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Mas Oyama's Hands

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  • #16

    though I am TKD I do makiwara training. not quite sure if I made it right though all I had to go by was a Steven Seagal movie and a website about Oyama. I use a pine 1x6 with rope wrapped around the top foot and a half of it. it stands about 6 feet. it's nice (it hurts after a few minutes though) and acts almost like a speed bag . I punch it (of course) and also practice knife hand, ridge hand, and palm strikes on it. BTW it also makes a handy Rope Dart target.


    • #17
      Originally posted by MatthewAlphonso
      though I am TKD I do makiwara training. not quite sure if I made it right though all I had to go by was a Steven Seagal movie and a website about Oyama. I use a pine 1x6 with rope wrapped around the top foot and a half of it. it stands about 6 feet. it's nice (it hurts after a few minutes though) and acts almost like a speed bag . I punch it (of course) and also practice knife hand, ridge hand, and palm strikes on it. BTW it also makes a handy Rope Dart target.
      that's cool enough i guess. they're for developing callouses that'll do


      • #18
        The question is its all good having rock hard hands.

        Do u really want to go out and chat up women and they scream and run away because u got ugly hands.

        This Mas Oyamha was a great fighter and he killed with his hands but times have changed. Also do u really eant to get arthritis in your hands ? and suffer pains later in life ?.

        Its best to use knuckle dustors to hit hard rather then rubbing your hands in hot sand


        • #19

          did makiwara in my early training.
          my teachers did not advocate it, but being a preteen some of us saw the 'movies' and decided we were going to do it to

          we used makiwara posts, boards, bricks, and glass. broke them, but not without bad bodily damage. my knuckles are scarred and uneven to this day... along with knees and elbows..

          later I learned ki and it made it easier, but my previous and present teachers said that its stupid to attack hard surfaces without healing


          • #20
            I generally stop after my hands start to get red, after that I go practice something else for a while. As for having ugly hands, I could care less about appearance (I'm already not much to look at ) But I would rather be a profficient fighter than be able to easily pick up chicks (to young to go to a bar anyway)


            • #21
              Originally posted by holyman
              The question is its all good having rock hard hands.

              This Mas Oyamha was a great fighter and he killed with his hands but times have changed. Also do u really eant to get arthritis in your hands ? and suffer pains later in life ?.

              Its best to use knuckle dustors to hit hard rather then rubbing your hands in hot sand
              Thanks all for your responses. Holyman, as for his hands being hard, I suppose that goes without saying but I guess he thought that performance at any expense was a serious option. My personal experiences, being punched, is that a bare hand still hurts enough.



              • #22
                Yeah he killed bulls but what kind of person takes life to prove a point ?
                Originally posted by Nazman
                Thanks all for your responses. Holyman, as for his hands being hard, I suppose that goes without saying but I guess he thought that performance at any expense was a serious option. My personal experiences, being punched, is that a bare hand still hurts enough.



                • #23
                  Originally posted by IronFist
                  Yeah he killed bulls but what kind of person takes life to prove a point ?
                  if the bull was going to get butchered anyway does that make him such a bad guy.


                  • #24
                    Still doesnt give him the right to take life, personally I think hes a prick for doing this.

                    Originally posted by shuyun
                    if the bull was going to get butchered anyway does that make him such a bad guy.


                    • #25
                      Calluses and Artheritis!

                      Dear All,

                      Most important to the discussion is this...The purpose of conditioning the striking tool is to harden the bone. The calluses one developes is an adverse reaction to the training. Your intention is not just to get calluses, but rather to harden the bone. Calluses are more a side effect of the conditioning.

                      Secondly, the statement (and Im paraphrasing) regarding Oyama's arthritis at a later age is almost funny, Oyama lived into his eighties. Now, how many eighty year olds do you know that dont have these problems on cold winter mornings. My little brother had to soak his entire body in warm water every winter morning do to juvenile rheumitoid arthritis starting at age 4. My grandmother has this same problem today at age 77, but not from MA training, but rather many years of using her hands.

                      My grandfather is 78 years old and still does manual labor...he will be the first to tell you,"I dont have arthritis, carpul tunnel syndrome or tennis elbow, hell, I never even played tennis...only ailment I suffer from is OLD AGE"



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by IronFist
                        Still doesnt give him the right to take life, personally I think hes a prick for doing this.
                        I assume you are a vegitarian, suppose a buther is a prick too
                        Muslims cut the throat of live animals too, when thebutcher them, suppose all of thems are pricks in your eyes

                        different times, different cultures man

                        Now in this time and in the west he would be just as big a prick as foxhunterrs in the UK or bullfighters in Spain


                        • #27
                          ,"I dont have arthritis, carpul tunnel syndrome or tennis elbow, hell, I never even played tennis...only ailment I suffer from is OLD AGE"
                          hahahhaaa brilliant


                          • #28
                            Truth be told!

                            Dear All,

                            Forging done over a period of time should not create physical problems. You offered Mas Oyama Sensei as an example of what forging can do to ones joints.

                            I offer an example of my own. General Choi Hong Hi who in his eighties was more mobile than most thirty year olds. Rhee Hi Ha, now well in his sixties does not appear to suffer physical ailment do to forging.

                            Your heals are flat and hard do to repeated contact with the ground. Did you stop walking do to fear of heal spurs, or possible knee damage? Probably not!

                            Well, Mas Oyama suffered from a condition that plagues many individuals in their later adult life. Medically it is defind as DETERIATION...Our bodies just dont last forever...



                            • #29
                              This reminds me of a TKD Master about 20 years ago. His party piece was breaking things with his head. He suddenly dropped dead with a blood clot on the brain but, of course, it was nothing to do with years of banging his head against breeze blocks.....

                              Oyama was a great martial arrtist. But he overdid the training on his hands and suffered horrendous problems becaue of it. Sure old people can get arthiritis. But Karate Ka can also give it to themselevs.

                              I mean some people get crushed. It doesn't mean that jumping under a performing Elephants arse when it sits down is ok, now does it?


                              • #30
                                you may not get crushed, you may just get very 'greasy'

