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  • questions questions questions

    hey guys, practically just started karate and im looking for a bit of help on a few issues. i know theres a search function but um, i couldnt seem to operate it correctly, so if i ask a question already answered let me know. im just gonna ask a few questions, if you can help me with any of them please reply, if you know them all, post that too. thanks guys, ur posts are real helpful. thanks for any help u can give me!
    1. firstly, in our dojo, we do virtually no conditioning exercises. so, i was wondering if you could tell me the most helpful areas to condition and give me a few methods for conditioning all of these. give me even the 'hard techniques' for each area
    2. how long should i stretch each day? i have real inflexible legs, any little trick stetches you know for stretching the legs?
    3. know any links/websites that have cool/helpful stuff ?
    4. could u give me a brief overview of different styles? just the main ones, because ive read about a few on here and i get confused between them. just yeah, give me some history on each one, the credibility of the style, the style it uses, strenths/weaknesses etc. are there any rivalries between styles?
    5.i used to go to the gym 3 times a weak to increas my stength, since i began doing karate 5 times a week ive stopped. how important is physical strength?, should i sacrifice a karate lesson or two for the gym? or are the extra training sessions more beneficial for my fighting than the strength training?
    6. ive only being doing karate for a few months, im fit, but not skilled or experienced by any means yet. i would love to compete, just to get some 'real fight' experience. any advice? i dont want to go in large tournaments yet.
    7. could any of you guys give me some help in constructing a good program for my training? as in foods to eat, stretches, how much sparring to do, fitness, bag work, stuff like that.

    thanks heaps for any help you can give me on any or all of these questions. i appreciate it heaps.

  • #2
    Hi mate. I'm not going to answer all those questions. Just join either a boxing or Thai Boxing club and all your worries will be over. I've done the Karate thing. Effective Karate is rarer than Rocking Horse Shit, but the above arts have no worries in this area.

    And, if you want to become a more rounded fighter, combine one of the above with Judo or Brazillian Jiu Jitsu.

    This about it, is trotting round a dojo hitting and kicking thin air really going to turn you into an effective fighter?


    • #3
      I'm not going to answer every question either, nor go back over what Thai Bri said - there are so many threads here re: what arts/styles are out there that you will find them just by browsing. Look throught he introductions and the MMA/BJJ sections.

      Lifting weights is a personal choice, but at the beginning I'd say take as many hours of class per week as you can. You will get more retention out of 4 hours/wk of instruction than 2/wk ( more than double, I mean).

      You don't need a bunch of exotic stretches for MA flexibility - Go to the bookstore, browse through some sports fitness books with pictures and start stretching every day.

      To get the most out of it, you should warm up a little before stretching. Jump rope or shadow box or run through your kata or whatever - just loosen up a bit.

      Then run through your stretches spending 30sec-1min on each. You want to stretch just to the point of slight discomfort, but NOT to the point of pain, if you see the difference. Some say stretching should be done in the morning, I think just before a workout makes more sense - there are a lot of opinions.


      DO: Go to the gym as often as you can. When you are bored of the gym, make yourself go anyway. Socialize at the gym, make friends there so you look forward to going to the gym.

      DO NOT: Worry so much about diets and stretches and weights and things that training becomes overcomplicated and burdensome.


      • #4
        What style of karate are you doing?

        1. firstly, in our dojo, we do virtually no conditioning exercises. so, i was wondering if you could tell me the most helpful areas to condition and give me a few methods for conditioning all of these. give me even the 'hard techniques' for each area
        Spear hand into a bucket of sand, punch a canvas heavy bag without bag gloves, kick a canvas heavy bag.

        2. how long should i stretch each day? i have real inflexible legs, any little trick stetches you know for stretching the legs?
        Stretch a little bit though the day.

        3. know any links/websites that have cool/helpful stuff ?

        4. could u give me a brief overview of different styles? just the main ones, because ive read about a few on here and i get confused between them. just yeah, give me some history on each one, the credibility of the style, the style it uses, strenths/weaknesses etc. are there any rivalries between styles?
        Too many to name and may not matter because of cruddy teachers.

        5.i used to go to the gym 3 times a weak to increas my stength, since i began doing karate 5 times a week ive stopped. how important is physical strength?, should i sacrifice a karate lesson or two for the gym? or are the extra training sessions more beneficial for my fighting than the strength training?
        When you need more strength decrease the karate and increase the weights, when your karate suffers increase the karate and decrease the weights.

        7. could any of you guys give me some help in constructing a good program for my training? as in foods to eat, stretches, how much sparring to do, fitness, bag work, stuff like that.
        Your school should be giving you this information.


        • #5
          Answers, Answers, Answers

          I know I am new to the board, but I'll throw my 2-cents in anyways -

          Choosing a Martial Arts style (and school) is a very personal choice - you need to first understand what your goal or goals are. For instance, are you just in it to get in shape? Are you looking for primarily self defense? Are you in it more for the sport or competition aspect? Once you understand your goals you can find a style and school that fits your needs - I recommend checking out many schools / styles / instructors before you make a choice -

          Conditioning - again what are your looking for? For building pure stamina and over-all body conditioning I like Kickboxing (or even Cardio-Kickboxing / Karate) - this is a great total body workout. I don't do a lot of weight training - so I can't speak to that.

          I do all my basic stretches every day - then reserve one day a week (remember that your muscles and tendons need time to heal) for very heavy advanced stretching (feel free to e-mail me for more detailed info.)

          Hope this helps .....

