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Vee Jitsu Arnis

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  • Vee Jitsu Arnis

    Does anyone train or know about vee jitsu arnis?Its the only school in my area that teaches arnis as a separate curriculum. They teach it at separate classes from their jj system.
    Is there any consensus on their style.

  • #2
    ive trained at the vee arnis jitsu school in new york. i live in new jersey but try to get there when i can. i really like the school and the system, and cant think of anything negative about it. professor david james has a real energetic personality and a great teaching style which i really like. i give it two thumbs up.


    • #3
      There are 2 schools I know of that teach Vee Jjitsu in the NY and CT (there are probably more because Vee Jiu Jitsu is a very very well known system)

      1 is in NY under Proffesor Frank Galante
      2nd is in Norwalk under Proffesor Galante's best student Master Besnick Bajra

      I study with sensai Besnick Bajra in Norwalk. He also teaches me Arnis. Its a rough class and so its not for the weak of heart.

      Professor Galante as well as master Besnick Bajra trained with the legend himself Proffesor Vee. However Moses Powell was Proffesor Vee's best student. Moses Powell went his own way after training with Prof Vee for about 25 years due to difference in philosophy and founded Ryu Jiu Jitsu.

      Moses Powell and Prof Vee were both invited to "The Warrior Within" demonstration held in Bruce Lee's honor in the 1970's. I suggest you DL that movie off of kazaa or morpheus etc etc if you want to get an idea of what its all about.

      here is a link to My school's website:
      Last edited by Snarlin Stef; 07-18-2003, 06:13 AM.


      • #4
        another school that teaches vee arnis jitsu is the defense institute in colorado. sensei john petrone was a student of professor david james as well as professor vee. professor david james (the sole heir to the entire vee arnis jitsu system) gave permission to sensei john petrone in 1996 to open a school and teach this system. the only schools that teach vee arnis jitsu is the vaj school in manhatten run by professor david james, the defense institute in colorado, and also the new england vee arnis jitsu club in rhode island. this is really an awesome system and i hope you will be able to take part in it.


        • #5
          that "sole heir" that david james claims to have is something that is made up. its not my place to argue and there really is no point but Professor Vee wanted to have as many instructors of his system as possible. Its a stupid rivalry. But I assure you that there are many masters who have trained with Professor Vee much longer than David James ever did (yes even with Professor Vee's endorsement)

          there is a whole community that trained with professor Vee that david james will never be a part of because he insists that he is the "sole heir" thats nothing but marketting hype. Professor Vee would have never given one guy sole ownership of a system that so many masters are a part of.

          if you really feel like doing your research... ask Moses Powell (unarguebly professor Vee's best student) what he thinks of David James. Moses will not talk badly about David James... but he will not acknowledge him either. Whereas he will talk in utmost high regard of the other Vee Jitsu Masters that I mentionned.

          If Professor Vee was alive to see this rivalry... he would put the smack down for sure. If its publicty these guys are after... its only going to come if they create their own system anyways... not claiming ownership of someone elses work
          Last edited by Snarlin Stef; 07-18-2003, 06:35 AM.


          • #6
            Snarlin Stef;
            You say the VJA arnis classes are pretty intense.Could you give an overview of how the class is structured,methods etc.


            • #7

              my regiment is as follows.

              monday wednesday friday 6:15 AM weightlifting and cardio at the dojo and few other really motivated students who dont mind getting up early.

              then monday wednesday friday nights kickboxing (sparring usually) and Jiu jitsu : 6:30-8:30

              then tuesday and thursday 6:20-8:20 is jiujitsu and Arnis stick fighting..

              so its 5 days (2 hours each day) and monday wednesday and friday workouts in the mornings

              thats a pretty serious regiment IMO and thats the way i like it.

              if you just want to do arnis then i guess youd just go 2wice a week but most student do the whole gambit of classes because its not intended to be taught "separately"

              arnis workouts is a lot of stick drills and wrist workouts and pair drills... and once you are good enough you get the gear on and spar...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Snarlin Stef

                my regiment is as follows.

                monday wednesday friday 6:15 AM weightlifting and cardio at the dojo and few other really motivated students who dont mind getting up early.

                then monday wednesday friday nights kickboxing (sparring usually) and Jiu jitsu : 6:30-8:30

                then tuesday and thursday 6:20-8:20 is jiujitsu and Arnis stick fighting..

                so its 5 days (2 hours each day) and monday wednesday and friday workouts in the mornings

                thats a pretty serious regiment IMO and thats the way i like it.

                if you just want to do arnis then i guess youd just go 2wice a week but most student do the whole gambit of classes because its not intended to be taught "separately"

                arnis workouts is a lot of stick drills and wrist workouts and pair drills... and once you are good enough you get the gear on and spar...
                hardcore regiment... kudos to you!

                oh.. you speak of gear... what gear? there's more than the sticks?


                • #9
                  hard to explain...

                  it looks like a cross between catchers equipment, fencing egear, with a hint of japanese samurai styling.

                  its the protective gear worn in tournys


                  • #10
                    In the VJA system, do they address unarmed responses to weapons attacks.Also do they practice any knife fighting?


                    • #11
                      yes and yes...

                      in fact arnis means = to disarm
                      kali is the actual killing and maiming side of Arnis Kali stick fighting

                      vja teaches both arnis and kali

                      although you wont be taught any knife fighting skills until you reach a certain level of skill and your sensei's trust. The reason is that we do drills witl real knives and you need to show that you have the control not to hurt the other students...

                      one guy in another vee jitsu dojo got his eyebrow cut from knife drills and needed tons of stiches and he was an experienced green belt.

                      there is a lot of overlap with stick and knife fighitng skills so they chain pretty smoothly from one to another...

                      the thing about VJA is that its a mish mosh of really effective techniques across different fighting styles integrated among one another.
                      Last edited by Snarlin Stef; 07-19-2003, 12:30 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Snarlin Stef
                        hard to explain...

                        it looks like a cross between catchers equipment, fencing egear, with a hint of japanese samurai styling.

                        its the protective gear worn in tournys
                        lol. why does everyone get to wear protective gear when they spar and i don't? bah. it's okie tho. still fun. foam sticks with padding or not...


                        • #13
                          To Snarlin Steff:

                          First and foremost I usually do not reply to every posting I see about VAJ from all of "well informed people" people like yourself but you said some things that struck a chord with me and I must respond.

                          I am a black belt student of Professor David B. James and the tone of your posting is very negative and the facts of your diatribe should be carefully researched (because they are off center) before you post them.

                          You stated that it is not your place to argue about Professor James status of "sole heir" to the VEE ARNIS JITSU SYSTEM. So why are you? You stated that the claim is false. Why is it so? Maybe you should have your Prof. Galante state the facts instead of yourself. Is he speaking through you? If not, where are you getting your facts, please list your references before you post your opinions as so!

                          Where you or your superiors present at Prof. Vee's retirement ceremony where he publicly passed the VEE ARNIS JITSU SYSTEM to Professor James at VEE ARNIS JITSU -25 PARK PLACE, NEW YORK, NEW YORK?

                          You mention that there is a whole community that trained with Professor Vee? Indeed, but you failed to qualify the level of training. Are you referring to year- round dojo training with other black belts or living room seminar training, or ?

                          You mention Professor Moses Powell and with all due respect to Professor Powell-he does not practice VEE ARNIS JITSU. He practices Sanuces Ryu Ju-Jitsu and before that Vee Jitsu Ryu.
                          Not Ryu Jitsu or whatever you called it. PROFESSOR VEE continously upgraded and changed the system over many of years, so please educated me on how many people studied longer than Professor James with Professor Vee continously from the Vee Jitsu Ryu period to the current state of VEE ARNIS JITSU. I mean physical training, hardcore on the mat training, hardcore training with like young and old VEE JITSU RYU/ VEE ARNIS JITSU blackbelts alike day in and day out. How many? Who are they? Did you confer with them before posting your opinion?

                          And what Professor Powell thinks of Professor James is irrevelant.

                          If Prof. Powell rated your Professor Galante and Master Nick's skill level above or below Professor James would it be binding as the truth? And if he said "his worst Sanuces Black belt was better than Professor Galant or Master Nick would you accept it as the gospel and post it on this site.

                          Skill is skill. Character is character! Are you doubting Professor Dave's skill or character based on something Professor Powell or your superiors said to you ? Do you know Prof. Powell personally or Professor James for that matter. Do you know the real history between the two of them? Have you been on the mat with Professor James in order to see if he has the skill to even consider being the heir to the system?

                          Do you rate your Professor Galante or Master Nick above Professor James in skill level? Is that the level of contention? I have never seen Prof. Galante or Master Nick on the mat so I cannot answer that question myself for myself. But I am more than willing to arrange a seminar with your help to see for myself.
                          Are you interested?

                          It does not matter in the long run
                          because I would train with your instructors without any contention from Professor Dave if I ( the key being I -myself ) feel they are men of good character. There are many people of great skill level who I will not train with because of the lack of character.

                          Did you do your research as you suggested to the fellow postee on this website? Did you pick up the phone and call Prof. James and ask him why does he feel that he is the sole heir? Did you call Laura Visitacion-Lewis, Prof. Vee's daughterand a NYC judge, who was the executor of his estate, , and ask her who did his father pass the system? I have a better question for you - Did you speak to Professor Vee and ask him these questions? You stated that Professor Vee would have never given one guy sole ownership- Why not? You may have many sons my friend, but you may leave one the responsibility of keeping the flame or family business alive. Professor Vee passing the torch to Professor JAmes does not negate the point that others learned Vee Arnis Jitsu in whatever form from Professor Vee.

                          Professor David James did not change the name of the Professor Vee's system. Professor Vee called it VEE ARNIS JITSU, Professor JAMES calls it VEE ARNIS JITSU-not VEE JITSU ARNIS TE. BUT YOUR SUPERIORS HAVE THE RIGHT TO CALL YOUR SYSYEM WHATEVER YOU WANT AND HAPPILY OBTAIN WHATEVER PUBLICITY THEY DESIRE FROM IT.

                          I am not going to slight Prof. Galante or Master Nick. I will not disrespect them unless I had direct cause. I am sure they are competent martial artists doing their best to keep Professor Vee's name in their own way.
                          They may have their reasons for feeling however they may feel but I question everything I am told (even when it comes from Professor James ) and I hope you do the same in the future.

                          PS. Our doors are always open, please visit in the spirit of brotherhood and in the name of Vee and learn for yourself. 212-629-4454.


                          HAKIM82 AKA GQ


                          • #14
                            What I said was no diatribe whatsoever. I do know that your word vs mine will prove nothing. And its really pointless now isnt it as long as we are each content. Of course I have an asnwer to your post. Of which you will most likely answer back and I will not (so yes you will have the last word. But keep in mind that does not mean you are correct) I just refuse to get sucked into this crap and negativity.

                            First: the fact that you are a black belt or not does not matter to me. I respect all people by their actions not from a piece of cloth around their waste. My point is that whether you area black or white belt makes no difference to me in listenning to what you have to say.

                            you state:
                            "Did you do your research as you suggested to the fellow postee on this website? Did you pick up the phone and call Prof. James and ask him why does he feel that he is the sole heir? Did you call Laura Visitacion-Lewis, Prof. Vee's daughterand a NYC judge, who was the executor of his estate, , and ask her who did his father pass the system? I have a better question for you - Did you speak to Professor Vee and ask him these questions? You stated that Professor Vee would have never given one guy sole ownership- Why not? You may have many sons my friend, but you may leave one the responsibility of keeping the flame or family business alive. Professor Vee passing the torch to Professor JAmes does not negate the point that others learned Vee Arnis Jitsu in whatever form from Professor Vee. "

                            yes, yes, yes, in fact I have done my research... like i said.. ask Moses Powell. He is very obtainable. He teaches a lot in the DC area. After you hear what he has to say, you will see another side to this outcome of "Sole Heir" stuff.

                            Also whether a MA system gets renamed or not is irrelevant. Moses Powell did find his own system after some time. However, you think that they differ all that much? No of course not. The heart of the systems are the same as Vee's.

                            I am not going to be sucked into this stupid rivalry (which I did talk about earlier). You can beleive what you want and I know that there is such things as pride to the extent that no one will ever back off and it will end up making everyone involved look stupid (like the Hapsfileds and the McCoys).

                            I will say this as fact:
                            Prof Vee would have never given "Sole Heir" to anyone that is a rediculous title. He wanted as many of his students out there to be a part of his system and to "own it" and to improve it and to teach it. Its a shame that there is any arguement over this.

                            I have never seen anyone so visciously claim the "sole heir" to a teaching system to the extent of Prof James... to me its like claiming "Sole Heir" to Calculus or Geometry or to anything that can be teached. Doesnt make much sense to me.

                            this arguement is stupid and you will think what you want no matter what I say. Sometimes Peace of mind is all the peace that is needed.

                            im not gonna arhue with you over this... i like to spend my time on positive things in life.... you do what you do... and I do what I do... with that said
                            Good luck with your training . Im done with this arguement
                            Last edited by Snarlin Stef; 08-02-2003, 03:04 PM.


                            • #15
                              David James is hurting to say the least!!

                              Imagine that a grown man has to hide under a deceased person because he is a horrific martial artist. He knows some techniques but that is it! I would say he coerced the old man into trying to dominate this vee jitsu system and the sadest part is his DOPEY Filipino Judge daughter allowed it and continues to allow it like a real fool! It is clear because all other artisits that deserve the martial arts system like Prof. Moses Powel and many many others will support the fac that David James is a gold digger like anna nicole smith a real skank she is for sure! I would say that this upcoming Keepers of The Torch is a power trip for James and all the fools seeking a dinner and to feel imporant because James hoodwinked Prof V will show up like little scoundrels, sadly many that should have been the real heirs and not just the recievers of some shit ass trophy to make them feel important because they are 9 or 10th degrees or similar. The whie system has become a REAL Joke now that James is wrongfully operating it and he is buying and wrongfully manipulating the old grandmasters like Moses Powell into attending meetings and ceremonies only to dominate V Jitsu more than anything WRONGFULLY. You are right Snarlin Stef, the system is good but the present leaders with James at the helm is PISS POOR!!! Vee Jitsu could have been great but as you said Snarlin Stef Prof V wanted many instructors and not just James to manipulate and lie and coerce Prof V's instructors for an elegant dinner and a cheap ass trophy for their foolish support of this flaming joker!

