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  • Full contact

    How many of you out there practice some sort of full contact stick sparring? If you do not why?

  • #2
    I think it can be done, but i havent done it.

    Think about how hard it would be to spin a stick, whilst dressed up in pads. Presumably hand gaurds would be needed, and this would make spinning a stick difficult.


    • #3
      There are many people out there doing full contact stick fighting. Mainly under the WEKAF rules (World Escrima, Kali, Arnis Federation). I know that the Vee Arnis Jitsu Schools do this style of fighting as well as all of Dong Questa Schools.

      My question was relating to if you don't fight, how do you test your skills? How do you know what is actually going to work?

      Another alternative is to fight with punches, kicks, grappling, and stick fighting. The dog brothers do it, as well as a number of schools in Colorado.


      • #4
        stick twirling is easy with gloves.. IF you modify your gloves... anyone that has ever played lacrosse knows exactly what im talking about.

        simply cut the leather out of the palm of the glove and also cut leather sections outa the fingers as well (also from the underside)

        thus you will actually be able to feel with your own hand the stick and still have the glove on... many lacrosse players do this so they can keep control of their sticks better bcs they can feel it in their hands...


        • #5
          I've done it. It can be quite valuable. The only downside I see to it is that people get used to fighting with "armor" on and getting lazy about protecting some important areas. If you are interested in that sort of thing, check out the Dog Brothers. They're pretty hardcore about it.


          • #6
            ah ok, yeh i guess, that would work


            • #7
              Hey guys, just adding my two cents here. I think it depends on the overall goal. I try to think of sparring not just for the sake of sparring which is where many people go wrong in boxing. Every time you spar, you should be trying to build on a certian attribute, technique combination, or srengthen a weak point. Now. how this realtes, is that the level of protection will dictate the pace, vulnerability, and confidence your guys are learning. For instance the

              wekaf stuff is cool, ive used it, but I find that the skirt really binds me up, the helmet is heavyand I dont like the concept of no pain which will invariably lead to me building a bad habit, keeping my head exposed etc...Also from a productive standpoint if my opponent is feeling no pain, I am not getting an accurate response to my strike which will directly affect my follow up combination. However, if I am working with a beginner who is learning the basic blocks and foundation, it is a great tool for him to not just strike the air or pull his strike upon impact, but to allow me to gear up, and let him bash me around. It is suprising how many people find it hard to push past the moral threshold and just let you have it. Even with gear they will hold back, so this is a big plus. Also for scenario based training, it is nice to be able to hit without so much concern for our training partner.

              Sparring NHB
              Do it, and love it but not reccommended for newcomers who will invariably get scared away or hit ya with a lawsuit. Once again, this is really not going all the way because of the helmet and a glove if it is worn, (I prefer a basball glove and hockey helmet). Unfortunately, I think this also gives too much credence for the grappling attack. I think as a growing sport (NHB)it is cool to have an avenue in which we can showcase our beloved art. but this can also appear as simple brutality if you have two low level competitors.

              One of the avenues I have found useful, is to spar at medium speed with only eye protection, but limited strikes to the cranium.

              I will also spar from the clinch with just a hockey helmet, and practice head butts, elbow, knee, and punching with the free hand. nothing better than an instant responnse to any common tie up than a well placed headbutt.

              distance sparring/fighting full gamut of long range tactics but used as a means to dissect angles and increase reactionary speed.

              Id love to exchange other dieas, and feedback with you!

