From a class in Lanka Empat, Pencak Silat with the Late Suryadi Jafri, Pendekar Emeritus
Kali Silat, Pencak Silat, Muay Thai, Karate, Kung-fu, Coapuara, the study and mixing of martial arts, all these arts and sciences that rely on the philosophy of them all to survive, to live, and center around every culture, everyway of life, that no one person, group, school, organization, institution or government owns any one way of life, style or technique, and those that share ultimately continue to evolve.
Growing up and in every stage in this thing we call martial arts, the majority of which, is all of a processing the arts and sciences, as it relates to our human realm, and the role it plays in our lives even from the moments before physical birth, until our death. It is, as it relates to life and living it’, as Suryadi Jafri would say, “Live, life-ing”. Suryadi Jafri once said, “the meaning of life, to survive. Nothing more”, he added and he meant it. It revolves around our purpose of well-being, in every one's life. That everyday the most important thing next to practice that you would do everyday, was, “choicing”. “Choicing?” I would ask! As I replied in a broken English as if I were Indonesian myself.
So he would elaborate in ever thing he said, he would do and follow it up with proof. Proof, from a many no more then 27 give or take, he never really let on to his birthday always with the excuse if he name would be remembered, remembered as the man Jesus Christ, to have lived over 2000 years ago and it is that more then 90% of the world population knows his name. “So today I’m going to ‘proof’, yeah proof it he would continue, now with a way to show you from looking within. With in the daily thoughts and actions you take every day, you make a ‘choicing’. Choice to work, choice to take the bus, choice, what to eat? For sure we knew this.
Yet in his simple way he shared the truth, truth in what you want is the truth in what you believe. Now I’m beginning to see that he means me, yet never says so. As I ponder his meaning, I am now beginning to understand, it relate to that part of our brain, the hypothalamus. That gland in the carter of our brain that sends chemical and electrical commands to our body, meaning our brain. “Wow, I’m so far gone from what he’s saying that it’s to simple for us as humans to figure this out. And as I am in wonderment, I am still wondering what the whole of this meant. Suddenly this genuine Muslim, with his prayer counter would elaborate on the finer things of life, so simple it is in the ability of everyone.
Now we’re getting to brass tacks I through. When he would just say, be kind. “Be kind?” How could I get to the point of what we were all capable of?” And, more confused as ever, he relied. “Just help one person everyday that you do not know.” “AND NOW FOR THE LESSON. OK, in Pencak Silat, we do not fight, our challenge to another person is to know what he knows, to achieve a greater understanding of how else I can provide the understanding of what I learned in this art and science of how to stop my opponent, first I try kindness. Second I choose, discussion as my guide, listen to what is being said. Third happens to be relied on as my choice function and has a different response depending on many social and physical aspects of my childhood, ‘growing up’ he would reply, “is everyday, one day at a time, so be kind. (helping, helping others, his was of saying it follows.) The meaning, to grow, sharing the knowledge, sharing the sweat, sharing conversation, sharing how you say hi to your self, and how you could help one person everyday that you do not know.) World neighbor is what we have these days; pretty soon your brain waves will be channeled through your iPhone! We travel to every country in the world and have become a world nation. In all experience life the born son or daughter, from every land, for thousands of years passed this knowledge of life. If you only to one thing for your self it is to help others, the people that’s weak, the people that’s strong, as one is another”.
35 years later I feel the need to understand that if we don’t use this art and science of our life first, how can we follow this simple but profound philosophy that Suryadi shared with us. Never should we forget that life is the meaning to survive, we must think so for every culture. It is the balance of this, that gives us all a change, strive for the choice to help one person first, yourself, the second someone that you don’t know. The same as to why you practice until you find the answer.
And when you think of it, a simple choice of a few words that mean the difference between invasion or/and co-habitation. And, as we progress with these bigger bombs, dose it really matter what we think about global warming, we’ll probably kill each other off, culture by culture.
Yes, the one problem with Jesus was the ruling classes could not permit or let people going around thinking they can heal, and solve all these problems. “And, these miracles that you see today are in comparison simple, for the miracles you will see be far greater, “Jesus replied”, in a story we all heard. So I thought that for every person I could give something as my gift. The final blows as Suryadi would say, "proof it, practice to make it so". Practice to become strong, you become strong, do you have to do it everyday.” Make a prayer couple of lines 3 or 4, and proof it.” One day to proof it he asked the class. “I can brake your arm with one stick of my hand”, there was objection in the class I felt it and heard form, Marcos Santos, when I asked him, What happened to him arm he replied, “Jafri said he could break my arm with one strike to my arm and I said he couldn’t. So I told him to try. And I believe!” As this thought of understanding what he meant was, practice every day and you will get it too. Meaning live life everyday as if it were your last! Just so you know, I practice ‘every day’.
I was fortunate to be the first student of Suryadi Jafri in a private class after a meeting with Tuhon Gaje, Jr. As Jafri introduced Silat to the class back in 1977 and 1978, I realized while looking around that everyone there had no concept of punching, although we trained in the Filipino Martial Arts, it wasnn't until letter that we all really need to practice more.
Want to know more of the great Suryadi Jafri, Master Emeritus? Visit us at Guru Jerry Jacobs, Master Pendakar Bill Saunders and myself, in Detroit, MI December 8th & 9th at a special Philippine Indonesian gathering.
Kali Silat, Pencak Silat, Muay Thai, Karate, Kung-fu, Coapuara, the study and mixing of martial arts, all these arts and sciences that rely on the philosophy of them all to survive, to live, and center around every culture, everyway of life, that no one person, group, school, organization, institution or government owns any one way of life, style or technique, and those that share ultimately continue to evolve.
Growing up and in every stage in this thing we call martial arts, the majority of which, is all of a processing the arts and sciences, as it relates to our human realm, and the role it plays in our lives even from the moments before physical birth, until our death. It is, as it relates to life and living it’, as Suryadi Jafri would say, “Live, life-ing”. Suryadi Jafri once said, “the meaning of life, to survive. Nothing more”, he added and he meant it. It revolves around our purpose of well-being, in every one's life. That everyday the most important thing next to practice that you would do everyday, was, “choicing”. “Choicing?” I would ask! As I replied in a broken English as if I were Indonesian myself.
So he would elaborate in ever thing he said, he would do and follow it up with proof. Proof, from a many no more then 27 give or take, he never really let on to his birthday always with the excuse if he name would be remembered, remembered as the man Jesus Christ, to have lived over 2000 years ago and it is that more then 90% of the world population knows his name. “So today I’m going to ‘proof’, yeah proof it he would continue, now with a way to show you from looking within. With in the daily thoughts and actions you take every day, you make a ‘choicing’. Choice to work, choice to take the bus, choice, what to eat? For sure we knew this.
Yet in his simple way he shared the truth, truth in what you want is the truth in what you believe. Now I’m beginning to see that he means me, yet never says so. As I ponder his meaning, I am now beginning to understand, it relate to that part of our brain, the hypothalamus. That gland in the carter of our brain that sends chemical and electrical commands to our body, meaning our brain. “Wow, I’m so far gone from what he’s saying that it’s to simple for us as humans to figure this out. And as I am in wonderment, I am still wondering what the whole of this meant. Suddenly this genuine Muslim, with his prayer counter would elaborate on the finer things of life, so simple it is in the ability of everyone.
Now we’re getting to brass tacks I through. When he would just say, be kind. “Be kind?” How could I get to the point of what we were all capable of?” And, more confused as ever, he relied. “Just help one person everyday that you do not know.” “AND NOW FOR THE LESSON. OK, in Pencak Silat, we do not fight, our challenge to another person is to know what he knows, to achieve a greater understanding of how else I can provide the understanding of what I learned in this art and science of how to stop my opponent, first I try kindness. Second I choose, discussion as my guide, listen to what is being said. Third happens to be relied on as my choice function and has a different response depending on many social and physical aspects of my childhood, ‘growing up’ he would reply, “is everyday, one day at a time, so be kind. (helping, helping others, his was of saying it follows.) The meaning, to grow, sharing the knowledge, sharing the sweat, sharing conversation, sharing how you say hi to your self, and how you could help one person everyday that you do not know.) World neighbor is what we have these days; pretty soon your brain waves will be channeled through your iPhone! We travel to every country in the world and have become a world nation. In all experience life the born son or daughter, from every land, for thousands of years passed this knowledge of life. If you only to one thing for your self it is to help others, the people that’s weak, the people that’s strong, as one is another”.
35 years later I feel the need to understand that if we don’t use this art and science of our life first, how can we follow this simple but profound philosophy that Suryadi shared with us. Never should we forget that life is the meaning to survive, we must think so for every culture. It is the balance of this, that gives us all a change, strive for the choice to help one person first, yourself, the second someone that you don’t know. The same as to why you practice until you find the answer.
And when you think of it, a simple choice of a few words that mean the difference between invasion or/and co-habitation. And, as we progress with these bigger bombs, dose it really matter what we think about global warming, we’ll probably kill each other off, culture by culture.
Yes, the one problem with Jesus was the ruling classes could not permit or let people going around thinking they can heal, and solve all these problems. “And, these miracles that you see today are in comparison simple, for the miracles you will see be far greater, “Jesus replied”, in a story we all heard. So I thought that for every person I could give something as my gift. The final blows as Suryadi would say, "proof it, practice to make it so". Practice to become strong, you become strong, do you have to do it everyday.” Make a prayer couple of lines 3 or 4, and proof it.” One day to proof it he asked the class. “I can brake your arm with one stick of my hand”, there was objection in the class I felt it and heard form, Marcos Santos, when I asked him, What happened to him arm he replied, “Jafri said he could break my arm with one strike to my arm and I said he couldn’t. So I told him to try. And I believe!” As this thought of understanding what he meant was, practice every day and you will get it too. Meaning live life everyday as if it were your last! Just so you know, I practice ‘every day’.
I was fortunate to be the first student of Suryadi Jafri in a private class after a meeting with Tuhon Gaje, Jr. As Jafri introduced Silat to the class back in 1977 and 1978, I realized while looking around that everyone there had no concept of punching, although we trained in the Filipino Martial Arts, it wasnn't until letter that we all really need to practice more.
Want to know more of the great Suryadi Jafri, Master Emeritus? Visit us at Guru Jerry Jacobs, Master Pendakar Bill Saunders and myself, in Detroit, MI December 8th & 9th at a special Philippine Indonesian gathering.