problem is that few want to learn the traditional way.... fast food culture. They don't want to learn the foundations and can't take pain.
          When I showed smashing arms exercises in the Philippines and here none of my friends-fellow students could take, and some are instructors...

          Could you believe some youth proposed to organize events in the Luneta park where masters would be excluded? Young peoples show very little respect to their elders today....

          .but nothing still beats an interactive spar...
          That is true, I agree with you.

          i was told that wc's footwork is a 'secret' this true?
          i don't know, there is a lot of quarreling between Yp Man's students.
          There are some masters who claimed that one of Yp Man's teacher's asked him to promise not to show wing Chun's footwork,
          only they would have been taught secretely....

          I guess the better techniques are shown to selected student's as it is always the case in traditional martial arts.

          ngo cho kun is almost neverheard of but it was the premiere fighting art here in the PI.
          Oh, I thought it is well known and growing, one of my training partners (a student of Alex Co) practices it. I was thinking of starting learning it during my last visit but could stay only one month and that would not have been serious.... will have to wait until I return for a longuer time.

          there are WC guys in nov12...why not try to go there? its nie to see how people practice their art somewhere else...u learn stuff..u meet women etc...
          I would like to go there... Is there any advertising of this event?
          haha if my girlfriend knows I go to China she will probably have peoples watching me....
          Actually I will go to Beijing in May for business, is it easy to go from Beijing to the Shaolin temple? I wonder if there are some good masters teaching in Beijing (not Wushu) and where I could buy ma stuff.....

          i hope ill get to work in california next year(if neg went good)...i was given the blessing by master Henry Lo to teach this art...i hope i will meet everybody's expectations of me...this art means a lot to me and wish to master this art before my time and i wish i could spread this art beyond the shores.
          I think there is some Ngo Cho Kun in the East coast.... good luck in California....
          I am really worried now about Wing Chun in the Philippines as I do not want to stop practicing when I'll return for good (ie between 1-3 years).... will probably have to take more private lessons here but the situation doesn't look good....


          • #50
            wow!!! thats a quick way to make money ;-) i may know the guy u are refering to if i see him ;-)

            there is a big market for wing chun/jkd here....its just that it isnt advertized very much...wing chun is part of a pop culture...but nbothing beats wushu when it comes to what students want to learn....w all those flying stunts etc...and fancy poses that would get u killed in a fight ;-)

            ah yes...i forgot to add...alex did told me that wc also has the 12ft pole and 2x daggers...i beleive some poeple dd more katas to the core 3 katas?

            as for the footwork...uhm...i would like to see it...may learn something new to sweep my sparring partner off balance...hes quicker than me since hes smaller

            luneta? hmm this i got to see for myself...these kids dont pratice anything...laki na agad ulo nila sisiw pa lang sila...tahts not the way to go...

            smashing arms is an SOP in ngo cho kun...bad iron arm is almost equal to bad ngo cho kun...

            the guys teaching at the west coast are from the malaysian lineage of nck...they dont practice it the 'hard external way' sorry about offending my malaysian bro's but the way u practice will reflect in a real fight...nck shines when practiced in a hard external way.

            the event isnt well advertized...i dont know why though...maybe bec of funds(but shaolin is about buddhism)

            be sure to ring me when u pass by manila...

            what fma do u practice? i would like to practice knife fighting sometime...


            • #51
              Who here trains in So.Cal?


              • #52
                wow!!! thats a quick way to make money ;-) i may know the guy u are refering to if i see him ;-)
                My Arnis teacher taught him Tai Chi, and now he teaches it himself to peoples in barangay Forbes Park making big money...
                When he sees us drinking coffee he just walks away to avoid talking to my guro....

                there is a big market for wing chun/jkd here....its just that it isnt advertized very much...wing chun is part of a pop culture...but nbothing beats wushu when it comes to what students want to learn....w all those flying stunts etc...and fancy poses that would get u killed in a fight ;-)
                Yes I think so... somebody once told me there is a fake jkd guy in Manila fooling peoples for seventeen years .... Wing Chun takes a lot of dedication to learn and I doubt these youth will achieve anything in this art...

                From the MRT I once saw the building of the Wushu federation, I guess they have many students now.... all the movies (emperor & assassin...) must bring many students.

                ah yes...i forgot to add...alex did told me that wc also has the 12ft pole and 2x daggers...i beleive some poeple dd more katas to the core 3 katas?
                Yes there is the dragon pole and double butterfly knive, also a wooden dummy kata...
                But the peoples I am training with are not really interested in weapons.... we put more emphasis on empty hands and preparation for full contact empty hand matches....

                luneta? hmm this i got to see for myself...these kids dont pratice anything...laki na agad ulo nila sisiw pa lang sila...tahts not the way to go...
                Yes they were looking for peoples to organize a meeting in the Luneta park, one of the rules was no granmasters! walang hiya sila, they don't respect the fathers of our arts... I will inquire for more details...

                smashing arms is an SOP in ngo cho kun...bad iron arm is almost equal to bad ngo cho kun...
                That's what I thought..... I use indonesian methods I learned from my first silat instructor.... pb is when you are alone and can't find anybody to practice with.

                be sure to ring me when u pass by manila...
                Yes I'll contact you then, just don't know when I will be back at the moment.

                what fma do u practice? i would like to practice knife fighting sometime...
                I practice Cinco Terros Arnis, muslim escrima and Silat....The knive I know is more Silat knive as I havn't been instructed in knive fighting by my Arnis guro yet, he teaches the old way i.e. you first have to master the baston, then double baston before learning knive...
                but yes we could work something out, i would be interested by some new arm smashing exercises....


                • #53
                  i want to see for myself how they practice...ill bring my dog for a walk on luneta as well...

         its no way i can learn knife fighting w/o 1st learnng baston?

                  silat is a kicking art?

                  the guy who heads the wushu fed in rizal meorial was once a member of kong han...he IS a blacksheep and should never be trusted..he brought great shame and discomfort to Master Lo King Hui and his brothers in kong han...ala akong paki alam sa kanya but i think people should know what he is...

                  well...ang bastos naman nung tinuruan ng guro mo....thats not ethical...he should aknow;edge his teacher anytime all the time


                  • #54
           its no way i can learn knife fighting w/o 1st learnng baston?
                    You can learn knive fighting w/o learning baston, just that in the Cinco Terros style you learn the stick first. It is an old system, not flashy but efficient.... One fundamental difference with many other styles is that Cinco Terros has Katas....

                    silat is a kicking art?
                    Actually our silat is a good system to defend against kicking opponents. This has been seen when we were challenged not so long ago....

                    Silat is a complete martial art... you learn weapons and empty hands... kicking, punching, catching, throwing, locking.

                    We also have dynamical tension exercises and internal training....
                    I heard there are also some in Ngo Cho Kun.

                    Actually the best knive techniques I have learned come from silat.....
                    There are lots of feints, change of hands/grips and traps.....

                    How are kicks in Ngo Cho Kun? Is it more on focused on low kicking (I'm not to keen to use high kicks as it can get you killed easilly in a fight)....

                    well...ang bastos naman nung tinuruan ng guro mo....thats not ethical...he should aknow;edge his teacher anytime all the time
                    He denies having learned Tai Chi from my teacher.... he makes good money now from giving private lessons to some rich peoples in Forbes Park.In comparison my guro is very poor.... Today many students stab their masters in the back....


                    • #55
                      teachers should be respected all the time...hes crap :-)

                      we dont have too much kicks going on...we do have roundhouse(mid),sweeps,scissors,flying scissors(needs perfect timing)..we also have snaps(to the groin) and stomps...we hook opponent's leg to make him off balanced...ur typical southern style kung fu :-) just like most of the other folks...

                      yes...only filipino ma's have specialized in knife far as i have seen :-) doce pares also teaches that as well?

                      there is a silat gym here in quiapo...i dont know what silat it is...what silat are u practicing?


                      • #56
                        ah yes..there is dynamic tension and some qigong in nck as well(the 1st 2 katas and some other side katas)...the closes thing that resembles nck is...whte crane and most of the okinawan karates...locks,throws,punches,jabs,leaps etc...nck is ugly(not flashy) compared to mantis and focuses on practical fighting(most of the BS had been culled)so when youngsters see us practice...they get bored and focuses on hpow a peson can(explode)his energy(paano ba sa tagalog at english ito)...there was one insident involving a qigong master performing(he caled to the audience to hit him ANYWHERE,his nuts can retract too)...the father of my friend(a well known,probably 1 of the best in the time,he from Kong Han as well..hes old now,hes only about 5'1-2ft...this happened during the mid 80's) stepped up...he brought w him a 5ft staff...then he drove it into the guys abdomen..the guy irked(tinablan sya)...he sought a dr afterwards or sometime after that...the pain never left and he died sometime after the incident...while resting on a chair overlooking his students...poor dude...


                        • #57
                          we dont have too much kicks going on...we do have roundhouse(mid),sweeps,scissors,flying scissors(needs perfect timing)..we also have snaps(to the groin) and stomps...we hook opponent's leg to make him off balanced...ur typical southern style kung fu :-) just like most of the other folks...
                          Actually we have all kind of kicks... I don't really use high kicks in combat but my GM told me it is better to know them in order to counter them.......
                          We prefer to use stomps, groin kicks, low kicks, rear kicks, sweeps, scisors, foot traps (like your foot hooks).

                          yes...only filipino ma's have specialized in knife far as i have seen :-) doce pares also teaches that as well?
                          Malaysian and Indonesian silat also teaches knive...
                          Doce Pares has knive fighting....

                          what silat are u practicing?
                          the Silat I study right know is from a Yakan clan of Basilan.... but also know a javanese Silat and a little malaysian silat.

                          there is dynamic tension and some qigong in nck as well(
                          The dynamic tension exercises I learned are like hard qiqong, they have direct combat applications.... but we have to prepare our body before starting and that takes a lot of time....

                          Do you learn qiqong when you begin nck? Are this two forms difficut to master?

                          nck is ugly(not flashy) compared to mantis and wushu
                          I don't like flashy styles. Silat forms are beautifull but not flashy....
                          Effficiency is more important, the only Tang Lang I've seen comes from Wushu and that's, em, B...S... Wing Chun isn't flashy at all, actually the first form is most important, you don't move your feet but it is the foundation of the art. Many students don't understand this and don't take it seriously, that's why they get bored and quit...

                          There have been cases where a TKD guy won the national Wushu contest, and a western boxer became vice champion!....
                          This gives a bad image of cmas, peoples think Wushu when you say cma....

                 focuses on hpow a peson can(explode)his energy(paano ba sa tagalog at english ito)
                          This sounds like Hsing I... is nck related to this art?
                          In silat we use internal energy in combat, but we have to master the qiqong first, and it is introduced late.... actually our silat starts like an external system but becomes internal later. I concentrate on fast punching, catching and qiqong right now...

                          he brought w him a 5ft staff...then he drove it into the guys abdomen..the guy irked(tinablan sya)...he sought a dr afterwards or sometime after that...the pain never left and he died sometime after the incident...while resting on a chair overlooking his students...poor dude...
                          This must have been horrible, poor guy....
                          haha actually my training partner showed some smashing arms in QC when my silat GM saw him, he proposed to play a game by exchanging blows on the body... ie my friend would hit hil 3 times and he one, my friend politely declined...

                          By the way where could I be informed on some cma events in Manila? Is there a place (besides Luneta and QC) where cmartists gather?



                          • #58
                            off the subject but i just seen we were warriors- ifc film. what a great show i caught half to end and been waiting to see complete. they mentioned mud islands. where are these islands? are they attached to the pi.. any way just wondering if any one else seen this show. thanks


                            • #59
                              Pitbullz and WC in Manila

                              Hi Pitbullz,

                              I sent you a pm regarding WC.

                              I'm glad that kong han is still going strong. They had been very popular during my high school days.



                              • #60
                                uhm...nope...nt related to it :-) i had never seen hsing-i to comment on that :-)

                                its nice to se that SE asian MA and fma is going strong elsewhere...i beleive that these MA's are underated and underexposed(except for the mcdojo types and the IMBENTO types,u know who they are)...arnis in particular should be tought to police everywhere...

                                well,cma's accumulate in luneta and some rooftops here in binondo as far as i reeally surprised to know that they ahng out din sa circle u are more than welcome to visit our place if u hapen to pass by manila :-)

                                bite rice:

                                well...kong han is actually in decline...even though we had an interview w cito beltran..we only had 3 inquiries so far and no one joined...i guess its just lack of exposure i guess...usually the new guys are children of members as well...i was told to make a website by our headmaster but so far he hasnt updated me yet...all i make now are logos and stuff for the club...kong han used to be the most popula and hip place to study kungfu :-( now things are diff...children now adays dont know what MA is as their father had known them :-( i had 3 students,allkids..children of my friend's brother...theyde rather play and kick the bag than do spar and all those forms

                                how do i open my PM? thanks

                                roz: must be fictional?

