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does anybody know this?

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  • #46
    I agree that any person considering taking up FMA would be prone to turn the other way. Sometimes this forum reminds me of a bunch of bickering old women. Once again, I apologize to the forum members here, I was not myself that day.
    Musta had an oldschool flashback, ghetto!
    And thats on the shizza my nizza

    Ok, kidding.


    • #47
      Heh. TIMEOUT! Go to the corner. And face the corner. At one minute per year you could be there a while.


      P.S.: Oops. That was supposed to go after Willimam's last post.


      • #48
        confined space training yeah!!!!!!!!!!


        • #49
          i dont think anybody is really saying, dont use kali". no one is saying, if you use kali to describe your martial arts your a liar, either.

          the debate is when those who know better, call the art "kali" then they say things they know are not true, like

          "what i teach is the ancient art of kali, the mother art of eskrima and arnis.."

          "kali is unlike arnis and eskrima, because...."

          "kali is a more complete arts, unlike arnis and eskrima...."

          "my art "predate" eskrima and arnis/prehispanic/etc..."

          so what if your art is effective, isnt honesty important? then the people who use the word "kali", including me, should educate people when they come to study this ancienct, more complete, mother art, on the reality of the myth.

          and like i said, many filipino teachers will feel better if the correction came from the one who is most well known for promoting the incorrect informations, and at least a pilgrammage to the "mother country" of his blood and his arts origin.


          • #50
            okay, its true that we do not know the old name of FMA,

            but its not a reason to make up a history or accept one that is not true just to fill in the missing part.


            • #51
              Hey gotnipples! Have you seen a grappler move so quickly that can break your bones in a few seconds? You think YOU know grappling well? what you see is not enough? It never became a martial art if you can't use it brother? And why I let some one hit me if I can break his head off right away?


              • #52
                Heh. TIMEOUT! Go to the corner. And face the corner. At one minute per year you could be there a while.
                Wow, I thought you were going to try and make me do something like 50 continuous alternating rounds of round kicks and skip knees.....can I come live with you? Your alot more Lenient than my wife.



                • #53
                  honestly people...
                  i didn't really read through everything but how did destructions topic turn into what to call the arts. Sure for historical reasons, its great to know origins...but whatevs. i've been practicing the arts since i could walk...its more of a lifestyle for brushing teeth....all i'm sayin is...screw whatever to call it. as long as it gets the job done, right? the good thing about practicing these arts is that we all have some connection, we're kinda like a community. anywhooooooooooo....destrutions. Gunting means scissors, like what cuts paper?? so i guess they coined that term to describe the parrying motion w/ nerve destructions...scissoring the limb. Does it sound marketable? yes. that's why all of the other arts...korean, japanese, chinese....whatevs....maintain the original names. basically learning another language...yes, marketable, yes exotic. the old FMA masters didn't have names for techniques, they just said attack me like this then i'll do this. oh yeah..destrutions is a general term describing ways to incapacitate your opponents.....defanging the they can't hit you, just as if you were fighting with knives, sticks, a friigggin spatula...haha!
                  i'm sure someone already said all this, but i was too damn lazy to read through all of it. payce!!! one!


                  • #54
                    Hi brothers in Martial Arts, I will just put in my own meaning and
                    opinion about the two topics of "DISTRUCTION and GUNTING"...
                    If you check the webster dictionary, is it not the meaning of Distruction is "Dimolishion" or "Dimolish"? that means finish it totally by all means? does it sounds closer to the answer ?
                    and the "GUNTING", if you look at the Pilipino dictionary, the
                    meaning is scessor to cut you in the fight? or some thing like "IPIT" or squeeze?
                    so there you go, that is exactly the meaning of it, nothing fancy.
                    From:KUYA AL OR SALUBONG
                    SALAMAT SA INYO,
                    LAO-LAN MARTIAL ARTS, U.S.A.


                    • #55
                      destruction , gunting does not mean destruction it means, "scissor" or scissor like motion. right to left or up and down. It is used but not limited to limb destruction, it is also emphasized with a blade for the cutting motion. we also use the term "bone freezing".
                      Last edited by arnis007; 08-31-2003, 01:50 AM.

