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Vee Jitsu Arnis

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  • #31
    He is still your senior in the martial arts, and if you dont respect that I would have to question the etiquette of Budo taught by your teacher. Your actions and the respect you show either lead credence to your teacher or not. By your disrespect of your Vee Jitsu senior you make your teacher look bad.

    Your choice. Show respect to your senior whether you agree with him or not. Vee Jitsu practicioners don't disrespect each other!

    Especially since your still not man enough to sign your real name!
    What do you have to hide? Not man enough to stand behind your words?

    Darrell Sarjeant


    • #32
      good one!

      to answer your question nope im not a real man.. im nothing... im not even worth talking to.

      oh yah i forgot... im scared to type my name too... im especially scared of you D-D-D-Darrel

      did i mention that im really really scared?! bcs i really am.....

      no seriously i am

      and just to top it all off i can type more exclamation marks than you can which will show how serious i am

      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^ that means that i really really mean what i just said whoops howd that get in there?
      Last edited by Snarlin Stef; 08-25-2003, 10:27 PM.


      • #33
        You sound like a child.

        If that is what your teacher professes and teaches, it is no wonder why he is not respected by any of the leaders of Vee Arnis Jitsu. You have now shown that your argument is immature and childish.

        No need to waste my time any longer.


        • #34
          soooo does that mean you are gonna stop mesaging here?

          bye bye scary darrell and sorry i couldnt make it out to OoOoOoOoOoOklahoma land of the "scary people."

          Moral of story young grasshopper: keep to your own business D-D-D-Darrell

          kind and loving regards
          Darrell Sarjeant's mom
          Last edited by Snarlin Stef; 08-26-2003, 07:45 AM.


          • #35
            Snarlin Stef (aka Jon, did you mean "John"?) Wayne,

            Re your reluctance to travel way out to Oklahoma. You're in luck. Darrell Sarjeant teaches seminars throughout the U.S. If you'll post an e-mail address, I'll see to it--personally--that you're informed when he's in your area. I assume you'd be willing to put forth the effort to cross a state line, if his seminar was as far away as New York. I hope so, I'd be very interested in seeing the directions your dialogue would take without the benefit of internet insulation.




            • #36
              Truly unfortunate....

              I was made aware of this thread through another message board in which I participate, and reading through it, it really does pain my heart.

              As martial artists, we often speak of the qualities true martial artists embrace - honor, humility, respect. It's unfortunate that oftentimes these qualities aren't transferred into our worlds outside the dojo. It's also clear from this thread that these qualities are disregarded altogether by some in the online world.

              I haven't been a student of Vee Arnis Jitsu for a long time, but I do know that every experience I've had with Professor James and all of the VAJ senior students who impart their knowledge to me as been insightful, educational, and most of all, respectful.

              Regarding whatever personal history or family conflicts have arisen throughout evolution of the system - I do not think it is any of our places to judge or critique what Professor Vee's original students may (or may not) discuss and decide among themselves.

              Study, train hard, and improve yourself; leave the gossipy chatter to the sewing circles....

              One more thing I'd like to add, if everyone just thought to himself before he posted, "What if my teacher saw this post, would he be proud of what I wrote?" I bet we would see alot less nonsense. I certainly have less respect for any school that teaches its students (Stef) that insulting other martial artists is appropriate behavior.
              Last edited by Rocknrope; 08-26-2003, 02:48 PM.


              • #37

                i can say whatever to whomever i want im not scared at all of anyone... especially 35-40 year old men with nothing better to do than to post on a computer forums... can you say "winner." Besides these serious martial artsists that are posting (if they truely are) would never expose themselves to the liability of a fight anyways.

                I can see it now in court:
                "your honor he was making fun of me on a website so i drove out in the middle of no where and jiu-jitsued him"

                i find it so amusing at how easily these martial artists get pissed off... over some pointless topic post on a computer forum.... you see while everyone is getting heated up and mad at me im having a ball laughing at long winded responses and invitations to siberia or some other hole in the wall place.... i have no reason to go anywhere... you guys hate me so much then you all know where you can find me.

                y'all are getting pissed and im finding it amusing how easily i can attack ya'll psychologically. its EZ to rattle ya'll outa your game.

                this whole post is nonsense... im just providing the fuel those naive enough to partake in this arguement (and actually take it to heart and get mad)... sitting back and enjoying these responses.. "Stef! come out to OOOOOOklahoma!" lol gimmie a friggin break! hahah... how can anyone not find that hilarious?
                Last edited by Snarlin Stef; 08-26-2003, 09:38 PM.


                • #38
                  Snarf, I can understand where you could get the idea that David James has unfairly put some kind of tariff on VAJ, but you're sadly mistaken and have been clearly shown that repeatedly. Not only by myself, but by Darrell who is someone you SHOULD recognize if you claim to know Moses or especially John in the last 10 years.

                  Claim what you will, but realize that the fact that you are representing whatever school you provide links to is making your school look like vultures who are starving for recognition and validation. You are complaining because Prof Vee passed the torch to David, the ONLY man who knows the VAJ system. Not only that but David, the highest authority on VAJ, doesn't see anyone from your school fit to competently teach it, represent it or even refer to it. And because of that rejection, you feel the need to campaign of a personal tirade that is totally emotion-based.

                  Previously, I had explained thoroughly as to why VAJ is a new system and exclusively taught by Prof James. You ignored those facts. When Darrell supported much of what I said(99.9% according to him...I wonder what the .1% is) you ignored that as well.

                  It seems that you fit the analogy of the child that has made up his mind that his Dad is tougher than everyone else's Dad and covers his ears with his hands and begins singing when anyone attempts to debtae otherwise.

                  Internet threats are empty. However, what Darrell attempted to do was to check your faith in your own style by asking you to participate in one of his seminars. He also suggested that you could/should do the same at the VAJ Headquarters at 25 Park Pl. Those were not threats as you may or may not have perceived them. It was a measuring stick to see how deep your faith and belief was in your own so-called system that your teacher instructs, especially because you claim its Vee family. I guess you're reference to court and liabilities was your not-so-clever way of bowing out.

                  On a last note, I know most of the Senior masters of the Vee family, and most of top students beneath them. I am not familiar with your supposed branch on the tree of the Vee Family.
                  And if your teacher supposedly trained with Prof Vee recently enough to claim he knows VAJ, when and where was this? If anything, David had been around the Professor for his last 30 years more than ANYONE. David was there and was instrumental as the system changed, grew and became what it is today. So if Professor Vee was around David for the better part of his last 3 decades, where did your teacher find the time to learn and "supposedly" master VAJ extensively without David knowing?

                  This one's a big "Hmmm".

                  PS Insulting Professor Vee's daughter was really in bad taste.
                  By doing that in a public forum I can't help but feel that neither you or your teacher had any respect for Professor Vee, his legacy or his family. That's not directed solely at Snarf, but at everyone who showed that level of disrespect toward the Professor's daughter.

                  Love is love


                  • #39
                    Dear Master D. Sarjeant:

                    I want to personally thank you and the other gentleman who took the time to make positive statements regarding my instructor Professor David James and the Vee Arnis Jitsu System.

                    I want to also thank you for the accurate information you relayed to all who visit this forum group regarding Dr. Moses Powell and others as to their relationship to or should I say kinship to the Vee Arnis Jitsu family. We all know that there has been rocky times but things are changing for the better. I think as time progesses we as martial artists have to progress with the times.
                    That is why I believe the award dinner was a positive event as you well know. In my eyes it is the beginning of a new era, I was not concern about with the masters or so called masters who were not there because I was impressed of the many people that were there to honor the name and memory of Professor Vee and his great accomplishments.

                    Another example of the changing times is that the Professor David James and the VAJ dojo hosted a seminar in honor of Dr. Powell (who was present I may add) and the principal instructors were two of his top students Prof. Bill McCloud and Sijo Mattakabir. It was a great seminar and all the participants had a great time and a lot of positive change is taking place. The martial arts community will be shocked on things to come from these great martial artists as they come together to spread the knowledge of Professor Vee.

                    Finally, I want all of you to take the high road and not lower yourselves to the likes of ignorant people that make assinine statements and insults. You, we, are better than that and it is pointless in the end. As you can see from the statements made on this forum page there are different kind of people in this world and no matter how you you try to do the right thing -it is pointless
                    to some people or group of people.

                    There is much work to be done and tomorrow is promised to no one. So God willing, the next time you have a seminar in NYC area please drop a line to the VAJ dojo and keep us informed. I and our dojo will be there to support your efforts and learn from a true martial artist.

                    I respect you all and I wish you the best in your training and your
                    journey of the true martial way.


                    Erskine Isaac

                    PS: if you want a picture of the the VAJ/Sanuces family shot email me at I will be happy to send it to all that request.


                    • #40

                      i am just curious as to why all of a sudden you took down the link to your dojo that was in your signature?


                      • #41
                        I would like to thank everyone for the responses (informative, poor and ignorant) as I have certainly learned something from all the comments. Though, I too have a comment, I agree with Master Sargeant this issue should be closed.

                        I am not a student of Prof. James, I have studied under Soke Lil' John (and Shihan Shabazz) prior to his move. I met with Prof. James to discuss VAJ and I was impressed by his knowlege and honesty, in NYC I have visted all dojos that profess knowlege of jujitsu (skill in Aikido and judo does not make a jujitsu practicioner). My discussion with Prof. James lasted for about an hour and all my questions were answer, for the most part to my satisfaction. The only reason I have not joined is because of the time of the classes.

                        I am not jumping on the VAJ bandwagon, but I do think that people have to be realistic and fair there are always 2 sides to every story and you should not be closed minded to hear the other side. The passing of the art is tradition in martial arts and speaks to the lineage (which every martials artist should know of there respective style). The art is usually passed to the eldest child or most senior or capable student. (this type of debate is seen in may styles from silat, taekwando, wingchun, kempo, etc...who is the rightful hier? It is not suprising that Prof. James becameheir of VAJ and from my conversation he credits everything to Prof. Vee and is trying to keep his tradition alive.

                        You have to remember that a persons ego is generally their greatest weakness and handicap. Many practicioners are highly skilled and have rank (and by association to that rank teach classes) that does not mean they qualified to be an heir...remember most senior or capable (maturity, intelligence..etc). There are alot of people who do not understand or accept the reality of their respective situations. I hear actors constantly say how great their performance was and other comedians say how funny thier jokes were when noone laghed, becuase they will accept the reality of thier perfomace. These people cannot grow, just as a MA cannot grow if they feel thier knowlege is complete. The second part is the reality of bussiness and to ensure that people are using the name VAJ with respect they need his permission....that is sound bussiness logic and is done with other MA styles and organizations.

                        The last part is for "snarl" I do know that you are not a Martial artist, while you may "work out" in a dojo or understand budo.
                        I do not think any of the comments of slander and disrepect from yourself and other towards Prof. James and MA ingreneral is sad. To think that this is all a joke is even more sad. However, it is truely dishaertenting that your life has so little substance that you would make posts to infuriate passionate and dedicated. The practioners on this enter to learn, grow and support each other as fellow Martial Artists. Perhaps a beter use of your time would be to go to your dojo to learn more harmony, the balance between skill and philosopy.

                        NOW, to the actual martial artists (specifically from teh NYC area): Master Sargeant I would be interested to know if if you have any seminars in NYC. Aslo, not to start another issue does anyone have any positive/negative comments regarding Eizen Rryu on 8th st, Yoshimitsu Aiki Jujitsu in the Bronx Miyama Ryu ( can't find this dojo I think they have moved)

                        Peace to all,



                        • #42
                          why thanks for the kind words
                          u suck 2

                          i practice in Norwalk the post is here i have nothing to hide... i was acually trying to modify my sig with one of those videos on that site (that i thought was really funny) but it dint work out right.

                          here just so you dont think im a puss ill put it back...
                          Last edited by Snarlin Stef; 08-27-2003, 09:35 PM.


                          • #43
                            Phonies and Crack Dealers

                            Snarlin Stef, don't pay much mind to these dopie fools ganing up on you. What we have here are martial artists that claim to be but really what they are is a group of lowlifes that know a move or two and where funny looking outfits and think that they are something special because they trained at a seminar or a few times with Prof V or Moses Powell. James and the rest are all derelicts and useless to say the least. Don't even bother trying to discuss anything at length with them because they have education level less than your little infants show size 1 or less DUHHHHHHHHHHHH!


                            • #44
                              Vee Arnis Jitsu has went down hill fast.

                              Snarlin Stef. You are training hard and many other like you are as well. These clowns and James derelict crew are just following the ways of James and we know what that is! He has education level of 8th grade, a little more than the fools following him. He has them brain washed like they are going to be something if they listen to him or go to dinner with him, mean while these dopie fools are paying for his hotel room and dinner and given him a few grand pocket change. It is a sad world when people that trained with Prof V years and years before James supposedly did and they are following this James 8th grade leader. That is really sad! What a sad state when there is so much disorganization and confusion that an 8th Grader has to hood wink other persons that have a kid mentality into believing that he has the way and is something when he is a BIG ZERO hiding behind Prof V when in fact he trained much less than 90% of the YOYO's listening to him. I guess he is a modern day Jim Jones Cult, you know the guy that talked all those SMUCKS into taken medicine and dying years ago DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! What simple minded fools to say the least!


                              • #45
                                David James ain't SHIT to me either.

                                By the way it is freedom of speech!! If some of the people following James used their freedom of speech or know the tricks that james has initiated to brain wash the folks following him now they to would speak there mind. Obviously you aren't that bright either! Me and Snarlin Stef are not consipiring against you or anyone else nor are we communicating in person in anyway whatsoever. This is the great USA where a person can tell another like James and the dopes following, Stop claiming you are something that YOU ARE NOT. Meaning, James can't make it one his own like Billy Blanks of Tae Bo, so he has to steal someone else's system and brain wash the fools around him into following him or that he is so respectful of Prof V. Like it has been mentioned before. If you truly knew Prof V, he NEVER manipulated his students nor did he attempt to brain wash or capitalize on them in any way shape or form. Yet James Smuck is regularly and THAT IS WRONG, bottomline!!!!No hard feelings just calling it what it is.

