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  • Sai

    I am very curious about where to find information about the weapon called Sais. I hope this is the correct place for this topic. I am pretty sure that Sais are Japanese weapons. I own a nice pair and I know so far that they were mainly for use against Bo and swords. Just looking at them though, I could see them being used in a style like one of the traditional fighting styles. Maybe like in the stance or style of Mantis. I am really lost on this one though. If anyone can help me find info. on techniques with Sai I would be very grateful. I really want to know if there is a practical or useful way of fighting with them. I know many people say that Sai are useless when it comes to street fighting (serious fights for your life) but I really want to find good use for them. I think they could still have place in the martial arts. I just need more information I guess!

  • #2

    these weapons are Okinawan in origin. They are an evolution of the fork used to carry hay bails.

    As with Nunchaku they are an evolution of farming impliments used by the okinawans to attempt to subdue the Japanese Bushi who occupied Okinawa and banned all weapons. Often this weapon is used in Karate systems due to its close connection with the style (Okinawa) or is used in RyuKyuKempo.

    It is not pressent in any Japanese Koryu.

    the japanese have a weapon called a Jutte which is 'similar' but is a restraint trunchon generally with one prong for subdueing the sword of bushi.

    hope this helps.



    • #3
      When learning basics and kata, there's no difference. But at higher levels; are there any functional differences between an octagon and a round sai? I know that squared wounds heal slower. I cannot think of another difference, but cant believe that they would make both if there was not a difference.

      Is there anyone that could shed some light on this?

