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Thai Bri - Defense against firearms (or anybody else)

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  • Thai Bri - Defense against firearms (or anybody else)

    OK Thai Bri - enough of the debate for a moment and on to more serious matters -

    Did not realize you were across the lake - as you do (did not) carry firearms - did you ever train to defend against an assailaint who was armed?

    If so, what are some of the methods you used in this situation?

    I consider this one of the most seriour situations you can find yourself in - and have a number of techniques that we practice against this if the assailint is at close range - but am looking form more techniques to work in - especially if they include closing distance.

    (anybody who has input please feel free to chime in)

    If there is already a thread on this and I have missed it I apologize - point me in the right direction.


    --------------/ Respect

  • #2
    I'm aware of some techniques, but have never trained them myself.

    Look here

    and here


    • #3
      thnx -

      So was this a rare situation then, for you folks to be confronted by an armed assailing - as this is pretty prevelant here?


      • #4
        It is very very rare here. I'm glad you said that though. The NRA types I have spoken to insist that the USA is far safer than the UK, and that this is because you all can carry guns and "an armed society is a polite society".

        I have no objection to you lot having the Right to Bear Arms, but I do get annoyed when the more extremist right tell me that I am a sheep for being British and not wanting to carry a gun.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Thai Bri
          It is very very rare here. I'm glad you said that though. The NRA types I have spoken to insist that the USA is far safer than the UK, and that this is because you all can carry guns and "an armed society is a polite society".

          I have no objection to you lot having the Right to Bear Arms, but I do get annoyed when the more extremist right tell me that I am a sheep for being British and not wanting to carry a gun.
          Yeah - well I have nothing against the right to bear arms, until I have to defend myself against it- all in all I think you have the right of it on this one - Just was curious if you ever had to address that type of situation ..


          • #6
            In fairness we do have an increasing problem with guns. But it is almost exclusively gang related, and the guns are used against other gang members. It is very rarae for an officer to be shot at, and occasionally innocent people get caught in the cross fire. But, for the most part, viciously armed shit heads are killing each other.


            • #7
              In fairness we do have an increasing problem with guns

              No no no no no that cannot be possible as all guns in the UK are illegal no one would EVER think to break those laws.

              The government will take care of the problem. Worry not your heads about such things.

              NLK -

              How in the world are you 'defending yourself from the right to bear arms? That's like saying you're defending yourself from my right bear hands.

              If a person is pointing a gun at you they are exercising a personal choice not the 2nd amendment.

              Besides, if you find yourself in that situation you fracked up some where along the way.



              • #8
                I guess one of the best ways to defend against a guy that wants to shoot you is to - not allow the situation escalate to the point where he wants to shoot you,

                Give him your money, give him you clothes, your car, whatever to stop the dude killing you!

                If you have a gun wealding psyco on your hands, i dont care how much MA's ya know, or how many elaborate defences, you will probably end up dead.

                A gun is a distance weapon, not a close range weapon. Defending against a knife i understand, the guy has to be near you to effect his attack. A gunman could be near you but generally he wont be that close. and you have to move faster than his reaction time and his finger muscles. That is near imposible to do at any distance from him.

                My advice be nice to everyone and if you get stuck up, give em what they want.



                • #9
                  give em what they want
                  Yeah, especially if they want your wife or children...

                  Chris I thought you were English, I didn't know you were transplanted from France...

                  Does anyone know how to say "I give up" in French?



                  • #10
                    My point was not to debate the pros and cons of gun control - I don't carry a gun so am not in a position to argue about it - my point is this howevor -

                    If you are carrying (or not) - once an aggressor gets a gun on you it's to late to try and draw on your own - correct me if I'm wrong.

                    So the point remains - how do you defend?

                    I agree with CD2 - if they want my stuff I'll give it to them, no problem - it's not worth a bullet in the brain< If they want my family / kids, etc... that's another story.

                    Point in fact (and this has been proven, I'll have to find the study for you) 90% of people shot in a public place survice - on the other hand the majority of people that are "taken" to another location do not ......... so even if you take a bullet your best option is to attract as much attention as possible and do your best to eliminate the aggressor - so back to the main point of the thread -

                    best ways to defend - any input?


                    • #11
                      Besides, if you find yourself in that situation you fracked up some where along the way.
                      Spanky - if someone walks into my business, or up to me in the street and pulls a gun - explain to me where I "fracked" up?

                      It happens every day with no provication necessary .....


                      • #12
                        Do you routinely get jacked up on the street? Walking along minding your own business in the middle of rush hour foot traffic and outta nowhere BAM this guy's got a gun robbing you?

                        Have you taken a good bit of safety precaution to protect your store?

                        Do you have ample security to measures in place to discourage such behavior?

                        You do have a good point. You cannot prevent every single instance from happening. However, avoidance, awareness and escape should always be high on your to do list.


                        If you did not want to thread to spin out into the whole gun debate then you should be more careful in the language you use during your dialogue.

                        Case in point. Your 'awareness' level of the environment was low enough to get you into a situation you didn't forsee. You 'fracked' up on your way and now find yourself in a sticky situation.



                        • #13
                          If you did not want to thread to spin out into the whole gun debate then you should be more careful in the language you use during your dialogue.
                          Point made - I apologize.


                          • #14
                            You do have a good point. You cannot prevent every single instance from happening. However, avoidance, awareness and escape should always be high on your to do list.
                            True - avoidance, awareness and escape are the key. My point was you can't always anticipate what is going to happen.

                            What I was trying to get to was "What are the best methods for an unarmed defender against an armed (firearm) aggressor?" - then what methods can we use to train against such ......


                            • #15
                              I am assuming that we are talking about a firearm held to the your body.


