He is still your senior in the martial arts, and if you dont respect that I would have to question the etiquette of Budo taught by your teacher. Your actions and the respect you show either lead credence to your teacher or not. By your disrespect of your Vee Jitsu senior you make your teacher look bad.
Your choice. Show respect to your senior whether you agree with him or not. Vee Jitsu practicioners don't disrespect each other!
Especially since your still not man enough to sign your real name!
What do you have to hide? Not man enough to stand behind your words?
Darrell Sarjeant
Your choice. Show respect to your senior whether you agree with him or not. Vee Jitsu practicioners don't disrespect each other!
Especially since your still not man enough to sign your real name!
What do you have to hide? Not man enough to stand behind your words?
Darrell Sarjeant