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Any comments on Modern Arnis in the U.S.?

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  • Any comments on Modern Arnis in the U.S.?

    Any viewpoints, comments, criticisms about the Modern Arnis trend in the U.S. are welcome. There are two main thrusts, in World Modern Arnis Alliance and World Modern Arnis Federation. Both orignated from Professor Prasas.


  • #2
    lots more

    Hi. First time poster to this forum. There are lots more Modern Arnis groups out there than the ones you mentioned. There are at least three International Modern Arnis Federations, one with Dr. Randi Shea at the helm, one with Jeff Delaney at it's head and one based in the Philippines. The World Modern Arnis Coalition is Kelly Worden's organization. The Modern Arnis Remy P. Presas International Organization is run by his children by his first wife, Rosemary. Dieter Knuettel runs DAV in Germany. I run my own branch of the art called Modern Arnis 80. There are numerous independents as well such as Bram Frank's Common Sense Self Defense/Street Combat Combat Modern Arnis group.

    Comments? It's the family growing up and going it's own way. Prof. Presas was the glue that held us together. He was not an organization man, he was a martial artist and fighter. Strictly blue collar and not a white collar man. The branching out (or splintering of - you choose your own description) is nothing new.

    Two historical precedents come to mind. The first is Shotokan karate. Over the years, the most traditional of Japanese karate arts has splintered into many different groups. Many of the heads of the groups studied with the founder, Gichen Funakoshi.

    Also, I liken Modern Arnis to Baguazhang. The founder of baguazhang, Donghaichuan, taught his art mainly to established martial artists. He shaped what he taught each of them to their own existing skills and attributes. Today you'll see many different schools of baguazhang adhering to the same core principles yet having differing forms and applications.

    Thus it is the same with Modern Arnis. Many of us came from different backgrounds so many of us have a different tack on the art. Also, with the death of the founder we are rather splintered. Prof. Presas never set forth a formal heirarchy within the group(s) so the "who's on first?" issue reared its ugly head shortly after the funeral. Finally, that is coming to a rest with the advent of the different organizations acknowledging, rather than dissing the fact that there are different organizations. We have a ways to go but things are headed in the right direction.

    Dan Anderson


    • #3
      Studied with a guy who trained with Remey and Ernesto in the Phillipines. I liked what he taught. Also liked what was coming from Max Pallen, i.e. Senkotiros. That's about all I can say.


      • #4
        Remy Was a True Master

        Alway's Learning & Giving out Knowledge .

        His Use of the Flow was on anothr level all together.
        IMAF & WMAA have both Good points & Bad.

        Some are stuck to the Stick & others are Using The Concepts
        of The Art. Remy Was also Very Fluent in Ju Jitsi/Judo
        As well as Karate & Wrestling.

        He Use to say Make the conection.
        I think a lot of People are forgeting that to be complete
        We must Make the Conection & keep growing as a Familia.

        Some are searching his Roots Others are Promting Them Selves
        To The Sky. Others are being held Back.

        If Remy was Alive I think as the Head of The Familia He would
        Be giving out Cane Whippings to the Behined.

