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Why I don't do Kali

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  • #61
    Originally posted by knifethrower
    some people think you strike some cool pose, the background music kicks in and you get to break your assailants neck in the last scene, just before you get the girl. Or you get a blue belt in gjj, win a few tournaments and you’re set for self defense.
    Isn't that how all street fights take place....

    Just kidding guys.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Escrima Jim

      I to have studied Judo, and holding them down is great and noble, but in the real world you will be leaving yourself open to a number of other attacks. As you are holding down this person trying to let them exhaust him/her self, their friends at the bar have just picked up the bar stall and have caved you head in!!!!
      Why are people into this theory, I'll do this, then this, then the other. What if you can't hold them down, what if their Art is movement and power based, you step in for a hold, he step's off, squares you up and your whole idea is shot. You are trying to hold them, or choke them out!! What happened to you pre fight opinions, you reading body language etc, seeing what's coming in the attack, rather than just responding to his/her action.

      I'll ask you a question.

      Why do you block?

      Train hard, stay safe.
      I tried to answer the first part of this in my original post because I knew it would be a response, but I guess I was unclear. I am the first to admit that the likelihood of that ideal fight occuring is pretty low. I understand that the situation may take the choice out of my hands. I just presented my ideal fight outcome to illustrate the philosophy I carry with me whenever I walk out the door. That philosophy is that I train so that I will never have to use the full extent of my strength. Again, that is my goal, nothing more.

      Why do you block, huh? Interesting question. Could you frame the question a little for me, because I'm assuming you want a more philosophical answer than "to not get hit"


      • #63
        Originally posted by Escrima Jim
        Why Do You Block?
        Because you were improperly trained...


        • #64
          I didn't say I blocked, I was just asking the question, to get a chat going. This post seems to have gone quiet.

          Anyone out there?


          • #65
            Evil Should Be Taught A Lesson

            Evil Should Be Taught A Lesson


            I understand your humanitarian point of view; however, it is not hard to distinguish between an assassin and a humanitarian that is defending himself. The point, I believe, we are stressing is the importance of knowing how to defend yourself by all means necessary. There are some very sadistic and ruthless bastards in this world.
            Remember, Evil should be taught a Lesson.
            By you possessing the know how gives you the ability to adapt to your situation at hand. Just because you know how to kill doesn't mean that you MUST because you get into a fist fight. Many of us know of a way absent MA to kill someone, such as stabbing them or shooting them. However, just because you know how doesnt mean that you should or even will to. The object in any self defense training, I believe, is to minimize your ability to be injured and to get the skrimish over ASAP.
            ~Evil SHOULD be taught a lesson.
            Tang Lung


            • #66
              I understand the point of self defence, but let me ask you this, if you have time to block and defend, wouldn't you spend that time better by attacking?

              If you are forced into blocking then you have already made a mistake, by not being aware of that danger or that you have'nt analysised the situation.


              • #67
                Like someone already said, learning how to use a weapon is the best way to defend yourself from one. When/if the time comes for some shithead to ever pull a knife on you in the street, the experienced FMA practitioner will be glad they trained in it. It's definately self defense

                And learning the way of the knife and stick translates to empty hand combat rather nicely. Joint manipulation, nerve destruction, trapping, sensitivity. It'd be dumb to coin the whole art of Kali into a phrase like "learning how to cut someone up"


                • #68
                  If you feel that you can't cut somebody up or learn an art that depends on you doing so, then it's great that you are honest with yourself and not pursue training in that art any further...

                  At the same time, you should not discount what your survival instinct might do if the shit really hits the fan. We have heard of frail women who lifted automobiles to pull out their child, or battered spouses who killed the abuser in a head -on confrontation even though they weren't regarded as "violent."
                  Who is to say you won't slice them up a treat?

                  The bullshit lies in saying "well if I was in a life or death situation, I'd do x, then y." That's bullshit. I knew one guy who had training in FMA and BJJ- he was a doorman at a titty bar and was attacked by a knife-wielding drunk. He cannot remember what he did. But he was not mutilated or permanently disfigured. He did get cut up in the arms (nowhere fatal, else I'd be talking to a ghost). He was honest and told me that when it was over he'd found out he'd peed on himself. It's not about being cool. I'd rather have to change my underwear than have my family worry about paying for a funeral...


                  • #69
                    Here's Some Advice But Don't Quote Me

                    I saw a couple of people talk about self-defense scenarios and legal consequences (I also read Daniel's knife story- he was pretty lucky b/c if I remember correctly he did not have charges brought against him- Danjuan, if I got it wrong let me know...)

                    I am a practicing criminal defense attorney, and I can generally suggest the following [folks, I have to do a disclaimer: if you are facing real legal problems get a lawyer and disregard whatever I say here]:

                    1- Check if the state you live in has a "duty to retreat." That is, if shit starts, whether the law requires that you try to avoid the situation if you can and go somewhere else where you are safe. If there is a duty to retreat and you start shit in the street (and it turns ugly) a judge might not look at it the same way you did. The idea is to be able to leave safely.

                    2- Waiting some time after the incident occurs, arming yourself or calling a couple of buddies and travelling back to the hot spot is not self-defense, that is usually an aggravated assault charge. If you are out of trouble, stay out!

                    3- The law is completely divorced from common sense and street reality. For instance, a court might not be equipped to understand that pre-emptive attacks, the use of a weapon as a deterrent, or the notion that after shit has gone down you don't necessarily want to run home right away (in case you are followed). That being said, it's no fun being tried by twelve.
                    If you are in a line of work or play that gets you into trouble have back up plans: have bail money (and somebody to post it) handy, know your local cops (if you don't know them and the situation looks iffy on your end, DON'T TALK!)- remember Paco's rule: if a cop is going to arrest you he is gonna do it regardless of whether you talk or not, but by talking you made his job easier.

                    Hope this helps.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Paco
                      I saw a couple of people talk about self-defense scenarios and legal consequences (I also read Daniel's knife story- he was pretty lucky b/c if I remember correctly he did not have charges brought against him- Danjuan, if I got it wrong let me know...)
                      You got it right, Counselor. Charges in court were dropped. Boy I was lucky!


                      • #71
                        To the people that think that Kali is not worth taking when you can carry a gun for self-defense. First of all every martial art has a purpose. I believe that to be a complete martial artist one needs to take striking, grappling as well as weapons. One needs to experience all the different situations to be ready to fight back in a bad situation. You can't carry a gun everywhere. When the only weapon you have is your hands then I would rather be a MMA fighter. If I have a knife or another weapon of the kind then a Kali expert. If I have a gun then I would prefer to be military trained. Even guns don't do anything when you are being bombed from above. Everything has its limits and we are all only human anyways. Martial arts is not only self-defense. It is about love,respect and honor. It is the conditioning of the mind and body. One also should respect other styles of fighting. Never underestimate a style or fighter. In my high school there was a fight between a boxer and wrestler. Everyone thought that the boxer was going to win. Boxing is fighting and what the hell is wrestling. All the wrestler did was one slam on solid ground and it was over before it even started.


                        • #72

                          Originally posted by bigboywasim
                 slam on solid ground and it was over before it even started.

                          I have seen a number of fights that started and ended about the same way.

                          Once a guy is on the deck the fighting is done...unless it was a grappling match...

                          Gravity assisted impact with terrain is one of my personal favorite things.


                          • #73
                            you can train a lifetime in the phillipine martial arts without training knife...


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by BoarSpear
                              Because you were improperly trained...
                              You *should* try to block a knife coming at you.

                              In a real streetfight where a knife is involved, chances are you won't have
                              time to get yours out of your pocket. Someone who's trying to stab you won't show off his knife "look what I got there!" and give you time to get in position.

                              If you are lucky enough to get your knife out and manage to kill or disable your opponent BEFORE he strikes, you better hope there were many witnesses who can attest you were the one being attacked.

                              What's the point of stabbing him if you let him stab you first? If you're lucky, you'll survive the fight, but get a few months in the hospital and then a few years in jail for murder.

                              What was that "tactic-combat-something" knife doing in your pocket? Self-defense you say? Carrying a concealed weapon is illegal ; that's not going to help your case.

                              EDIT: Maybe you are taking the "expect to get cut" statement a bit too far. It doesn't mean you should let the other guy cut you ; it means you shouldn't panic and still try to fight when it happens.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Win0ver
                                You *should* try to block a knife coming at you.

                                In a real streetfight where a knife is involved, chances are you won't have
                                time to get yours out of your pocket. Someone who's trying to stab you won't show off his knife "look what I got there!" and give you time to get in position.

                                If you are lucky enough to get your knife out and manage to kill or disable your opponent BEFORE he strikes, you better hope there were many witnesses who can attest you were the one being attacked.

                                What's the point of stabbing him if you let him stab you first? If you're lucky, you'll survive the fight, but get a few months in the hospital and then a few years in jail for murder.

                                What was that "tactic-combat-something" knife doing in your pocket? Self-defense you say? Carrying a concealed weapon is illegal ; that's not going to help your case.

                                EDIT: Maybe you are taking the "expect to get cut" statement a bit too far. It doesn't mean you should let the other guy cut you ; it means you shouldn't panic and still try to fight when it happens.

                                Maybe YOU dont know what you are talking about...

                                you failed the test, Dumbass. You dont block because its the wrong mindset, you attack the attackers limbs. If you sit back and block you arent hurting him for his trouble, so he will continue to attack you and overwhelm your defenses...aint as smart as ya thought you were, are ya?

