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wtf am i watching??

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  • wtf am i watching??


  • #2
    DON'T QUESTION! JUST DO! drink your Cool Aid. Anyone happen to notice the Qadhafi lookin' leader's inability to walk right? Hmmm...


    • #3
      My guess is that they learn how to take the pain. So that in a fight
      they will not fear blows?
      Or maybe some kind of initiation?


      • #4
        no fear no pain.. but i think the hitting part is about making muscles, becouse he makes them hard he hits them, and so on, thats how the muscles are produced, a lazy friend of mine, just took a woonen stick layed down in front of tv and hitted him self on the stomach for a time, later he got very nice stomach muscles, maybe thats the same thing? just doing it other way, maybe its just to make muscles harder.... i dont know, dont know even the style, anyone trains it or something here?

        it was only strange whit the kinfe stuff,... cant get to my mind that they didnt got cut.. strange things...


        • #5
          Originally posted by dogzilla View Post
          no fear no pain.. but i think the hitting part is about making muscles, becouse he makes them hard he hits them, and so on, thats how the muscles are produced

          ummmmmm.... I do situps........


          • #6
            so do i.... but thats one way that could be done to :P


            • #7
              LoL theses guys are crazy im not sure wether it is a kind of "endurance" training or they are just fools, i think i too will stick to sit ups and long distant runs for my endurace training



              • #8
                My mother used a wooden spoon to hit me when I was a small boy.


                • #9
                  At the end i love how the guy jumps through the sheet of glass only to fall 3 stories. lmao fucking crazy.


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      LoL - just watched the videos again how do they do that without breaking there legs etc....

                      Hmmm maybe i should jump off a building,if i fall bad at least id land on grass

                      Also if you find out any information about these guys post it here i wanna know



                      • #12
                        what a bunch of moronz.. i think there master just likes to beat people. Ya gotta admit though, they are some tough muther fcukerz to be able to take that punishment. Of course all that conditioning iz not going to help when someone smashes them rite in the face. Unless they do that too? Iz there a video where there master beats them in the face with a brick? I think the diving through the windowz iz a cool idea though, ive alwayz wanted to do that..


                        • #13
                          the answer is : fools

                          Originally posted by suhieb View Post
                          LoL theses guys are crazy im not sure wether it is a kind of "endurance" training or they are just fools, i think i too will stick to sit ups and long distant runs for my endurace training


                          I think they are fools. Go with that answer.

